Renewables - Wind

Renewables - Wind

The table below lists all marine licence applications, projects and documentation submitted to Marine Scotland Information and associated with the Renewables - Wind term.
MSLOT application type Date of application (if applicable) Licence commencement date (as granted) (if applicable)
European Protected Species Licence - Geophysical Surveys - 00010808 Renewables - Wind 2024-05-13 2024-08-10
European Protected Species Licence - Geophysical Surveys - 00010808 Renewables - Wind
European Protected Species Licence Application - Geophysical Surveys - 00010808 Renewables - Wind
Aspen Offshore Wind Farm Renewables - Wind
Talisk Offshore Wind Farm Renewables - Wind
Talisk Offshore Wind Farm – Scoping Report Renewables - Wind
Talisk Offshore Wind Farm – Scoping Renewables - Wind 2025-01-30
Cenos Offshore Windfarm - Application Supporting Documents Renewables - Wind
Section 36 Consent Application – Construction and Operation of Generating Station – Cenos Offshore Windfarm Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence Application - Construction of Transmission Works - Cenos Offshore Windfarm - 00011091 Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence Application - Construction of Generating Station – Cenos Offshore Windfarm - 00011090 Renewables - Wind
Environmental Impact Assessment Report - Cenos Offshore Windfarm - Volume 4 Renewables - Wind
Environmental Impact Assessment Report - Cenos Offshore Windfarm - Volume 3 Renewables - Wind
Environmental Impact Assessment Report - Cenos Offshore Windfarm - Volume 2 Renewables - Wind
Environmental Impact Assessment Report - Cenos Offshore Windfarm - Volume 1 Renewables - Wind
Section 36 Consent Application – Construction and Operation of Generating Station – Cenos Offshore Windfarm Renewables - Wind 2025-01-31
Marine Licence Application – Construction of Transmission Works – Cenos Offshore Windfarm - 00011091 Renewables - Wind 2025-01-31
Marine Licence Application - Construction of Generating Station – Cenos Offshore Windfarm - 00011090 Renewables - Wind 2025-01-31
Operations and Maintenance Programme – Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Wind Farms Renewables - Wind
Safety Zone Application – Culzean Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Pilot Project Renewables - Wind
Safety Zones – Culzean Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Pilot Project Renewables - Wind 2025-01-29
Public Notice- Muir Mhor Offshore Wind Farm Renewables - Wind
Environmental Monitoring Survey Reports 2024 - Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Outer Moray Firth Renewables - Wind
Operation and Maintenance Survey Summary Report 2024 - Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Outer Moray Firth Renewables - Wind
Scoping Opinion - SCOP-0057 - MachairWind Offshore Windfarm Renewables - Wind
Inch Cape Offshore Limited - Safety Zone Application Renewables - Wind
Safety Zones – Inch Cape Offshore Windfarm (Revised Design) Renewables - Wind 2024-12-13
Construction Programme – Inch Cape Offshore Windfarm (Revised Design) Renewables - Wind
Vessel Management and Navigational Safety Plan – Inch Cape Offshore Windfarm (Revised Design) Renewables - Wind
Decision Notice – Robin Rigg Offshore Windfarm, Solway Firth Renewables - Wind
Section 36 Consent – Robin Rigg - Section 36 Consent Application Renewables - Wind
Section 36 Consent – Robin Rigg Offshore Windfarm, Solway Firth Renewables - Wind 2025-01-07
Scoping - Morven Offshore Wind Farm, Hawthorn Pit Grid Connection Renewables - Wind 2024-12-20
Scoping Report – Morven Offshore Wind Farm, Hawthorn Pit Grid Connection Renewables - Wind
Decommissioning Programme - Inch Cape Offshore Windfarm (Revised Design) Renewables - Wind
Public Notices - Caledonia Offshore Wind Farms (North and South) - Moray Firth Renewables - Wind
European Protected Species Licence Variation - Geophysical and Benthic Surveys - Bowdun Offshore Wind Farm - 00010704 Renewables - Wind
European Protected Species Licence Variation Application - Geophysical and Benthic Surveys - Bowdun Offshore Wind Farm - 00010704 Renewables - Wind
Environmental Impact Assessment Screening Opinion - Section 36 Consent Variation - Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Offshore Wind Farm, Firth of Forth Renewables - Wind
Representations – Additional Information Consultation – West of Orkney Windfarm – West of Hoy, Orkney Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence Application – Construction and Operation of Transmission Works – Muir Mhor Offshore Wind Farm- 00011026 Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence Application - Construction and operation of generating station – Muir Mhor Offshore Wind Farm - 00011025 Renewables - Wind
Section 36 Consent Application – Construction and Operation of Generating Station – Muir Mhor Offshore Wind Farm Renewables - Wind
Environmental Impact Assessment Report - Muir Mhor Offshore Wind Farm Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence - Construction and operation of generating station – Muir Mhor Offshore Wind Farm - 00011025 Renewables - Wind 2024-11-22
Marine Licence – Construction and Operation of Transmission Works – Muir Mhor Offshore Wind Farm- 00011026 Renewables - Wind 2024-11-22
Section 36 Consent – Construction and Operation of Generating Station – Muir Mhor Offshore Wind Farm Renewables - Wind 2024-11-22
EIA Section 36 and Marine Licence Application - Caledonia South Offshore Wind Farm - Moray Firth Renewables - Wind
EIA Section 36 and Marine Licence Application - Caledonia North Offshore Wind Farm - Moray Firth Renewables - Wind
