Clydeplan SDPA
Data provided by Clydeplan SDPA under OSMA Public Sector licence.
Title | Copyright or Terms of Use |
Clydeplan Strategic Development Planning Authority boundary |
Polygon boundary of the Clydeplan Strategic Development Planning Authority Created using OS Boundary Line (2007) Local Authority data and national park data provided by the Loch Lomond & the Trossachs National Park Authority. In changing from a Structure Plan Joint Committee to a Strategic Development Planning Authority in 2009, Loch Lomond National Park in West Dunbartonshire has been removed from the SDPA area. The OS Boundary Line Local Authority polygon data for Inverclyde creates a rectangular area to the north of Greenock harbour. This has been amended using the OS Boundary Line Local Authority polyline data for Inverclyde, substituting the irregular rectangular area with the polyline that follows the coast. |