Additional information

The table below lists all marine licence applications, projects and documentation submitted to Marine Scotland Information and associated with the Additional information term.
MSLOT application type Date of application (if applicable) Licence commencement date (as granted) (if applicable)
Additional Information- Construction Yard Upgrade - Hunterston Construction Yard, West Kilbride - 00010868/00010872 Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Marine Licence Application Additional Information - Logistics Base Development - Hatston, Kirkwall Orkney - 00010486 Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Offshore Environmental Impact Assessment Report - Additional Information - West of Orkney Windfarm - West of Hoy, Orkney Renewables - Wind
Additional Information - Scapa Deep Water Quay Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Offshore Environmental Impact Assessment Report - Additional Information - Green Volt Offshore Wind Farm - East of Aberdeenshire Coast Renewables - Wind
Consent Application Accompanying Documents - Berwick Bank Offshore Wind Farm - Firth of Forth Renewables - Wind
NatureScot advice on the strategic approach to marine mammal monitoring in the Moray Firth- 16/09/2021 Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence Variation - Construction - Nigg Energy Park East Quay - 00009721 Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Billia Croo Section 36 - Additional Information Renewables - Wave
Additional Information - Deep Water Port - Glumaig Bay, Stornoway - 07017/07018 Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Project Environmental Management Programme related to Beatrice Offshore Wind Farm Renewables - Wind
Marine Scotland Response to Friends of the Firth of Clyde - Hunterston Marine Construction Yard Redevelopment Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Additional Information (Ornithology), MacColl, Telford and Stevenson Offshore Wind Farms, Moray East Offshore WInd Farm, Outer Moray Firth Renewables - Wind
Waste Management Plan for HDD Works - MeyGen Tidal Energy Project - Inner Sound, Pentland Firth Renewables - Tidal
Vessel Management Plan for HDD Works - MeyGen Tidal Energy Project - Inner Sound, Pentland Firth Renewables - Tidal
Vessel Management Plan for Construction Works - MeyGen Tidal Energy Project - Inner Sound, Pentland Firth Renewables - Tidal
Salmon Review - MeyGen Tidal Energy Project - Inner Sound, Pentland Firth Renewables - Tidal
Operations and Maintenance Programme for Construction Works - MeyGen Tidal Energy Project - Inner Sound, Pentland Firth Renewables - Tidal
Navigation Safety Plan for HDD Works - MeyGen Tidal Energy Project - Inner Sound, Pentland Firth Renewables - Tidal
Navigation Safety Plan for Construction Works - MeyGen Tidal Energy Project - Inner Sound, Pentland Firth Renewables - Tidal
Environmental Management Plan for HDD Works - MeyGen Tidal Energy Project - Inner Sound, Pentland Firth Renewables - Tidal
Environmental Management Plan for Construction Works - MeyGen Tidal Energy Project - Inner Sound, Pentland Firth Renewables - Tidal
Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) Report - MeyGen Tidal Energy Project - Inner Sound, Pentland Firth Renewables - Tidal
Construction Method Statement for HDD Works - MeyGen Tidal Energy Project - Inner Sound, Pentland Firth Renewables - Tidal
Construction Method Statement for Construction Works - MeyGen Tidal Energy Project - Inner Sound, Pentland Firth Renewables - Tidal
Supplementary Information - Hunterston Marine Construction Yard Redevelopment - Hunterston, North Ayrshire (2019) Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Additional Information - Neart na Gaoithe Renewables - Wind
Supporting Environmental Information Variation - Construction and Operation of Offshore Wind farm - Neart na Gaoithe, Firth of Forth Renewables - Wind
Extension Commencement of the Works - Construction and Operation of Offshore Wind farm - Neart na Gaoithe, Firth of Forth Renewables - Wind
Supporting Information - Seabed Preparation at MeyGen Tidal Energy Project - Inner Sound, Pentland Firth - 06045 Renewables - Tidal
North Berwick Bay, North Berwick - 07040 - Method Statement Maintenance of existing works
