Map 8 - Locally Protected Areas - Geosites
This map layer has been supplied directly by Marine Scotland National Marine Plan interactive. You can obtain additional information about the layer on this page
This assessment has been developed by NAFC Marine Centre, on behalf of the Shetland Islands Marine Planning Partnership, with guidance from the Shetland Islands Marine Planning Partnership Advisory Group. The assessment provides a data baseline to support the development of a regional marine plan under the Marine Scotland Act (2010).
Please visit the Shetland Islands Regional Marine Planning Partnership website (under Data Provider) for more information, including the data originators for all the individual data sets used for the maps. It is not possible to list all the originators here. As the assessment is a snapshot in time, more up to date data may be available on MS Maps NMPi along with data originator details.
Layer name:nmp:shetland_smea_map8_polys