Open Government Licence (OGL)

North Coast and Orkney Islands regions (Mask)

Marine Scotland Information NMPi icon

Under the Marine (Scotland) Act 2010, Scottish Ministers were given the power to identify the boundaries of Scottish Marine Regions (SMRs) for the purposes of regional marine planning. The Scottish Marine Regions Order 2015 identifies 11 Scottish Marine Regions and establishes their boundaries. Mask layers have additionally been produced for NMPi depicting each of the individual Scottish Marine regions. This layer displays the North Coast and Orkney Islands Regions.

Orkney Islands region (Mask)

Marine Scotland Information NMPi icon

Under the Marine (Scotland) Act 2010, Scottish Ministers were given the power to identify the boundaries of Scottish Marine Regions (SMRs) for the purposes of regional marine planning. The Scottish Marine Regions Order 2015 identifies 11 Scottish Marine Regions and establishes their boundaries. Mask layers have additionally been produced for NMPi depicting each of the individual Scottish Marine regions. This layer displays the Orkney Islands Marine Region. 


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