Additional Information- Construction Yard Upgrade - Hunterston Construction Yard, West Kilbride - 00010868/00010872 |
Construction, alteration or improvement of any works |
Marine Licence Application Additional Information - Logistics Base Development - Hatston, Kirkwall Orkney - 00010486 |
Construction, alteration or improvement of any works |
Offshore Environmental Impact Assessment Report - Additional Information - West of Orkney Windfarm - West of Hoy, Orkney |
Renewables - Wind |
Additional Information - Scapa Deep Water Quay |
Construction, alteration or improvement of any works |
Offshore Environmental Impact Assessment Report - Additional Information - Green Volt Offshore Wind Farm - East of Aberdeenshire Coast |
Renewables - Wind |
Consent Application Accompanying Documents - Berwick Bank Offshore Wind Farm - Firth of Forth |
Renewables - Wind |
NatureScot advice on the strategic approach to marine mammal monitoring in the Moray Firth- 16/09/2021 |
Renewables - Wind |
Marine Licence Variation - Construction - Nigg Energy Park East Quay - 00009721 |
Construction, alteration or improvement of any works |
Billia Croo Section 36 - Additional Information |
Renewables - Wave |
Additional Information - Deep Water Port - Glumaig Bay, Stornoway - 07017/07018 |
Construction, alteration or improvement of any works |
Project Environmental Management Programme related to Beatrice Offshore Wind Farm |
Renewables - Wind |
Marine Scotland Response to Friends of the Firth of Clyde - Hunterston Marine Construction Yard Redevelopment |
Construction, alteration or improvement of any works |
Additional Information (Ornithology), MacColl, Telford and Stevenson Offshore Wind Farms, Moray East Offshore WInd Farm, Outer Moray Firth |
Renewables - Wind |
Waste Management Plan for HDD Works - MeyGen Tidal Energy Project - Inner Sound, Pentland Firth |
Renewables - Tidal |
Vessel Management Plan for HDD Works - MeyGen Tidal Energy Project - Inner Sound, Pentland Firth |
Renewables - Tidal |
Vessel Management Plan for Construction Works - MeyGen Tidal Energy Project - Inner Sound, Pentland Firth |
Renewables - Tidal |
Salmon Review - MeyGen Tidal Energy Project - Inner Sound, Pentland Firth |
Renewables - Tidal |
Operations and Maintenance Programme for Construction Works - MeyGen Tidal Energy Project - Inner Sound, Pentland Firth |
Renewables - Tidal |
Navigation Safety Plan for HDD Works - MeyGen Tidal Energy Project - Inner Sound, Pentland Firth |
Renewables - Tidal |
Navigation Safety Plan for Construction Works - MeyGen Tidal Energy Project - Inner Sound, Pentland Firth |
Renewables - Tidal |
Environmental Management Plan for HDD Works - MeyGen Tidal Energy Project - Inner Sound, Pentland Firth |
Renewables - Tidal |
Environmental Management Plan for Construction Works - MeyGen Tidal Energy Project - Inner Sound, Pentland Firth |
Renewables - Tidal |
Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) Report - MeyGen Tidal Energy Project - Inner Sound, Pentland Firth |
Renewables - Tidal |
Construction Method Statement for HDD Works - MeyGen Tidal Energy Project - Inner Sound, Pentland Firth |
Renewables - Tidal |
Construction Method Statement for Construction Works - MeyGen Tidal Energy Project - Inner Sound, Pentland Firth |
Renewables - Tidal |
Supplementary Information - Hunterston Marine Construction Yard Redevelopment - Hunterston, North Ayrshire (2019) |
Construction, alteration or improvement of any works |
Additional Information - Neart na Gaoithe |
Renewables - Wind |
Supporting Environmental Information Variation - Construction and Operation of Offshore Wind farm - Neart na Gaoithe, Firth of Forth |
Renewables - Wind |
