Carbon budgets and potential blue carbon stores
What is it:
These layers are part of the picture of the carbon budgets and potential for blue (i.e. within coastal or near-shore habitats) carbon stores in Scotland's seas.
- Predicted kelp habitat in Scottish sea areas regions based on relationships between MNCR kelp abundance data and underlying habitat predictors (see report figure 5).
- Seagrass records around Scotland - Zostera marina (Z, 169 records), Zostera noltii (N, 93 records) and Ruppia (R, 112 records) (report figure 7).
- Percentage carbonate in the top 10cm of superficial sediments, interpolated from BGS sediment records (report figure 11).
Date of data: 2014
Links to Scotland's Marine Atlas:
Data originators:
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Blue carbon report layers (SNH Commissioned Report 761) © SNH