Further Information - Redevelopment of Dundee East - Port of Dundee Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Diagrams - Redevelopment of Dundee East - Port of Dundee Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Best Practical Environmental Option Report - Redevelopment of Dundee East - Port of Dundee Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Annex One - Lochmaddy Ferry Terminal Development Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Hopeman Harbour, Moray - 07099 - Best Practical Environmental Option Assessment Dredging
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - 07086 - Deposit, Backfill of Seabed Depression - Environmental Information Renewables - Wind
06703 - Cultivation Reefs Macroalgae
South Kintail Loddge Hotel Revetment Replacement - 07078 - Diagrams Maintenance of existing works
Dounreay Trì Floating Wind Demonstration Project - Additional Information Renewables - Wind
07058 - Maps and Plans Pontoon
07028 - Annex One Chemotherapeutant
06907/06908 - Consultee Responses
06907/06908 - Decision Notice
06907/06908 – Construction Environmental Management Document (Issue 3) Construction of new works
06907/06908 - Construction Environmental Management Document (Issue 3) Construction of new works
07041 - Layout Plan Pontoon
07019- Dredge Sampling Chemistry Dredging
07019- BPEO Dredging
07049 - Bridge Examination Report Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Kincardine Offshore Windfarm - ECoW Approval letter Renewables - Wind
06973 – EIA Volume 2 Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
07068 - Pre-Disposal Sampling Results Dredging
06973 – EIA Volume 1 – Report Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
06973 – EIA Non-Technical Report Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
06973 – Marine Planning Statement Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
06973 - GIS Map Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
06973 – Drawings and Plan Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
06812 - Refusal Letter Construction of new works
07024 - Cage Diagram Fish (including shellfish) farm
07024 - Planning Charts Fish (including shellfish) farm
Planning Chart - Construction of a New Slipway - Toward, Dunoon - 07048 Construction of new works
07031 - Annex One Chemotherapeutant
07030 - Annex One Chemotherapeutant
07027 - Annex One Chemotherapeutant
07026 - Annex One Chemotherapeutant
SNH Updated Scoping Advice – Colony Counts 30 Nov 2017 Renewables - Wind
06845 - Marine Licence Application Pontoon
06845 - Chart Pontoon
Grangemouth Flood Defence - Appendix B Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Grangemouth Flood Defence - EIA Scoping Report Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Grangemouth Flood Defence - Appendix A Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
07039 - Diagram Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
07039 – Chart Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
07037 - Maps and Charts Fish (including shellfish) farm
07006 – Charts and Drawings Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
06956- Drawings and Charts Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
06956 – Marine Licence Application Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
07022 - Charts and Drawings Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
07022 - Photos Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
07038 - GIS Map Chemotherapeutant
07026 – Application Chemotherapeutant
07026- GIS map Chemotherapeutant
07012 - Charts Dredged spoil
07012 - BPEO Dredged spoil
07012 - Dredge BPEO supporting information Dredged spoil
06963 - Appendix B to report Construction of new works
06963 - Appendix A to report Construction of new works
06821 - Environmental Appraisal Cable
06879 - Annex One Mooring
06918 - Annex Two Chemotherapeutant
06918 - Annex One Chemotherapeutant
06431 - Annex Two Chemotherapeutant
06431 - Annex One Chemotherapeutant
06741 - Annex One Chemotherapeutant
06717 - Annex One Chemotherapeutant
06623 - Annex One Chemotherapeutant
06618 - Annex One Chemotherapeutant
06616 - Annex One Chemotherapeutant
06615 - Annex One Chemotherapeutant
06614 - Annex One Chemotherapeutant
EMEC - Socio-Economic Report Renewables - Wave
Billia Croo - SLVIA Report Renewables - Wave