Extension Commencement of the Works - Construction and Operation of Offshore Wind farm - Neart na Gaoithe, Firth of Forth |
Renewables - Wind |
Supporting Information - Seabed Preparation at MeyGen Tidal Energy Project - Inner Sound, Pentland Firth - 06045 |
Renewables - Tidal |
North Berwick Bay, North Berwick - 07040 - Method Statement |
Maintenance of existing works |
Further Information - Redevelopment of Dundee East - Port of Dundee |
Construction, alteration or improvement of any works |
Diagrams - Redevelopment of Dundee East - Port of Dundee |
Construction, alteration or improvement of any works |
Best Practical Environmental Option Report - Redevelopment of Dundee East - Port of Dundee |
Construction, alteration or improvement of any works |
Annex One - Lochmaddy Ferry Terminal Development |
Construction, alteration or improvement of any works |
Hopeman Harbour, Moray - 07099 - Best Practical Environmental Option Assessment |
Dredging |
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - 07086 - Deposit, Backfill of Seabed Depression - Environmental Information |
Renewables - Wind |
06703 - Cultivation Reefs |
Macroalgae |
South Kintail Loddge Hotel Revetment Replacement - 07078 - Diagrams |
Maintenance of existing works |
Dounreay Trì Floating Wind Demonstration Project - Additional Information |
Renewables - Wind |
07058 - Maps and Plans |
Pontoon |
07028 - Annex One |
Chemotherapeutant |
06907/06908 - Consultee Responses |
06907/06908 - Decision Notice |
06907/06908 – Construction Environmental Management Document (Issue 3) |
Construction of new works |
06907/06908 - Construction Environmental Management Document (Issue 3) |
Construction of new works |
07041 - Layout Plan |
Pontoon |
07019- Dredge Sampling Chemistry |
Dredging |
07019- BPEO |
Dredging |
07049 - Bridge Examination Report |
Construction, alteration or improvement of any works |
Kincardine Offshore Windfarm - ECoW Approval letter |
Renewables - Wind |
06973 – EIA Volume 2 |
Construction, alteration or improvement of any works |
07068 - Pre-Disposal Sampling Results |
Dredging |
06973 – EIA Volume 1 – Report |
Construction, alteration or improvement of any works |
06973 – EIA Non-Technical Report |
Construction, alteration or improvement of any works |
06973 – Marine Planning Statement |
Construction, alteration or improvement of any works |
06973 - GIS Map |
Construction, alteration or improvement of any works |
06973 – Drawings and Plan |
Construction, alteration or improvement of any works |
06812 - Refusal Letter |
Construction of new works |
07024 - Cage Diagram |
Fish (including shellfish) farm |
07024 - Planning Charts |
Fish (including shellfish) farm |
Planning Chart - Construction of a New Slipway - Toward, Dunoon - 07048 |
Construction of new works |
07031 - Annex One |
Chemotherapeutant |
07030 - Annex One |
Chemotherapeutant |
07027 - Annex One |
Chemotherapeutant |
07026 - Annex One |
Chemotherapeutant |
SNH Updated Scoping Advice – Colony Counts 30 Nov 2017 |
Renewables - Wind |
06845 - Marine Licence Application |
Pontoon |
06845 - Chart |
Pontoon |
Grangemouth Flood Defence - Appendix B |
Construction, alteration or improvement of any works |
Grangemouth Flood Defence - EIA Scoping Report |
Construction, alteration or improvement of any works |
Grangemouth Flood Defence - Appendix A |
Construction, alteration or improvement of any works |
07039 - Diagram |
Construction, alteration or improvement of any works |
07039 – Chart |
Construction, alteration or improvement of any works |
07037 - Maps and Charts |
Fish (including shellfish) farm |
07006 – Charts and Drawings |
Construction, alteration or improvement of any works |
06956- Drawings and Charts |