Environmental Impact Assessment Report – Volume 7E – Caledonia North - Caledonia Offshore Wind Farm – Moray Firth Renewables - Wind
Environmental Impact Assessment Report – Non Technical Summary and EIAR Guide - Caledonia Offshore Wind Farm – Moray Firth -00011012/00011013/00011014/00011015 Renewables - Wind
Environmental Impact Assessment Report – Volume 7D – Technical Appendices - Caledonia Offshore Wind Farm – Moray Firth Renewables - Wind
Environmental Impact Assessment Report – Volume 3 – Caledonia North - Caledonia Offshore Wind Farm – Moray Firth Renewables - Wind
Environmental Impact Assessment Report – Caledonia Application Documents - Caledonia Offshore Wind Farm – Moray Firth Renewables - Wind
Environmental Impact Assessment Report - Application Documents - Caledonia Onshore - Caledonia Offshore Wind Farm – Moray Firth Renewables - Wind
Habitat Regulation Appraisal Derogation and Report to Inform Appropriate Assessment - Caledonia South - Caledonia Offshore Wind Farm – Moray Firth Renewables - Wind
Habitat Regulation Appraisal Derogation and Report to Inform Appropriate Assessment - Caledonia North - Caledonia Offshore Wind Farm – Moray Firth Renewables - Wind
Environmental Impact Assessment Report – Volume 7F – Technical Appendices - Caledonia Offshore Wind Farm – Moray Firth Renewables - Wind
Environmental Impact Assessment Report – Volume 7C – Technical Appendices - Caledonia Offshore Wind Farm – Moray Firth Renewables - Wind
Environmental Impact Assessment Report – Volume 7A – Technical Appendices - Caledonia Offshore Wind Farm – Moray Firth Renewables - Wind
Environmental Impact Assessment Report – Volume 5 – Proposed Development (Onshore) - Caledonia Offshore Wind Farm – Moray Firth Renewables - Wind
Environmental Impact Assessment Report – Volume 7 – Technical Appendices - Caledonia Offshore Wind Farm – Moray Firth Renewables - Wind
Environmental Impact Assessment Report – Volume 4 – Caledonia South - Caledonia Offshore Wind Farm – Moray Firth Renewables - Wind
Environmental Impact Assessment Report – Volume 2 – Proposed Development (Offshore) – Caledonia Offshore Wind Farm – Moray Firth Renewables - Wind
Environmental Impact Assessment Report - Volume 1 – Introduction and Overview Chapters – Caledonia Offshore Wind Farm – Moray Firth Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence – Construction of Offshore Transmission Infrastructure - Caledonia Offshore Wind Farm - North – Moray Firth - 00011015 Renewables - Wind 2024-11-20
Marine Licence – Construction of Offshore Transmission Infrastructure - Caledonia Offshore Wind Farm - South – Moray Firth - 00011013 Renewables - Wind 2024-11-20
Marine Licence – Construction and Operation of Generating Station - Caledonia Offshore Wind Farm - North – Moray Firth – 00011014 Renewables - Wind 2024-11-20
Marine Licence – Construction and Operation of Generating Station - Caledonia Offshore Wind Farm - South – Moray Firth - 00011012 Renewables - Wind 2024-11-20
Section 36 Consent Application - Caledonia Offshore Wind Farm - North – Moray Firth Renewables - Wind 2024-11-20
Section 36 Consent Application – Caledonia Offshore Wind Farm - South – Moray Firth Renewables - Wind 2024-11-20
HRA Screening Opinion - Spiorad na Mara Limited - Spiorad na Mara Offshore Wind Farm Renewables - Wind
Scoping Opinion - Bowdun Offshore Wind Farm - SCOP-0056 Renewables - Wind
HRA Screening Opinion – Ayre Offshore Wind Farm Renewables - Wind
Public Notice - Additional Information - West of Orkney Wind Farm Renewables - Wind
Representations - Ossian Offshore Wind Farm – South-east of Aberdeenshire Coast Renewables - Wind
HRA Screening Opinion – MarramWind Offshore Wind Farm - SCOP-0020 Renewables - Wind
Environmental Impact Assessment Screening Opinion Request – Section 36 Consent Variation - Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Offshore Wind Farm, Firth of Forth Renewables - Wind
Environmental Impact Assessment Screening Opinion - Section 36 Variation - Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Offshore Wind Farm, Firth of Forth Renewables - Wind 2024-10-17
European Protected Species Licence - Boulder Clearance and UXO ID - Firth of Forth - 00010893 Renewables - Wind
European Protected Species Licence Application - Boulder Clearance and UXO ID - Firth of Forth - 00010893 Renewables - Wind
European Protected Species Licence - Boulder Clearance and UXO ID - Firth of Forth - 00010893 Renewables - Wind 2024-07-26 2024-10-01
European Protected Species Licence - UXO Clearance - Inch Cape Offshore Windfarm - 00010894 Renewables - Wind
European Protected Species Licence Application - UXO Clearance - Inch Cape Offshore Windfarm - 00010894 Renewables - Wind
European Protected Species Licence - UXO Clearance - Inch Cape Offshore Windfarm - 00010894 Renewables - Wind 2024-07-26 2024-10-03
Offshore Environmental Impact Assessment Report - Additional Information - West of Orkney Windfarm - West of Hoy, Orkney Renewables - Wind
Scoping Consultation – Windfarm Development Area - MachairWind (ScotWind W1) – SCOP0057 Renewables - Wind
Scoping – SCOP-0057 - MachairWind Offshore Windfarm Renewables - Wind 2024-09-30
Environmental Management Plan – Inch Cape Offshore Windfarm (Revised Design) Renewables - Wind
Protocol for Archaeological Discoveries – Inch Cape Offshore Windfarm (Revised Design) Renewables - Wind
Scoping Opinion – Ayre Offshore Wind Farm Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence – Construct, alter or improve – Construction of 5 Livelink sensors – Aberdeen Offshore Windfarm - 00010796 Renewables - Wind