Billia Croo - Environmental Appraisal Renewables - Wave
Billia Croo - Project Envelope Renewables - Wave
06948 - Method Statement Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
06952 - Diagram Pontoon
06906 - Coordinates Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
06971 - Plan 3 Pontoon
06971 - Plan 2 Pontoon
06971 - Plan 1 Pontoon
06832 - Annex One Dredging
Seagreen Alpha and Bravo - Ornithology Additional Information Renewables - Wind
Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Windfarm (Revised Design) - Section 36 Consent Variation - Consultation Responses Renewables - Wind
06676 - Annex One Variation Navigational dredging
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Safety Zone – Decision Letter - May 2019 Renewables - Wind
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Safety Zone - Ministerial Submission Renewables - Wind
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Offshore Transmission Infrastructure Cable Plan (OfTI CaP) Renewables - Wind
Moray East Offshore Windfarm – Cable Plan (CaP) Renewables - Wind
06879 - Consultation Map Mooring
06879 - Application form Mooring
06923 – Map Fish (including shellfish) farm
06923- Application Fish (including shellfish) farm
06825 - Construction Environmental Management Plan Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
06826 - Construction Environmental Management Plan Dredging
07000/07001 - Lochmaddy Marine Constrution Licence Application Form Construction of new works
07000/07001 - Construction Environmental Management Document Dredging
07001 - Pre-disposal Sampling Results Form Dredging
07001 - Lochmaddy Ferry Terminal Upgrade - Best Practicable Environmental Option Report Dredging
06997 - Site Plan Construction of new works
06997 - Supporting Information Construction of new works
06997 - Construction Method Statement Construction of new works
06888 - Planning Permission Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
06888 - Site Photographs Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
06888 - Charts and Drawings Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
06871 - Outline Method Statement Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
06852 - Drawing Cross Section Construction of new works
06852 - Drawing General Arrangement 2 Construction of new works
06852 - Drawing General Arrangement 1 Construction of new works
06890 - Annex One Chemotherapeutant
06891 - Annex One Chemotherapeutant
06892 - Annex One Chemotherapeutant
06894 - Annex One Chemotherapeutant
06895 - Annex One Chemotherapeutant
06896 - Annex One Chemotherapeutant
06897 - Annex One Chemotherapeutant
06897 - Licence Chemotherapeutant
06899 - Annex One Chemotherapeutant
06900 - Annex One Chemotherapeutant
06928 - Annex One Chemotherapeutant
06746 - Authorised Vessels Dredging
06746 - Dredging Approval Letter Dredging
06821 - Report Identifying Additional Studies Cable
06954 - Method Statement Macroalgae
06912 - Method Statement Construction of new works
06932 - Chart Chemotherapeutant
06905 - Chart Chemotherapeutant
06914 - Chart Chemotherapeutant
06903 - Chart Chemotherapeutant
06937 - Chart Chemotherapeutant
06945 - Chart Chemotherapeutant
06904 - Chart Chemotherapeutant
06931 - Chart Chemotherapeutant
06936 - Chart Chemotherapeutant
06887 – Map Pontoon
06887 – Location Plan Pontoon
06887 – Additional Coordinates Pontoon
06887 – Application Pontoon
06813 - Work Package Plan Maintenance of existing works
06896 - Map Chemotherapeutant
06894 - Map Chemotherapeutant
06895 - Map Chemotherapeutant
Moray West Offshore Wind Farm - MS EPS 03 2019 0 - European Protected Species Risk Assessment Renewables - Wind
Moray West Offshore Wind Farm - European Protected Species Risk Assessment Renewables - Wind
Inch Cape Offshore Windfarm - Generating Station - 04916 - Supporting Information Renewables - Wind
Inch Cape Offshore Windfarm - Offshore Transmission Infrastructure - 04918 - Supporting Information Renewables - Wind
Moray West Offshore Windfarm - Additional Information - Public Notice Renewables - Wind
Capital Dredging and Sea Disposal, Ham Voe, Shetland - 06824 - Pre-Dredge Chemistry Navigational dredging
Capital Dredging and Sea Disposal, Ham Voe, Shetland - 06824 - Chart Navigational dredging