Construction, alteration or improvement of any works |
06956 – Marine Licence Application |
Construction, alteration or improvement of any works |
07022 - Charts and Drawings |
Construction, alteration or improvement of any works |
07022 - Photos |
Construction, alteration or improvement of any works |
07038 - GIS Map |
Chemotherapeutant |
07026 – Application |
Chemotherapeutant |
07026- GIS map |
Chemotherapeutant |
07012 - Charts |
Dredged spoil |
07012 - BPEO |
Dredged spoil |
07012 - Dredge BPEO supporting information |
Dredged spoil |
06963 - Appendix B to report |
Construction of new works |
06963 - Appendix A to report |
Construction of new works |
06821 - Environmental Appraisal |
Cable |
06879 - Annex One |
Mooring |
06918 - Annex Two |
Chemotherapeutant |
06918 - Annex One |
Chemotherapeutant |
06431 - Annex Two |
Chemotherapeutant |
06431 - Annex One |
Chemotherapeutant |
06741 - Annex One |
Chemotherapeutant |
06717 - Annex One |
Chemotherapeutant |
06623 - Annex One |
Chemotherapeutant |
06618 - Annex One |
Chemotherapeutant |
06616 - Annex One |
Chemotherapeutant |
06615 - Annex One |
Chemotherapeutant |
06614 - Annex One |
Chemotherapeutant |
EMEC - Socio-Economic Report |
Renewables - Wave |
Billia Croo - SLVIA Report |
Renewables - Wave |
Billia Croo - Environmental Appraisal |
Renewables - Wave |
Billia Croo - Project Envelope |
Renewables - Wave |
06948 - Method Statement |
Construction, alteration or improvement of any works |
06952 - Diagram |
Pontoon |
06906 - Coordinates |
Construction, alteration or improvement of any works |
06971 - Plan 3 |
Pontoon |
06971 - Plan 2 |
Pontoon |
06971 - Plan 1 |
Pontoon |
06832 - Annex One |
Dredging |
Seagreen Alpha and Bravo - Ornithology Additional Information |
Renewables - Wind |
Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Windfarm (Revised Design) - Section 36 Consent Variation - Consultation Responses |
Renewables - Wind |
06676 - Annex One Variation |
Navigational dredging |
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Safety Zone – Decision Letter - May 2019 |
Renewables - Wind |
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Safety Zone - Ministerial Submission |
Renewables - Wind |
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Offshore Transmission Infrastructure Cable Plan (OfTI CaP) |
Renewables - Wind |
Moray East Offshore Windfarm – Cable Plan (CaP) |
Renewables - Wind |
06879 - Consultation Map |
Mooring |
06879 - Application form |
Mooring |
06923 – Map |
Fish (including shellfish) farm |
06923- Application |
Fish (including shellfish) farm |
06825 - Construction Environmental Management Plan |
Construction, alteration or improvement of any works |
06826 - Construction Environmental Management Plan |
Dredging |
07000/07001 - Lochmaddy Marine Constrution Licence Application Form |
Construction of new works |
07000/07001 - Construction Environmental Management Document |
Dredging |
07001 - Pre-disposal Sampling Results Form |
Dredging |
07001 - Lochmaddy Ferry Terminal Upgrade - Best Practicable Environmental Option Report |
Dredging |
06997 - Site Plan |
Construction of new works |
06997 - Supporting Information |
Construction of new works |
06997 - Construction Method Statement |
Construction of new works |
06888 - Planning Permission |
Construction, alteration or improvement of any works |
06888 - Site Photographs |
Construction, alteration or improvement of any works |
06888 - Charts and Drawings |
Construction, alteration or improvement of any works |
06871 - Outline Method Statement |
Construction, alteration or improvement of any works |
06852 - Drawing Cross Section |
Construction of new works |
06852 - Drawing General Arrangement 2 |
