
Crab and lobster fishery assessment areas in Scotland

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For assessment purposes, the Scottish creel fishing grounds are divided into 12 assessment areas. Some Scottish assessment areas extend outside Scottish Territorial Waters. On the east of Scotland the South East assessment area extends beyond the Scottish border, while on the west coast, the Clyde assessment area stops short of the Irish border. There is some fishing on grounds outside the assessment areas. Currently these areas support only small fisheries and landings data are monitored for any change in importance.

Derived from Thomas, H.J., 1958. Lobster and crab fisheries in Scotland. Marine Research, 8: 107 and subsequently revised to include two offshore areas – Papa, which lies to the west of Shetland, and Sule, which is to the north and west of Orkney and includes Rona, Sulisker and Sule-Skerry banks.


Clydeplan Strategic Development Planning Authority boundary

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Polygon boundary of the Clydeplan Strategic Development Planning Authority

Created using OS Boundary Line (2007) Local Authority data and national park data provided by the Loch Lomond & the Trossachs National Park Authority. In changing from a Structure Plan Joint Committee to a Strategic Development Planning Authority in 2009, Loch Lomond National Park in West Dunbartonshire has been removed from the SDPA area. The OS Boundary Line Local Authority polygon data for Inverclyde creates a rectangular area to the north of Greenock harbour. This has been amended using the OS Boundary Line Local Authority polyline data for Inverclyde, substituting the irregular rectangular area with the polyline that follows the coast.


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