Capital Dredging and Sea Disposal, Ham Voe, Shetland - 06824 - BPEO Navigational dredging
Bridge Refurbishment Works - 06800 - Technical Drawings Maintenance of existing works
Bridge Refurbishment Works - 06800 - Design Report Maintenance of existing works
Installation of Rock Armour - 06801 - Pre-Application Report Construction of new works
Installation of Rock Armour - 06801 - Drawings Construction of new works
Installation of Rock Armour - 06801 - Coordinates Construction of new works
New Oyster Farm - 06774 - Map Fish (including shellfish) farm
Repairs to Existing Slipway - 06797 - Scotland's National Marine Plan Consideration Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Repairs to Existing Slipway - 06797 - Method Statement Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Repairs to Existing Slipway - 06797 - Construction Environmental Management Plan Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Shellfish Farm - 06802 - Drawings Fish (including shellfish) farm
Shellfish Farm - 06802 - Design Statement Fish (including shellfish) farm
Installation of Temporary Pontoon - 06804 - Photos Pontoon
Installation of Temporary Pontoon - 06804 - Biosecurity Plan Pontoon
Single Private Mooring - 06792 - Photo Mooring
Installation of New Slipway - 06783 - Method Statement Construction of new works
Installation of New Slipway - 06783 - Photos Construction of new works
Installation of New HVAC Cable - 06809 - GIS Map Cable
Installation of New HVAC Cable - 06809 - Fishing Liaison Mitigation Action Plan Cable
Installation of New HVAC Cable - 06809 - Project Description Cable
Installation of New HVAC Cable - 06809 - Environmental Management Plan Cable
Installation of New HVAC Cable - 06809 - Environmental Supporting Documentation Cable
Bridge Refurbishment Works - 06800 - GIS Map Maintenance of existing works
Bridge Refurbishment Works - 06800 - Bat Survey Report Maintenance of existing works
Bridge Refurbishment Works - 06800 - HRA Maintenance of existing works
Bridge Refurbishment Works - 06800 - Otter Survey Maintenance of existing works
Removal of Temporary Pipeline - 06814 - GIS Map Removal of any substance or object
Removal of Temporary Pipeline - 06814 - Works Information Removal of any substance or object
Removal of Temporary Pipeline - 06814 - Risk Assessment and Method Statement Removal of any substance or object
Bridge Maintenance Works - 06777 - Deposits Maintenance of existing works
Bridge Maintenance Works - 06777 - Site Environmental Management Plan Maintenance of existing works
Bridge Maintenance Works - 06777 - Record of Determination Maintenance of existing works
Bridge Maintenance Works - 06777 - Coordinates Maintenance of existing works
Bridge Maintenance Works - 06776 - Deposits Maintenance of existing works
Bridge Maintenance Works - 06776 - Site Environmental Management Plan Maintenance of existing works
Bridge Maintenance Works - 06776 - Record of Determination Maintenance of existing works
Bridge Maintenance Works - 06776 - Coordinates Maintenance of existing works
Construction of New Slipway - 06664 - Works Schedule Construction of new works
Construction of New Slipway - 06664 - Works Information Construction of new works
Installation of Submarine Cable - 06760 - Appendix 1 Method Statement Cable
Installation of Submarine Cable - 06760 - Appendix 4a Pre-consultation Report Cable
Installation of Submarine Cable - 06760 - Appendix 7.0 River and Marine Ecology Cable
Installation of Submarine Cable - 06760 - Appendix 7.1 Fish Technical Report Cable
Installation of Submarine Cable - 06760 - Appendix 7.4 Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) and Migratory Fish Cable
Maintenance Dredging and Sea Disposal - 06819 - PR Details Navigational dredging
Maintenance Dredging and Sea Disposal - 06819 - Best Practicable Environmental Option Navigational dredging
Bridge Maintenance Works - 06780 - Site Environmental Management Plan Maintenance of existing works
Bridge Maintenance Works - 06780 - Environmental Summary Report Maintenance of existing works
Bridge Maintenance Works - 06780 - Deposits Maintenance of existing works
Bridge Maintenance Works - 06780 - Coordinates Maintenance of existing works
Bridge Maintenance Works - 06779 - Deposits Maintenance of existing works