Construction of new works |
06852 - Drawing General Arrangement 1 |
Construction of new works |
06890 - Annex One |
Chemotherapeutant |
06891 - Annex One |
Chemotherapeutant |
06892 - Annex One |
Chemotherapeutant |
06894 - Annex One |
Chemotherapeutant |
06895 - Annex One |
Chemotherapeutant |
06896 - Annex One |
Chemotherapeutant |
06897 - Annex One |
Chemotherapeutant |
06897 - Licence |
Chemotherapeutant |
06899 - Annex One |
Chemotherapeutant |
06900 - Annex One |
Chemotherapeutant |
06928 - Annex One |
Chemotherapeutant |
06746 - Authorised Vessels |
Dredging |
06746 - Dredging Approval Letter |
Dredging |
06821 - Report Identifying Additional Studies |
Cable |
06954 - Method Statement |
Macroalgae |
06912 - Method Statement |
Construction of new works |
06932 - Chart |
Chemotherapeutant |
06905 - Chart |
Chemotherapeutant |
06914 - Chart |
Chemotherapeutant |
06903 - Chart |
Chemotherapeutant |
06937 - Chart |
Chemotherapeutant |
06945 - Chart |
Chemotherapeutant |
06904 - Chart |
Chemotherapeutant |
06931 - Chart |
Chemotherapeutant |
06936 - Chart |
Chemotherapeutant |
06887 – Map |
Pontoon |
06887 – Location Plan |
Pontoon |
06887 – Additional Coordinates |
Pontoon |
06887 – Application |
Pontoon |
06813 - Work Package Plan |
Maintenance of existing works |
06896 - Map |
Chemotherapeutant |
06894 - Map |
Chemotherapeutant |
06895 - Map |
Chemotherapeutant |
Moray West Offshore Wind Farm - MS EPS 03 2019 0 - European Protected Species Risk Assessment |
Renewables - Wind |
Moray West Offshore Wind Farm - European Protected Species Risk Assessment |
Renewables - Wind |
Inch Cape Offshore Windfarm - Generating Station - 04916 - Supporting Information |
Renewables - Wind |
Inch Cape Offshore Windfarm - Offshore Transmission Infrastructure - 04918 - Supporting Information |
Renewables - Wind |
Moray West Offshore Windfarm - Additional Information - Public Notice |
Renewables - Wind |
Capital Dredging and Sea Disposal, Ham Voe, Shetland - 06824 - Pre-Dredge Chemistry |
Navigational dredging |
Capital Dredging and Sea Disposal, Ham Voe, Shetland - 06824 - Chart |
Navigational dredging |
Capital Dredging and Sea Disposal, Ham Voe, Shetland - 06824 - BPEO |
Navigational dredging |
Bridge Refurbishment Works - 06800 - Technical Drawings |
Maintenance of existing works |
Bridge Refurbishment Works - 06800 - Design Report |
Maintenance of existing works |
Installation of Rock Armour - 06801 - Pre-Application Report |
Construction of new works |
Installation of Rock Armour - 06801 - Drawings |
Construction of new works |
Installation of Rock Armour - 06801 - Coordinates |
Construction of new works |
New Oyster Farm - 06774 - Map |
Fish (including shellfish) farm |
Repairs to Existing Slipway - 06797 - Scotland's National Marine Plan Consideration |
Construction, alteration or improvement of any works |
Repairs to Existing Slipway - 06797 - Method Statement |
Construction, alteration or improvement of any works |
Repairs to Existing Slipway - 06797 - Construction Environmental Management Plan |
Construction, alteration or improvement of any works |
Shellfish Farm - 06802 - Drawings |
Fish (including shellfish) farm |
Shellfish Farm - 06802 - Design Statement |
Fish (including shellfish) farm |
Installation of Temporary Pontoon - 06804 - Photos |
Pontoon |
Installation of Temporary Pontoon - 06804 - Biosecurity Plan |
Pontoon |
Single Private Mooring - 06792 - Photo |
Mooring |
Installation of New Slipway - 06783 - Method Statement |
Construction of new works |
Installation of New Slipway - 06783 - Photos |
Construction of new works |
Installation of New HVAC Cable - 06809 - GIS Map |
Cable |
