Biological Effects - Lysosomal Membrane Stability by Neutral Red Retention from 2016 (time-aware)

This map layer has been supplied directly by Marine Scotland National Marine Plan interactive. You can obtain additional information about the layer on this page

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Marine Environmental Assessment Group data for organic contaminants, metals, biological effects and water chemistry collected for the Clean Seas Environment Monitoring Programme (CSEMP). Sediment and biota samples are analysed for organic contaminants (PAHs, PCBs and PBDEs) and trace metals. Biological effects are also measured in biota. Nutrients are measured in water samples. This layer shows the assessments from the UK Marine Environment Monitoring and Assessment National (MERMAN) database for reporting lysosomal membrane stability by neutral red retention in mussels, which shows cellular-level indicator of general stress. Higher values equate to less stress.

All data is submitted to the UK Merman database.

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Layer name:nmp:hazardous_substances_neutral_red_retention
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