HRA Screening Report - Bowdun Offshore Wind Farm - SCOP-0056 Renewables - Wind
Pre-Application Consultation Notice (PAC) - Stromar Offshore Wind Farm Renewables - Wind
HRA Screening Report - Spiorad na Mara Limited - Spiorad na Mara Offshore Wind Farm Renewables - Wind
Scoping Opinion - Cenos Offshore Windfarm - 2024 Renewables - Wind
HRA Screening Report – Ayre Offshore Wind Farm Renewables - Wind
Scoping Report - Bowdun Offshore Wind Farm - SCOP-0056 Renewables - Wind
Scoping - Bowdun Offshore Wind Farm - SCOP-0056 Renewables - Wind 2024-08-22
Scoping Opinion – SCOP-0048 – Arven Offshore Wind Farm Renewables - Wind
HRA Screening Report – MarramWind Offshore Wind Farm Renewables - Wind
Representations – Cambois Cable Connection – Berwick Bank Offshore Windfarm - Firth of Forth - 00010501 Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence Variation Application - Cable repair or replacement - Robin Rigg Windfarm Area, Solway Firth - 05442/00009035/00010919 Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence Variation - Culzean Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Pilot Project - East of Aberdeen - 00010921 Renewables - Wind
Representations- Application - Consultation Response - MD-SEDD Diadromous Fish - West of Orkney Windfarm - West of Hoy, Orkney Renewables - Wind
Appropriate Assessment - Culzean Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Pilot Project - East of Aberdeen - 00010724 Renewables - Wind
Decision Notice - Culzean Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Pilot Project - East of Aberdeen - 00010724 Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence - Culzean Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Pilot Project - East of Aberdeen - 00010724 Renewables - Wind
Scoping Opinion – Bellrock Offshore Wind Farm - August 2024 Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence Variation Application- Temporary deposits - Hywind Scotland Pilot Park - 00010889 Renewables - Wind
Design Statement – Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Wind Farm (Revised Design) Renewables - Wind
Cable Plan - Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Wind Farm (Revised Design) Renewables - Wind
Fisheries Management and Mitigation Strategy - Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Wind Farm (Revised Design) Renewables - Wind
Public Notice – Ossian Offshore Wind Farm – South-east of Aberdeenshire Coast Renewables - Wind
Representations - Salamander Offshore Wind Farm Renewables - Wind
Environmental Impact Assessment Report - Volume 4 – Outline Management Plans – Ossian Offshore Wind Farm - South-east of Aberdeenshire Coast Renewables - Wind
Environmental Impact Assessment Report - Volume 3 – Technical Reports – Ossian Offshore Wind Farm - South-east of Aberdeenshire Coast Renewables - Wind
Environmental Impact Assessment Report - Volume 2 – Technical Assessments – Ossian Offshore Wind Farm - South-east of Aberdeenshire Coast Renewables - Wind
Report to Inform Appropriate Assessment – Ossian Offshore Wind Farm - South-east of Aberdeenshire Coast Renewables - Wind
Non-Technical Summary – Ossian Offshore Wind Farm - South-east of Aberdeenshire Coast Renewables - Wind
Derogation Case – Ossian Offshore Wind Farm - South-east of Aberdeenshire Coast Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence Application – Generating Station – Ossian Offshore Wind Farm - South-east of Aberdeenshire Coast Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence Application – Array Transmission Assets – Ossian Offshore Wind Farm - South-east of Aberdeenshire Coast Renewables - Wind
Section 36 Consent Application – Ossian Offshore Wind Farm - South-east of Aberdeenshire Coast Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence – Construction of Array Transmission Assets – Ossian Offshore Wind Farm - South-east of Aberdeenshire Coast - 00010862 Renewables - Wind 2024-06-28
Marine Licence – Construction of Generating Station – Ossian Offshore Wind Farm - South-east of Aberdeenshire Coast - 00010861 Renewables - Wind 2024-06-28
Section 36 Consent – Construction and Operation of Generating Station – Ossian Offshore Wind Farm – South-east of Aberdeenshire Coast Renewables - Wind 2024-06-24
Scoping Report – Ayre Offshore Wind Farm Renewables - Wind
Scoping – Ayre Offshore Wind Farm Renewables - Wind 2024-06-17
Marine Licence – Seabed Preparation – Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Windfarm (Revised Design), Firth of Forth - 00010757 Renewables - Wind
European Protected Species Licence – Geophysical and Geotechnical Surveys – East of Aberdeenshire Coast – 00010816 Renewables - Wind
European Protected Species Licence Application – Geophysical and Geotechnical Surveys – East of Aberdeenshire Coast – 00010816 Renewables - Wind
European Protected Species Licence – Geophysical and Geotechnical Surveys – East of Aberdeenshire Coast – 00010816 Renewables - Wind 2024-05-04 2024-06-20
Moray West Offshore Windfarm - Offshore Transmission Infrastructure Operation and Maintenance Programme - Decision Notice Renewables - Wind
Moray West Offshore Windfarm – Wind Farm Operation and Maintenance Programme Renewables - Wind
European Protected Species/Basking Shark Licence – Geophysical Surveys – Malin Sea Wind Offshore Windfarm – 00010781 / 00010782, 00010863 / 00010864 Other 2024-04-17 2024-05-30
Malin Sea Wind Other
Marine Licence – Construct, alter or improve – Construction of 5 Livelink sensors – Aberdeen Offshore Windfarm - 00010796 Other 2024-04-10 2024-10-03
Scoping – SCOP-0048 - Arven Offshore Wind Farm Renewables - Wind 2024-05-17
Scoping Report – SCOP-0048 – Arven Offshore Wind Farm Renewables - Wind