Installation of New HVAC Cable - 06809 - Fishing Liaison Mitigation Action Plan |
Cable |
Installation of New HVAC Cable - 06809 - Project Description |
Cable |
Installation of New HVAC Cable - 06809 - Environmental Management Plan |
Cable |
Installation of New HVAC Cable - 06809 - Environmental Supporting Documentation |
Cable |
Bridge Refurbishment Works - 06800 - GIS Map |
Maintenance of existing works |
Bridge Refurbishment Works - 06800 - Bat Survey Report |
Maintenance of existing works |
Bridge Refurbishment Works - 06800 - HRA |
Maintenance of existing works |
Bridge Refurbishment Works - 06800 - Otter Survey |
Maintenance of existing works |
Removal of Temporary Pipeline - 06814 - GIS Map |
Removal of any substance or object |
Removal of Temporary Pipeline - 06814 - Works Information |
Removal of any substance or object |
Removal of Temporary Pipeline - 06814 - Risk Assessment and Method Statement |
Removal of any substance or object |
Bridge Maintenance Works - 06777 - Deposits |
Maintenance of existing works |
Bridge Maintenance Works - 06777 - Site Environmental Management Plan |
Maintenance of existing works |
Bridge Maintenance Works - 06777 - Record of Determination |
Maintenance of existing works |
Bridge Maintenance Works - 06777 - Coordinates |
Maintenance of existing works |
Bridge Maintenance Works - 06776 - Deposits |
Maintenance of existing works |
Bridge Maintenance Works - 06776 - Site Environmental Management Plan |
Maintenance of existing works |
Bridge Maintenance Works - 06776 - Record of Determination |
Maintenance of existing works |
Bridge Maintenance Works - 06776 - Coordinates |
Maintenance of existing works |
Construction of New Slipway - 06664 - Works Schedule |
Construction of new works |
Construction of New Slipway - 06664 - Works Information |
Construction of new works |
Installation of Submarine Cable - 06760 - Appendix 1 Method Statement |
Cable |
Installation of Submarine Cable - 06760 - Appendix 4a Pre-consultation Report |
Cable |
Installation of Submarine Cable - 06760 - Appendix 7.0 River and Marine Ecology |
Cable |
Installation of Submarine Cable - 06760 - Appendix 7.1 Fish Technical Report |
Cable |
Installation of Submarine Cable - 06760 - Appendix 7.4 Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) and Migratory Fish |
Cable |
Maintenance Dredging and Sea Disposal - 06819 - PR Details |
Navigational dredging |
Maintenance Dredging and Sea Disposal - 06819 - Best Practicable Environmental Option |
Navigational dredging |
Bridge Maintenance Works - 06780 - Site Environmental Management Plan |
Maintenance of existing works |
Bridge Maintenance Works - 06780 - Environmental Summary Report |
Maintenance of existing works |
Bridge Maintenance Works - 06780 - Deposits |
Maintenance of existing works |
Bridge Maintenance Works - 06780 - Coordinates |
Maintenance of existing works |
Bridge Maintenance Works - 06779 - Deposits |
Maintenance of existing works |
Bridge Maintenance Works - 06779 - Site Environmental Management Plan |
Maintenance of existing works |
Bridge Maintenance Works - 06779 - Record of Determination |
Maintenance of existing works |
Bridge Maintenance Works - 06779 - Coordinates |
Maintenance of existing works |
Maintenance Dredging and Sea Disposal - 06784 - PR Details |
Navigational dredging |
Maintenance Dredging and Sea Disposal - 06784 - Best Practical Environmental Option |
Navigational dredging |
Maintenance Dredging and Sea Disposal - 06676 - PR Details |
Navigational dredging |
Maintenance Dredging and Sea Disposal - 06676 - Method Statement |
Navigational dredging |
Maintenance Dredging and Sea Disposal - 06676 - Best Practical Environmental Option |
Navigational dredging |
