North Sea Transitional Authority (NSTA)
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Title | Copyright or Terms of Use |
Carbon Capture and Storage - NSTA Licences (NSTA WMS) |
This dataset contains current UK Continental Shelf Carbon Dioxide Appraisal and Storage licences.
Oil and Gas - Infrastructure - Subsurface (NSTA WMS) |
The OGA national data repository (NDR) provides data for offshare oil and gas infrastructure including: pipelines (positions and descriptive attributes); surface infrastructure (platforms, FPSOs, buoys etc); subsea infrastructure (manifolds, tees, anchors etc.); and safety zones (shipping exclusion areas around hazardous infrastructure) |
Oil and Gas - Infrastructure - Surface (NSTA WMS) |
The OGA national data repository (NDR) provides data for offshare oil and gas infrastructure including: pipelines (positions and descriptive attributes); surface infrastructure (platforms, FPSOs, buoys etc); subsea infrastructure (manifolds, tees, anchors etc.); and safety zones (shipping exclusion areas around hazardous infrastructure) |
Oil and Gas - Infrastructure - Wells (NSTA WMS) |
The OGA national data repository (NDR) provides data for offshare oil and gas infrastructure including: pipelines (positions and descriptive attributes); surface infrastructure (platforms, FPSOs, buoys etc); subsea infrastructure (manifolds, tees, anchors etc.); and safety zones (shipping exclusion areas around hazardous infrastructure) |
Oil and Gas - Infrastructure - Freespans (NSTA WMS) |
The OGA national data repository (NDR) provides data for offshare oil and gas infrastructure including: pipelines (positions and descriptive attributes); surface infrastructure (platforms, FPSOs, buoys etc); subsea infrastructure (manifolds, Tees, anchors etc.); and safety zones (shipping exclusion areas around hazardous infrastructure) |
Oil and Gas - Offshore Hydrocarbon Fields (NSTA WMS) |
Web mapping service showing offshore hydrocarbon field outlines as provided by the operators at the point of field determination or re-determination. The data indicates approximate areas of fields only, not the full boundaries of the reservoirs. |
Oil and Gas - Licensed and unlicensed blocks (NSTA WMS) |
This layer is part of the dataset that shows blocks and part blocks subject to periodic oil and gas licensing rounds. This layer is a Web mapping service from UK Oil & Gas Authority showing licence boundaries covering both onshore and offshore UK. |
Oil and Gas - Quadrants (NSTA WMS) |
This layer is a web mapping service from showing Quadrants (1 degree by 1 degree grid) covering both onshore and offshore UK. |
Oil and Gas - Offshore Oil and Gas Licencing Blocks (NSTA) |
This layer shows the general grid on which offshore oil and gas licensing is based. |