European Protected Species Licence Application - Flora Offshore Wind Farm, East of Peterhead - 00010686 Renewables - Wind
European Protected Species Licence - Flora Offshore Wind Farm, East of Peterhead - 00010686 Renewables - Wind
European Protected Species Licence – Proposed Export Cable Corridor and Array Area Geophysical Survey – Flora Offshore Wind Farm, East of Peterhead - 00010686 Renewables - Wind 2024-04-05
Flora Offshore Wind Farm Renewables - Wind
HRA Screening Report – Arven Offshore Wind Farm Renewables - Wind
Arven Offshore Wind Farm Renewables - Wind
Scoping Opinion - Spiorad na Mara Limited - Spiorad na Mara Offshore Wind Farm Renewables - Wind
HRA Screening Report - Cenos Offshore Windfarm Renewables - Wind
Representations - Marine Licence Application - Culzean Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Pilot Project - East of Aberdeen - 00010724 Renewables - Wind
Notice of Pre-Application Consultation - Caledonia Offshore Wind Farm Renewables - Wind
Notice of Pre-Application Consultation - Caledonia Offshore Wind Farm Renewables - Wind
Pre-Application Consultation - Caledonia Offshore Wind Farm Renewables - Wind 2024-05-06
HRA Screening Response - Buchan Offshore Wind Farm Renewables - Wind
Public Notice - Salamander Offshore Wind Farm Renewables - Wind
HRA Accompanying Reports - Salamander Offshore Wind Farm Renewables - Wind
Volume 6 - Offshore Environmental Impact Assessment Report - Salamander Offshore Wind Farm Renewables - Wind
Volume 5 - Offshore Environmental Impact Assessment Report - Salamander Offshore Wind Farm Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence Application - Construction and Operation of Generating Station and Offshore Transmission Infrastructure - Salamander Offshore Wind Farm - 00010807 Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence - Construction and Operation of Generating Station and Offshore Transmission Infrastructure - Salamander Offshore Wind Farm - 00010807 Renewables - Wind 2024-04-24
Volume 4 - Offshore Environmental Impact Assessment Report - Salamander Offshore Wind Farm Renewables - Wind
Application Documents - EIA Application - Salamander Offshore Wind Farm Renewables - Wind
Volume 3 - Offshore Environmental Impact Assessment Report - Salamander Offshore Wind Farm Renewables - Wind
Volume 2 - Offshore Environmental Impact Assessment Report - Salamander Offshore Wind Farm Renewables - Wind
Volume 1 - Offshore Environmental Impact Assessment Report - Salamander Offshore Wind Farm Renewables - Wind
Section 36 consent - Construction and Operation of Generating Station and Offshore Transmission Infrastructure - Salamander Offshore Wind Farm Renewables - Wind 2024-04-24
Scoping Opinion - Broadshore Hub Wind Farm Development Areas, Moray Firth - May 2024 Renewables - Wind
Inch Cape Offshore Windfarm (Revised Design) - Cofferdam - Cockenzie - Marine Licence - 00010690 Renewables - Wind
Scoping Opinion – Stromar Offshore Wind Farm - April 2024 Renewables - Wind
Scoping Request - Cenos Offshore Windfarm - 2024 Renewables - Wind
Public Notice of Environmental Impact Assessment Decision - Green Volt Offshore Windfarm - East of Aberdeenshire Coast Renewables - Wind
Without-Prejudice HRA Derogation Case - Green Volt Offshore Windfarm - East of Aberdeenshire Coast Renewables - Wind
Submission to Minister - Green Volt Offshore Windfarm - East of Aberdeenshire Coast Renewables - Wind
Derogation Case - Green Volt Offshore Windfarm - East of Aberdeenshire Coast Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence – Seabed Preparation – Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Windfarm (Revised Design), Firth of Forth - 00010757 Renewables - Wind
Marine Protected Area Assessment - Green Volt Offshore Wind Farm - East of Aberdeenshire Coast Renewables - Wind
Habitats Regulations Appropriate Assessment - Green Volt Offshore Wind Farm - East of Aberdeenshire Coast Renewables - Wind
Environmental Impact Assessment Decision Notice - Section 36 Consent - Green Volt Offshore Windfarm - East of Aberdeenshire Coast Renewables - Wind
Environmental Impact Assessment Decision Notice - Green Volt Offshore Windfarm - Offshore Transmission Infrastructure (2 of 2) - East of Aberdeenshire Coast - 00010232 Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence - Green Volt Offshore Windfarm - Offshore Transmission Infrastructure (2 of 2) - East of Aberdeenshire Coast - 00010232 Renewables - Wind
Environmental Impact Assessment Decision Notice - Green Volt Offshore Windfarm - Offshore Transmission Infrastructure (1 of 2) - East of Aberdeenshire Coast - 00010231 Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence - Green Volt Offshore Windfarm - Offshore Transmission Infrastructure (1 of 2) - East of Aberdeenshire Coast - 00010231 Renewables - Wind
Environmental Impact Assessment Decision Notice - Green Volt Offshore Windfarm - Generating Station - East of Aberdeenshire Coast - 00010230 Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence - Green Volt Offshore Windfarm - Generating Station - East of Aberdeenshire Coast - 00010230 Renewables - Wind
Screening Opinion - Section 36 Consent Variation - Forthwind Demonstration Project - Methil, Firth of Forth Renewables - Wind
Section 36 Consent Variation - Forthwind Demonstration Project - Methil, Firth of Forth Renewables - Wind 2024-02-08
