Shetland Islands Marine Region State of the Marine Environment Assessment
The Shetland Islands Marine Region State of the Marine Environment Assessment was published in 2017. It was developed by NAFC Marine Centre, on behalf of the Shetland Islands Marine Planning Partnership, with guidance from the Shetland Islands Marine Planning Partnership Advisory Group. The assessment provides a data baseline to support the development of a regional marine plan under the Marine Scotland Act (2010). Where this assessment findings differences with the national level assessment in Scotland’s Marine Atlas, these have been highlighted and explained.
Most maps from the assessment have been recreated on Marine Scotland Maps (NMPi) and can be viewed using the links in the Maps table below.
Map 2, maps 16 to 26 and map 34 were part of the assessment, but it wasn’t possible to make them available on NMPi because sharing the underlying spatial data to third parties was not permitted by the data owners. These maps can be viewed in the Shetland Islands Marine Region State of the Marine Environment Assessment, which can be downloaded from the Data Sources table below.