Bridge Maintenance Works - 06779 - Site Environmental Management Plan Maintenance of existing works
Bridge Maintenance Works - 06779 - Record of Determination Maintenance of existing works
Bridge Maintenance Works - 06779 - Coordinates Maintenance of existing works
Maintenance Dredging and Sea Disposal - 06784 - PR Details Navigational dredging
Maintenance Dredging and Sea Disposal - 06784 - Best Practical Environmental Option Navigational dredging
Maintenance Dredging and Sea Disposal - 06676 - PR Details Navigational dredging
Maintenance Dredging and Sea Disposal - 06676 - Method Statement Navigational dredging
Maintenance Dredging and Sea Disposal - 06676 - Best Practical Environmental Option Navigational dredging
Maintenance Dredging and Sea Disposal - 06676 - Additional Coordinates Navigational dredging
Maintenance Dredging and Sea Disposal - 06784 - Method Statement Navigational dredging
Finfish Farm - 04140 - Additional Coordinates Fish (including shellfish) farm
Kilfinichen Pier Development, Isle of Mull - Navigational Risk Assessment Construction of new works
Low Impact Dredging (Beach Re-profiling) - 06645 - Marine Licence Application (Appendix 3) Dredging
Low Impact Maintenance to Construction Projects - 06643 - Marine Licence Application (Appendix 4) Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Low Impact Maintenance to Construction Projects - 06643 - Marine Licence Application (Appendix 3) Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Single Private Mooring - 06772 - Dive Survey Mooring
Construction of Landing Craft Berthing Ramp - 06795 - Otter Survey Construction of new works
Construction of Landing Craft Berthing Ramp - 06795 - Drawings Construction of new works
Construction of Landing Craft Berthing Ramp - 06795 - Construction Environmental Management Plan Construction of new works
Refurbishement of Slipway - 06739 - Drawings Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Reprofiling of River Bank - 06761 - GIS Map Navigational dredging
Reprofiling of River Bank - 06761 - Drawings Navigational dredging
NorthConnect HVDC Cable - 06771 - Construction Method Statement Cable
NorthConnect HVDC Cable - 06771 - UXO Desktop Study Report Cable
NorthConnect HDVC Cable - 06771 - Cable Burial Risk Assessment Cable
NorthConnect HVDC Cable - 06771 - UK Post Installation Survey Plan Cable
NorthConnect HVDC Cable - 06771 - UK Fisheries Liaison and Mitigation Action Plan Cable
NorthConnect HVDC Cable - 06771 - UK Communication Strategy Cable
Beatrice Offshore Wind Farm - 06145 - Environmental Report Removal of any substance or object
Deployment of Floating LiDAR - Supporting Information Deposit of any substance or object
Moray West Offshore Windfarm - Scientific Instrument Deployment - Supporting Information Deposit of any substance or object
Moray West Offshore Windfarm - Report to inform Appropriate Assessment Renewables - Wind
Aberdeen Harbour Expansion - Further environmental information Construction of new works
Aberdeen Harbour Expansion - 05964 - Noise registry Dredging
Aberdeen Harbour Expansion - 05964 - Drawings Dredging
Aberdeen Harbour Expansion - 05964 - Chemical analysis summary Dredging
Aberdeen Harbour Expansion - 05964 - Best practicable environmental option Dredging
Aberdeen Harbour Expansion - 05965 - Drawings Construction of new works
Aberdeen Harbour Expansion - 05965 - Co-ordinates Construction of new works
Hywind (Scotland) Limited - Unexploded Ordance (UXO) Clearance - European Protected Species - Additional Information Renewables - Wind
European Offshore Wind Deployment Centre - Research Papers and Reports Renewables - Wind
Hywind Scotland Pilot Park - 05515/15/0 - SLVIA Supporting Files Renewables - Wind
Hywind Scotland Pilot Park - European Protected Species Geophysical Survey Summary Renewables - Wind
Hywind Scotland Pilot Park - Addendum for Horizontal Directional Drilling Activities Renewables - Wind
Hywind Scotland Pilot Park - Updated Plan for Horizontal Directional Drilling Activities Renewables - Wind
European Offshore Wind Deployment Centre - Addendum Consultation Responses Renewables - Wind
Hywind Scotland Pilot Park - 06294/17/0 - Additional Deposits Renewables - Wind
Hywind Scotland Pilot Park - 06294/17/0 - Method Statement Renewables - Wind
Subscribe to RSS - Additional information