UKCP09 projections - Stratification Changes (medium emissions, 2080-2090 projections)
What is it:
These layers show a sub-set of the UKCP09 marine and coastal projections up to 2090s (see layer name for date) using a medium emission scenario and, where appropriate, medium probability. The sub-set chosen are considered to be most relevant to marine planning and management in Scottish waters. The full suite of projections, and all emissions scenarios, can be found on the UKCP09 web site. An update of the UKCP09 data outputs is planned for 2018.
There are two layers available for Stratification Changes:
- Change in Start Date of Stratification
- Change in Total Number of Stratified Days
All layers © UK Climate Projections, 2009
Links to Scotland's Marine Atlas:
Data originators:
This information page is part of the theme:
UKCP09 Projections - Change in total number of stratified days (medium emissions-projected to 2085) © UK CP09 UK Climate Change Projections