Representations - Additional Information consultation - Green Volt Offshore Windfarm - East of Aberdeenshire Coast Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence Variation - Renewables Construction Works and Deposits - Hywind Scotland Pilot Park - 00010689 Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence Variation - Renewables Construction Works and Deposits - Hywind Scotland Pilot Park - 00010689 Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence - Temporary deposits - Hywind Scotland Pilot Park - 00010668 Renewables - Wind
Bellrock Offshore Wind Farm Renewables - Wind
Scoping Report - Bellrock Offshore Wind Farm Renewables - Wind
HRA Screening Report - Bellrock Offshore Wind Farm Renewables - Wind
Scoping - Bellrock Offshore Wind Farm - Wind Farm Development Area Renewables - Wind 2024-04-10
European Protected Species Licence - UXO Clearance Activities - Moray West Offshore Windfarm, Moray Firth - 00010676 Renewables - Wind
European Protected Species Licence Application - UXO Clearance Activities - Moray West Offshore Windfarm, Moray Firth - 00010676 Renewables - Wind
European Protected Species Licence - UXO Clearance Activities - Moray West Offshore Windfarm, Moray Firth - 00010676 Renewables - Wind 2023-12-14 2024-04-06
Marine Licence - Pentland Floating Offshore Wind Farm - Dounreay, Caithness - 00010578 Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence - Offshore Transmission Infrastructure - Dounreay, Caithness - 00010577 Renewables - Wind
Appropriate Assessment - Pentland Floating Offshore Wind Farm - Dounreay, Caithness - 00010577, 00010578 & Section 36 Consent Renewables - Wind
Decision Notice - Pentland Floating Offshore Wind Farm - Dounreay, Caithness - 00010577, 00010578 & Section 36 Consent Renewables - Wind
Submission to Ministers - Pentland Floating Offshore Wind Farm - Dounreay, Caithness - 00010577, 00010578 & Section 36 Consent Renewables - Wind
European Protected Species Licence - Geophysical, Geotechnical and Benthic Surveys - North Sea Renewables Grid, Central North Sea - 00010699 Renewables - Wind
European Protected Species Licence Application - Geophysical, Geotechnical and Benthic Surveys - North Sea Renewables Grid, Central North Sea - 00010699 Renewables - Wind
European Protected Species Licence - Geophysical, Geotechnical and Benthic Surveys - North Sea Renewables Grid, Central North Sea - 00010699 Renewables - Wind 2024-02-28 2024-04-01
European Protected Species Licence - Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Windfarm - 00010722 Renewables - Wind
European Protected Species Licence Application - Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Windfarm - 00010722 Renewables - Wind
European Protected Species Licence - Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Windfarm - 00010722 Renewables - Wind 2023-04-24 2024-04-01
European Protected Species Licence Application - Stromar Offshore Wind Farm, Moray Firth - 00010677 Renewables - Wind
European Protected Species Licence Application - Geotechnical Surveys - Seagreen 1A Export Cable Corridor, Firth of Forth - 00010646 Renewables - Wind
European Protected Species Licence - Geotechnical Surveys - Seagreen 1A Export Cable Corridor, Firth of Forth - EPS-00010646 Renewables - Wind 2023-12-19 2024-04-01
European Protected Species Licence - Geotechnical Surveys - Seagreen 1A Export Cable Corridor, Firth of Forth - 00010646 Renewables - Wind
Representations - Green Volt Offshore Windfarm - East of Aberdeenshire Coast Renewables - Wind
European Protected Species Licence - Stromar Offshore Wind Farm, Moray Firth - 00010677 Renewables - Wind
European Protected Species Licence – Proposed Export Cable Route Geophysical Survey & Benthic Sampling – Stromar Offshore Wind Farm, Moray Firth - 00010677 Renewables - Wind 2024-01-22
Marine Licence Application - Culzean Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Pilot Project - East of Aberdeen - 00010724 Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence Application – Scour Protection – Robin Rigg Windfarm Area, Solway Firth - 00010730 Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence – Scour Protection – Robin Rigg Windfarm Area, Solway Firth - 00010730 Renewables - Wind 2024-03-01
Representations - West of Orkney Windfarm - West of Hoy, Orkney Renewables - Wind
Piling Strategy Revision 04– December 2023 Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence Application – Inch Cape Offshore Windfarm (Revised Design), Firth of Forth – Cofferdam – 00010690 Renewables - Wind
European Protected Species Application – Geotechnical Survey – Muir Mhòr Offshore Windfarm, East of Peterhead – 00010635 Renewables - Wind
European Protected Species Licence - Geotechnical Survey – Muir Mhòr Offshore Windfarm, East of Peterhead – 00010635 Renewables - Wind 2023-11-21
Screening Request - Section 36 Consent Variation - Forthwind Offshore Wind Demonstration Project - Methil, Firth of Forth Renewables - Wind
Moray West Export Cable Plan - February 2024 Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence- Moray West Offshore Windfarm- Variation February 2024- MS-00010585 Renewables - Wind
HRA Screening Report - Buchan Offshore Wind Farm Renewables - Wind
Hywind Scotland Pilot Park - 00010689 - Marine Licence Variation Application Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence Application - Temporary deposits- Hywind Scotland Pilot Park- 00010668 Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence - Temporary deposits - Hywind Scotland Pilot Park - 00010668/00010889 Renewables - Wind 2024-01-08 2024-09-01
European Protected Species Licence - Construction Phase Piling – Moray West Offshore Windfarm, Moray Firth – 00010673 Renewables - Wind
Scoping Report – Broadshore Hub Wind Farm Development Areas, Moray Firth – January 2024 Renewables - Wind
