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Title | Copyright or Terms of Use |
Aquaculture - Proposed Extensions to Planning Zones for Marine Fish Farming - Illustrative (hidden below 1:50,000) - September 2024 |
Proposed Marine Planning Zones Extension (0-12 nautical miles). Marine planning zones set out the spatial limits for particular local authorities responsibilities for planning controls of marine fish and shellfish farms in Scottish waters. Scottish Government are proposing that marine planning zones are extended out to 12 nautical miles to resolve a gap in aquaculture planning regulations. These proposals go through a public consultation which opened on 18th September 2024 and closes on 11th December 2024. This layer displays the proposed marine planning zones extended out to 12 nautical miles. |
Offshore Wind Innovation and Targeted Oil and Gas (INTOG) Applications - Crown Estate Scotland |
This dataset represents the successful application areas of the INTOG leasing round. This dataset represents the successful application areas for the INTOG leasing round as of the Data Last Updated date. The boundaries reflect those agreed with successful applicants. Areas may change before the final legal agreements are in place. This data will be updated if awards change with the final version being available once legal agreements are completed. This dataset is in WGS84 (EPSG:4326) coordinate reference system. Should you have any questions regarding this dataset please email Crown Estate Scotland manages rights to exploit renewable energy and gas storage in Scottish Territorial Waters and the Scottish zone of the European Economic Zone. To find out more about Crown Estate Scotland's function, purpose, and values visit their website. Explore more of their open data at Crown Estate Scotland Spatial Hub. |
Rod and Lines - Scottish Under 12m vessels - Annual average value (2018-2022) (£) |
Owners or masters of Scottish fishing vessels under 12m overall length must declare a latitude and longitude position (DD MM) on each fishing day indicating where the majority of the catch was taken. This data has been recorded since 2016 for vessels submitting Fish 1 forms and from 2018 onwards for vessels submitting paper logbooks. This dataset aggregates the positions declared between 2017 and 2021, along with the associated catch weight and values, into C-Squares of 0.05 x 0.05 decimal degrees. The data is grouped into sectors of This data includes catches of razor clams up until 1st February 2018. Since this date, only vessels involved in the scientific trial can land razor clams. Data will be published on these vessels once the trial is complete. |
Bottom Trawls - Scottish Under 12m vessels - Annual average value (2018-2022) (£) |
Owners or masters of Scottish fishing vessels under 12m overall length must declare a latitude and longitude position (DD MM) on each fishing day indicating where the majority of the catch was taken. This data has been recorded since 2016 for vessels submitting Fish 1 forms and from 2018 onwards for vessels submitting paper logbooks. This dataset aggregates the positions declared between 2017 and 2021, along with the associated catch weight and values, into C-Squares of 0.05 x 0.05 decimal degrees. The data is grouped into sectors of This data includes catches of razor clams up until 1st February 2018. Since this date, only vessels involved in the scientific trial can land razor clams. Data will be published on these vessels once the trial is complete. |
Dredges - Scottish Under 12m vessels - Annual average value (2018-2022) (£) |
Owners or masters of Scottish fishing vessels under 12m overall length must declare a latitude and longitude position (DD MM) on each fishing day indicating where the majority of the catch was taken. This data has been recorded since 2016 for vessels submitting Fish 1 forms and from 2018 onwards for vessels submitting paper logbooks. This dataset aggregates the positions declared between 2017 and 2021, along with the associated catch weight and values, into C-Squares of 0.05 x 0.05 decimal degrees. The data is grouped into sectors of This data includes catches of razor clams up until 1st February 2018. Since this date, only vessels involved in the scientific trial can land razor clams. Data will be published on these vessels once the trial is complete. |
Fishing - Scottish Under 12m vessels - Other gears - Annual average value (2017-2021) (£) |
Owners or masters of Scottish fishing vessels under 12m overall length must declare a latitude and longitude position (DD MM) on each fishing day indicating where the majority of the catch was taken. This data has been recorded since 2016 for vessels submitting Fish 1 forms and from 2018 onwards for vessels submitting paper logbooks. This dataset aggregates the positions declared between 2017 and 2021, along with the associated catch weight and values, into C-Squares of 0.05 x 0.05 decimal degrees. The data is grouped into sectors of This data includes catches of razor clams up until 1st February 2018. Since this date, only vessels involved in the scientific trial can land razor clams. Data will be published on these vessels once the trial is complete. |
Creels, Pots and Traps - Scottish Under 12m vessels - Annual average value (2018-2022) (£) |
Owners or masters of Scottish fishing vessels under 12m overall length must declare a latitude and longitude position (DD MM) on each fishing day indicating where the majority of the catch was taken. This data has been recorded since 2016 for vessels submitting Fish 1 forms and from 2018 onwards for vessels submitting paper logbooks. This dataset aggregates the positions declared between 2017 and 2021, along with the associated catch weight and values, into C-Squares of 0.05 x 0.05 decimal degrees. The data is grouped into sectors of This data includes catches of razor clams up until 1st February 2018. Since this date, only vessels involved in the scientific trial can land razor clams. Data will be published on these vessels once the trial is complete. |
Areas where fishing with BOTTOM CONTACTING MOBILE GEAR is prohibited or not practical |
Fishing pressures can be managed using spatial measures such as prohibiting or restricting certain types of fishing, target species, or vessel capacity. This dataset depicts areas where fishing with BOTTOM CONTACTING MOBILE GEAR is prohibited by EU, UK and Scottish legislation since 1986. Polygons were simplified for web use and are for illustrative purposes only. Guidance should be sought from Fishery Offices on interpreting legislation. Bottom contacting mobile gear includes trawls, seines, and dredges. Management areas are included for vulnerable marine ecosystems, and deep sea corals. These deep sea areas do not specifically prohibit dredging, but cover areas of sea too deep for dredging to take place. |
European Diploma Areas (SNH WMS) |
The European Diploma is an award established by the Council of Europe under Regulation (65) 6 of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe of 6 March 1965 for certain landscapes, reserves and protected national features, and Resolution (73) 4 of 19 January 1973 on the Regulations for the European Diploma (amended and revised by Resolution (88) 39 of 5 December 1988, (89) 12 of 19 June 1989 and (91) 16 of 17 June 1989). By awarding the European Diploma, the Council of Europe recognises that the area is of particular European interest for natural-heritage and that the area is properly protected. The Diploma can be awarded to national parks, nature reserves or natural areas, sites or features. The award is for a five-year period. Annual reports are required for each area, and the renewal of the award at 5 years is only made after independent assessment of the site. The Diploma can be withdrawn at any time if the area comes under threat or suffers serious damage. |
Geological Conservation Review Sites (SNH WMS) |
The Geological Conservation Review (GCR) is the register of known nationally and internationally important Earth science (geological and geomorphological) sites in Great Britain. |