Maintenance Dredging and Sea Disposal - 06676 - Additional Coordinates |
Navigational dredging |
Maintenance Dredging and Sea Disposal - 06784 - Method Statement |
Navigational dredging |
Finfish Farm - 04140 - Additional Coordinates |
Fish (including shellfish) farm |
Kilfinichen Pier Development, Isle of Mull - Navigational Risk Assessment |
Construction of new works |
Low Impact Dredging (Beach Re-profiling) - 06645 - Marine Licence Application (Appendix 3) |
Dredging |
Low Impact Maintenance to Construction Projects - 06643 - Marine Licence Application (Appendix 4) |
Construction, alteration or improvement of any works |
Low Impact Maintenance to Construction Projects - 06643 - Marine Licence Application (Appendix 3) |
Construction, alteration or improvement of any works |
Single Private Mooring - 06772 - Dive Survey |
Mooring |
Construction of Landing Craft Berthing Ramp - 06795 - Otter Survey |
Construction of new works |
Construction of Landing Craft Berthing Ramp - 06795 - Drawings |
Construction of new works |
Construction of Landing Craft Berthing Ramp - 06795 - Construction Environmental Management Plan |
Construction of new works |
Refurbishement of Slipway - 06739 - Drawings |
Construction, alteration or improvement of any works |
Reprofiling of River Bank - 06761 - GIS Map |
Navigational dredging |
Reprofiling of River Bank - 06761 - Drawings |
Navigational dredging |
NorthConnect HVDC Cable - 06771 - Construction Method Statement |
Cable |
NorthConnect HVDC Cable - 06771 - UXO Desktop Study Report |
Cable |
NorthConnect HDVC Cable - 06771 - Cable Burial Risk Assessment |
Cable |
NorthConnect HVDC Cable - 06771 - UK Post Installation Survey Plan |
Cable |
NorthConnect HVDC Cable - 06771 - UK Fisheries Liaison and Mitigation Action Plan |
Cable |
NorthConnect HVDC Cable - 06771 - UK Communication Strategy |
Cable |
Beatrice Offshore Wind Farm - 06145 - Environmental Report |
Removal of any substance or object |
Deployment of Floating LiDAR - Supporting Information |
Deposit of any substance or object |
Moray West Offshore Windfarm - Scientific Instrument Deployment - Supporting Information |
Deposit of any substance or object |
Moray West Offshore Windfarm - Report to inform Appropriate Assessment |
Renewables - Wind |
Aberdeen Harbour Expansion - Further environmental information |
Construction of new works |
Aberdeen Harbour Expansion - 05964 - Noise registry |
Dredging |
Aberdeen Harbour Expansion - 05964 - Drawings |
Dredging |
Aberdeen Harbour Expansion - 05964 - Chemical analysis summary |
Dredging |
Aberdeen Harbour Expansion - 05964 - Best practicable environmental option |
Dredging |
Aberdeen Harbour Expansion - 05965 - Drawings |
Construction of new works |
Aberdeen Harbour Expansion - 05965 - Co-ordinates |
Construction of new works |
Hywind (Scotland) Limited - Unexploded Ordance (UXO) Clearance - European Protected Species - Additional Information |
Renewables - Wind |
European Offshore Wind Deployment Centre - Research Papers and Reports |
Renewables - Wind |
Hywind Scotland Pilot Park - 05515/15/0 - SLVIA Supporting Files |
Renewables - Wind |
Hywind Scotland Pilot Park - European Protected Species Geophysical Survey Summary |
Renewables - Wind |
Hywind Scotland Pilot Park - Addendum for Horizontal Directional Drilling Activities |
Renewables - Wind |
Hywind Scotland Pilot Park - Updated Plan for Horizontal Directional Drilling Activities |
Renewables - Wind |
European Offshore Wind Deployment Centre - Addendum Consultation Responses |
Renewables - Wind |
Hywind Scotland Pilot Park - 06294/17/0 - Additional Deposits |
Renewables - Wind |
Hywind Scotland Pilot Park - 06294/17/0 - Method Statement |
Renewables - Wind |