Scottish Shelf Model Integration
The wider Scottish Shelf Model (SSM) domain covers the whole Scottish Shelf, and beyond, and has a nominal horizontal resolution of 1 km at the coastline. Whilst this resolution is suitable for many applications, there are applications that require higher resolution. This is why a number of sub-models have been developed, which can be nested within the wider SSM. The output from the nested sub-models, at a high spatial resolution, was then integrated with the wider SSM producing a product covering the whole Scottish Shelf with exceptionally high resolution along most of the coastline.
The fully integrated sub-models were forced along their open boundary with detailed output from the SSM climatological run (water elevation, horizontal velocities, temperature and salinity). This one way nesting approach ensured that the sub-models were stable and produce realistic results close to their open boundaries that are in agreement with the wider SSM. This level of agreement between the models enabled the climatological outputs to be combined into a single output grid with an exceptionally high resolution.
To date the most commonly used integrated variables are the velocity fields for particle tracking applications. The integrated output allows particle tracking simulations beyond the boundaries of individual fine resolution models, while taking advantage of the finer resolution outputs in the areas where those are available. The latest version is 2.02 incorporating the latest climatological outputs from the wider SSM and four sub-models.