HRA Screening Report – Broadshore Hub Wind Farm Development Areas, Moray Firth – January 2024 Renewables - Wind
Scoping – Broadshore Hub Wind Farm Development Areas, Moray Firth Renewables - Wind 2024-01-08
Broadshore Hub Offshore Wind Farms Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence – Seabed Preparation – Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Windfarm (Revised Design), Firth of Forth - 00010622 Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence Application – Seabed Preparation – Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Windfarm (Revised Design), Firth of Forth - 00010622 Renewables - Wind
HRA Screening Report - Stromar Offshore Wind Farm Renewables - Wind
Scoping Report - Stromar Offshore Wind Farm Renewables - Wind
Scoping - Stromar Offshore Wind Farm Renewables - Wind 2024-01-10
Marine Licence Variation - Construction and operation of generating station - Seagreen Alpha Wind Farm Area, Firth of Forth - 00010505 Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence Variation - Construction and operation of generating station - Seagreen Alpha Wind Farm Area, Firth of Forth - 00010504 Renewables - Wind
Consultation Responses - Pentland Floating Offshore Wind Farm - Dounreay, Caithness - 00010577, 00010578 & Section 36 Consent Renewables - Wind
Scoping Opinion – Buchan Offshore Wind Farm - December 2023 Renewables - Wind
Inch Cape Offshore Windfarm (Revised Design) - Additional Landfall Works - Cockenzie - Marine Licence - 00010672 Renewables - Wind
Consultation Responses - Pentland Floating Offshore Wind Farm - Dounreay, Caithness - 00009991, 00009992 & Section 36 Consent Renewables - Wind
Inch Cape Offshore Windfarm (Revised Design) - Firth of Forth - Offshore Transmission Works Marine Licence Variation - 00010593 Renewables - Wind
Scoping Opinion – Morven Offshore Wind Farm Array Area - November 2023 Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence Variation - Construction and operation of transmission works - Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Wind Farm Area, Firth of Forth - 00010467 Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence Variation - Transfer of Offshore Transmission Infrastructure - 00010466 Renewables - Wind
European Protected Species Licence Application – Operations and Maintenance and Remaining Construction Activities – Seagreen Alpha and Bravo – Firth of Forth – 00010589 and 00010590 Renewables - Wind
European Protected Species Licence – Operations and Maintenance and Remaining Construction Activities – Seagreen Alpha and Bravo – Firth of Forth – 00010589 and 00010590 Renewables - Wind 2023-10-20 2024-03-27
Pre-Application Consultation - Salamander Offshore Wind Farm - November 2023 Renewables - Wind
Pre-Application Consultation - Salamander Offshore Wind Farm - June 2023 Renewables - Wind
Pre-Application Consultation - Salamander Offshore Wind Farm Renewables - Wind 2023-04-26
Public Notice - Additional Information - Green Volt Offshore Wind Farm - East of Aberdeenshire Coast Renewables - Wind
Offshore Environmental Impact Assessment Report - Additional Information - Green Volt Offshore Wind Farm - East of Aberdeenshire Coast Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence Variation Application - Construction of Offshore Windfarm Transmission Infrastructure - Moray West Offshore Windfarm - Moray Firth - 00010585 Renewables - Wind
Cable Plan – Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Offshore Windfarms Renewables - Wind
Offshore Wind Farm Cable Plan – Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Offshore Windfarms Renewables - Wind 2021-11-23
Marine Licence Variation Application - Alternative Landfall Cable Installation Method – Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Wind Farm Area, Firth of Forth – 00010567 Renewables - Wind
Scoping Report - Spiorad na Mara Limited - Spiorad na Mara Offshore Windfarm Renewables - Wind
Scoping - Spiorad na Mara Limited - Spiorad na Mara Offshore Windfarm Renewables - Wind 2023-09-29
Section 36 Consent and Marine Licence Variation Application - Pentland Floating Offshore Wind Farm - Dounreay, Caithness Renewables - Wind
Section 36 Consent and Marine Licence Variation - Pentland Floating Offshore Wind Farm - Dounreay, Caithness Renewables - Wind 2023-10-11
European Protected Species Licence - Geophysical Surveys – Cenos Offshore Windfarm - 00010535 Renewables - Wind
European Protected Species Licence - Geophysical Surveys – Cenos Offshore Windfarm - 00010535 Renewables - Wind
European Protected Species Licence - Geophysical Surveys – Cenos Offshore Windfarm - 00010535 Renewables - Wind 2023-08-25 2023-10-06
Scoping Report - Buchan Offshore Wind - SCOP-0031 Renewables - Wind
Scoping - Buchan Offshore Wind Farm - SCOP-0031 Renewables - Wind 2023-10-04
European Protected Species Licence - Construction Phase Piling – Moray West Offshore Windfarm, Moray Firth – 00010488 Renewables - Wind
European Protected Species Licence Application - Construction Phase Piling – Moray West Offshore Windfarm, Moray Firth – 00010488 Renewables - Wind
European Protected Species Licence - Construction Phase Piling – Moray West Offshore Windfarm, Moray Firth – 00010488/00010673 Renewables - Wind 2023-07-11 2024-01-16
Section 36 Consent - Construction and Operation of Offshore Generating Station and Offshore Transmission Infrastructure - West of Orkney Windfarm - West of Hoy, Orkney Renewables - Wind 2023-09-18
Marine Licence - Construction and Operation of Offshore Transmission Infrastructure - West of Orkney Windfarm - West of Hoy, Orkney - 00010561 Renewables - Wind 2023-09-18
