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Construction Programme - Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Wind Farms
Data Type:
Marine Licence documentation
Download resources:
Construction Programme (June 2020)
2.42 MB
Decision Notice - Offshore Transmission Asset (August 2020)
99.74 KB
Decision Notice - Seagreen Alpha Offshore Wind Farm (August 2020)
97.61 KB
Decision Notice - Seagreen Bravo Offshore Wind Farm (August 2020)
98.12 KB
Construction Programme (May 2021)
2.95 MB
Approval Letter - Offshore Transmission Asset (October 2021)
103.38 KB
Approval Letter - Seagreen Alpha Offshore Wind Farm (October 2021)
102.42 KB
Approval Letter - Seagreen Bravo Offshore Wind Farm (October 2021)
102.16 KB
Construction Programme (November 2021)
2.18 MB
Approval Letter - Offshore Transmission Asset (February 2022)
103.81 KB
Approval Letter - Seagreen Alpha Offshore Wind Farm (February 2022)
102.38 KB
Approval Letter - Seagreen Bravo Offshore Wind Farm (February 2022)
102.03 KB
Construction Programme (March 2022)
482.07 KB
Approval Letter - Offshore Transmission Asset (April 2022)
103.45 KB
Approval Letter - Seagreen Alpha Offshore Wind Farm (April 2022)
102.94 KB
Approval Letter - Seagreen Bravo Offshore Wind Farm (April 2022)
102.61 KB
Construction Programme (June 2022)
2.51 MB
Approval Letter - Offshore Transmission Asset (August 2022)
103.28 KB
Approval Letter - Seagreen Alpha Offshore Wind Farm (August 2022)
102.65 KB
Approval Letter - Seagreen Bravo Offshore Wind Farm (August 2022)
102.35 KB
CoP Rev 09
484.29 KB
CoP Rev 09 Approval Letter - Seagreen Alpha and Bravo
107.58 KB
CoP Rev 10 Approval letter - Seagreen Alpha and Bravo
125.86 KB
CoP Rev 10
708.9 KB
CoP - Rev 11
484.75 KB
CoP - Rev 11 - Bravo approval letter
105.19 KB
CoP - Rev 11 - Alpha approval letter
104.56 KB
CoP - Rev 11 - OTA approval letter
105.95 KB
CoP - Rev 12
475.93 KB
CoP - Rev 12 - Alpha approval letter
148.82 KB
CoP - Rev 12 - Bravo approval letter
147.46 KB
CoP - Rev 12 - OTA approval letter
149.7 KB
Document type:
Decision notice
Stage document submitted:
Type of application:
Renewables - Wind
Date submitted:
Monday, August 1, 2022
This document is part of the following marine licence applications or projects:
Marine Licence - Construction and operation of transmission works - Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Wind Farm Area, Firth of Forth - 04678 /00010078/00010467/00010726
Section 36 Consent Variation - Construction and operation of wind farm, Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Wind Farm Area, Firth of Forth
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