Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) - Phenanthrene (PA) in Biota from 2013 (time-aware) |
No |
Crown |
PFOW MSP Map 2 International Nature Conservation Areas |
No |
Crown |
Mask Layer - Scottish Zone |
No |
Crown |
Oil and Gas - Offshore Oil and Gas Licencing Blocks (NSTA) |
No |
North Sea Transitional Authority (NSTA) |
Map 40 - Coastal archaeology (Part 3/3) |
No |
North Atlantic Fisheries College (NAFC) Marine Centre |
PFOW MSP Map 23 Marine Aggregates- Open Disposal Sites |
No |
Crown |
Map 54 - Dredging and disposal of dredged material |
No |
North Atlantic Fisheries College (NAFC) Marine Centre |
Map 30 - Subtidal rock distribution and supported habitats (Part 3/3) |
No |
North Atlantic Fisheries College (NAFC) Marine Centre |
Map 32 - Finfish licensed sites |
No |
North Atlantic Fisheries College (NAFC) Marine Centre |
Map 1 - Geology (Faultines) |
No |
North Atlantic Fisheries College (NAFC) Marine Centre |
PFOW MSP Map 5 Harbour Seal Breeding Colony, Haul Outs and SAC |
No |
Crown |
Map 4 - Shellfish Protected Areas |
No |
North Atlantic Fisheries College (NAFC) Marine Centre |
Carbon budget and blue carbon stores - Percentage carbonate in the top 10cm of superficial sediments - SNH Commissioned Report 761 - August 2014 |
No |
Crown |
Map 13 - Distribution of breeding bird colonies - Fulmar |
No |
North Atlantic Fisheries College (NAFC) Marine Centre |
Deep Sea Sharks - Shovelnosed shark (Deania calcea) - distribution of abundance across the survey area |
No |
Crown |