Marine Licence - Construction and Operation of Offshore Generating Station - West of Orkney Windfarm - West of Hoy, Orkney - 00010559 Renewables - Wind 2023-09-18
Marine Licence Application - West of Orkney Windfarm – Offshore Transmission Infrastructure - West Coast of Hoy, Orkney - 00010561 Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence Application - West of Orkney Windfarm - Generating Station – West Coast of Hoy, Orkney - 00010559 Renewables - Wind
Derogation Case without Prejudice - West of Orkney Windfarm - West of Hoy, Orkney Renewables - Wind
Habitats Regulations Appraisal - West of Orkney Windfarm - West of Hoy, Orkney Renewables - Wind
Environmental Impact Assessment Report - Volume 3 - West of Orkney Windfarm - West of Hoy, Orkney Renewables - Wind
Environmental Impact Assessment Report - Volume 2 - West of Orkney Windfarm - West of Hoy, Orkney Renewables - Wind
Environmental Impact Assessment Report - Volume 1 - West of Orkney Windfarm - West of Hoy, Orkney Renewables - Wind
Public Notice - West of Orkney Windfarm Renewables - Wind
Section 36 Application - West of Orkney Windfarm - West of Hoy, Orkney Renewables - Wind
Pre-application Consultation - West of Orkney Windfarm Renewables - Wind
Inch Cape Offshore Windfarm (Revised Design) - Additional Landfall Works - Cockenzie - Marine Licence Application - 00010672 Renewables - Wind
Inch Cape Offshore Windfarm (Revised Design) - Firth of Forth - Offshore Transmission Works Marine Licence Variation - 00010314 Renewables - Wind
Screening Opinion - Pentland Floating Offshore Wind Farm (Revised Design) Renewables - Wind
Extension to Commencement of Development – Construction and Operation of Offshore Windfarm – Inch Cape Offshore Windfarm (Revised Design), Firth of Forth Renewables - Wind
European Protected Species Licence Variation - UXO Clearance Activities – Moray West Offshore Windfarm, Moray Firth – 00010481 Renewables - Wind
European Protected Species Licence Variation Application - UXO Clearance Activities – Moray West Offshore Windfarm, Moray Firth – 00010481 Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence - UXO Clearance Activities - Moray West Offshore Wind Farm, Moray Firth - 00010483 Renewables - Wind
Screening Request – Inch Cape Offshore Windfarm (Revised Design), Forth of Forth – Cofferdam Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence – Inch Cape Offshore Windfarm (Revised Design), Firth of Forth – Cofferdam - 00010690 Renewables - Wind 2024-02-06 2025-01-02
Public Notice of Environmental Impact Assessment Additional Information - Berwick Bank Offshore Wind Farm - Firth of Forth Renewables - Wind
Additional Information - Submission Letter - Berwick Bank Offshore Wind Farm - Firth of Forth Renewables - Wind
Additional Information - Supplementary Information - Berwick Bank Offshore Wind Farm - Firth of Forth Renewables - Wind
Additional Information - Addendum to the Derogation Case - Berwick Bank Offshore Wind Farm - Firth of Forth Renewables - Wind
Additional Information - Addendum to the Environmental Impact Assessment and Habitats Regulations Appraisal - Berwick Bank Offshore Wind Farm - Firth of Forth Renewables - Wind
Screening - Pentland Floating Offshore Wind Farm (Revised Design) Renewables - Wind 2023-08-07
Screening Request - Pentland Floating Offshore Wind Farm (Revised Design) Renewables - Wind
MPA/MCZ Assessment - Cambois Cable Connection – Berwick Bank Offshore Wind Farm, Firth of Forth – 00010501 Renewables - Wind
Report to Inform an Appropriate Assessment (RIAA): - Cambois Cable Connection – Berwick Bank Offshore Wind Farm, Firth of Forth – 00010501 Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence Application - Cambois Cable Connection – Berwick Bank Offshore Wind Farm, Firth of Forth – 00010501 Renewables - Wind
Scour and Cable Monitoring Reports Renewables - Wind
Beatrice Offshore Wind Farm - 00010472 - Marine Licence Application Renewables - Wind
European Protected Species Variation Application - Geophysical Surveys - Bowdun Offshore Wind Farm - 00010499 Renewables - Wind
Safety Zones Notice - Moray West Offshore Wind Farm, Moray Firth Renewables - Wind
European Protected Species Licence - Geophysical Surveys - Bowdun Offshore Wind Farm - 00010499 Renewables - Wind
European Protected Species Licence - Geophysical Surveys - Cluaran Deas Ear Offshore Wind Farm - 00010294 Renewables - Wind
European Protected Species Licence Application - Geophysical Surveys – Cluaran Deas Ear Offshore Wind Farm – 00010294 Renewables - Wind
European Protected Species Licence - Geophysical and Benthic Surveys - Cluaran Deas Ear Offshore Wind Farm/Bowdun Offshore Wind Farm - 00010294/00010499/00010704 Renewables - Wind 2023-04-21 2024-05-01
Bowdun Offshore Wind Farm Renewables - Wind
Request to Extend Commencement of the Development - Submission to Ministers - Inch Cape Offshore Windfarm (Revised Design) Renewables - Wind
MFRAG - Ornithology - Beatrice Offshore Windfarm - Post-construction Ornithological Monitoring Report (Year 2) Renewables - Wind
Beatrice Offshore Wind Farm - 00010472 - Marine Licence Variation Renewables - Wind
Stromar Offshore Wind Farm - BS Licence - EPS-BS-00010493 – Licence Renewables - Wind
Stromar Offshore Wind Farm - EPS Licence - EPS-BS-00010492 – Licence Renewables - Wind
European Protected Species Licence and Basking Shark Licence – Proposed Export Cable Route Geophysical Survey & Benthic Sampling – Stromar Offshore Wind Farm, Moray Firth - 00010492 and 00010493 Renewables - Wind 2023-07-18
HRA Screening Report – Morven Offshore Wind Farm Array Area – July 2023 Renewables - Wind
Scoping Report – Morven Offshore Wind Farm Array Area – July 2023 Renewables - Wind
