Sand gravel resources
This map layer has been supplied directly by Marine Scotland National Marine Plan interactive. You can obtain additional information about the layer on this page
On behalf of the Crown Estate, the British Geological Survey mapped the marine aggregate and mineral resources around Scotland. The data has been inferred from geological data, review of relevant literature and interpretation of boreholes.
The marine aggregate resources include:
- Sand and gravel (aggregate) resources,
- Prospective areas for Sand and gravel (aggregate) resources,
- Fill areas where the mud content of the sand is <10% and so is not considered a Sand and gravel (aggregate) resource; but is of value because it is suitable for fill in, for example, land reclamation use.
The mineral resources include:
- Coal resources
- Evaporite resources
- Metallic mineral resources
Each of the 6 resources can be viewed as an NMPI layer.
This layer displays the sand and gravel resources around Scotland as mapped, on behalf of the Crown Estate, by the British Geological Survey.
GIS Data Type:
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Base WMS Address:
Layer name:nmp:SandGravel
Layer name:nmp:SandGravel
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