EMEC - Wildlife Analysis Project
Understanding the environmental impacts that may arise from the siting and operation of marine renewable energy developments is crucial to the success of the wave and tidal energy industry. The Wildlife Analysis Project was funded by Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH), Marine Scotland and the European Marine Energy Centre (EMEC) with the aim of carrying out a comprehensive analysis of all the data gathered at the EMEC full-scale test sites. For EMEC’s Billia Croo wave energy test site, data collection covered the period from March 2009 to March 2015, whereas observations at EMEC’s Fall of Warness tidal energy test site were conducted for a longer period of time from July 2005 to March 2015.
Two key relationships were investigated during this project as follows:
- The effects of turbine presence on species abundance and distribution. Relationships between species abundance and variations in the status of turbine installation on site were considered (e.g. the effect of turbine associated infrastructure installation (moorings and foundations)).
- The effects of turbine operation on species abundance and distribution. The analysis considered relationships between abundance and turbine operation.