Scoping – Morven Offshore Wind Farm Renewables - Wind 2023-07-17
European Protected Species Licence - Geophysical Surveys - West of Orkney Windfarm - 00010452 Renewables - Wind
European Protected Species Licence Application - Geophysical Surveys - West of Orkney Windfarm - 00010452 Renewables - Wind
European Protected Species Licence - Geophysical Surveys - West of Orkney Windfarm - 00010452 Renewables - Wind 2023-07-05 2023-07-21
Marine Licence – Boulder and Debris Clearance - Moray West Offshore Windfarm, Moray Firth - 00010192/00010414 Renewables - Wind
Scoping Opinion - TotalEnergies - Culzean Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Pilot Project Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence - UXO Clearance Activities - Moray West Offshore Wind Farm, Moray Firth - 00010483 Renewables - Wind 2023-07-17 2023-08-31
Marine Licence Application - UXO Clearance Activities - Moray West Offshore Wind Farm - 00010483 Renewables - Wind
Stromar Offshore Wind Farm - BS Licence - EPS-BS-00010396 – Licence Renewables - Wind
Stromar Offshore Wind Farm - EPS Licence - EPS-BS-00010395 – Licence Renewables - Wind
European Protected Species Licence and Basking Shark Licence – Proposed Export Cable Route Geophysical Survey & Benthic Sampling – Stromar Offshore Wind Farm, Moray Firth - 00010395 and 00010396 Renewables - Wind 2023-04-28
Stromar Offshore Wind Farm Renewables - Wind
Habitats Regulations Appraisal Screening Report - Muir Mhòr Offshore Wind Farm, East Coast of Peterhead Renewables - Wind
Scoping Report - Muir Mhòr Offshore Wind Farm, East Coast of Peterhead Renewables - Wind
Scoping - Muir Mhòr Offshore Wind Farm, East Coast of Peterhead Renewables - Wind
Moray East - Project Environmental Monitoring Programme (WF PEMP and OFTI PEMP) Renewables - Wind
Representations - Berwick Bank Offshore Wind Farm - Firth of Forth Renewables - Wind
Public Notice of Decision - Pentland Floating Offshore Wind Farm - Dounreay, Caithness Renewables - Wind
Appropriate Assessment - Pentland Floating Offshore Wind Farm - Dounreay, Caithness Renewables - Wind
Section 36A Declaration - Pentland Floating Offshore Wind Farm - Dounreay, Caithness Renewables - Wind
Decision Notice - Pentland Floating Offshore Wind Farm - Dounreay, Caithness Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence - Offshore Transmission Infrastructure - Dounreay, Caithness - 00009992 Renewables - Wind
Decision Notice - Pentland Floating Offshore Wind Farm - Dounreay Caithness - 00009991 / 00009992 Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence - Pentland Floating Offshore Wind Farm - Dounreay, Caithness - 00009991 Renewables - Wind
MFRAG - Marine Mammals - Meeting Minutes - 31032023 Renewables - Wind
Scoping Opinion - Cenos Offshore Windfarm Renewables - Wind
European Protected Species Licence Extension - Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Windfarm - 00010380 Renewables - Wind 2023-07-02
European Protected Species Licence Extension- Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Windfarm - 00010380 Renewables - Wind
Scoping Opinion - Salamander Offshore Wind Farm Renewables - Wind
Moray West Offshore Windfarm - Air Traffic Control Radar Mitigation Scheme Approval Letter Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence – Pontoons – Buckie Harbour, Moray - 00010445 / 00010584 Pontoon 2023-10-17 2023-10-31
European Protected Species Licence - Geophysical Survey - Cenos Offshore Windfarm - 00010419 Renewables - Wind
European Protected Species Licence Application - Geophysical Survey - Cenos Offshore Windfarm - 00010419 Renewables - Wind
European Protected Species Licence - Geophysical Survey - Cenos Offshore Windfarm - 00010419 Renewables - Wind 2023-05-02 2023-06-14
Scoping Opinion - Ossian Offshore Wind Farm - South-east of Aberdeenshire Coast Renewables - Wind
2023 Generating station marine licence variation- Construction and operation of generating station - Inch Cape Offshore Windfarm (Revised Design), Firth of Forth - 00010140 Renewables - Wind
2023 Section 36 consent variation - Decision Notice - Inch Cape Offshore Windfarm (Revised Design) Renewables - Wind
2023 Section 36 consent variation - Submission to Ministers - Inch Cape Offshore Windfarm (Revised Design) Renewables - Wind
2023 Section 36 consent and generating station marine licence variation - Consultation Responses - Inch Cape Offshore Windfarm (Revised Design), Firth of Forth Renewables - Wind
2023 Section 36 consent and generating station marine licence variation - Appropriate Assessment Validation - Inch Cape Offshore Windfarm (Revised Design), Firth of Forth Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence - Cambois Cable Connection - Berwick Bank Offshore Wind Farm - Firth of Forth - 00010501 Cable 2023-07-28
European Protected Species Licence Variation – Geophysical and Benthic Surveys – Salamander Offshore Wind Farm – 00010389 Renewables - Wind
European Protected Species Licence Variation – Geophysical and Benthic Surveys – Salamander Offshore Wind Farm – 00010389 Renewables - Wind 2023-04-20 2023-05-02
Marine Licence Pre-Application Consultation - Salamander Offshore Wind Farm Renewables - Wind
European Protected Species Licence Application – Geophysical Surveys – Muir Mhòr Offshore Wind Farm – 00010209 Renewables - Wind
European Protected Species Licence – Geophysical Surveys – Muir Mhòr Offshore Wind Farm – 00010209 Renewables - Wind
Muir Mhòr Offshore Wind Farm Renewables - Wind
European Protected Species Licence – Geophysical Surveys – Muir Mhòr Offshore Wind Farm – 00010209 Renewables - Wind 2022-12-22 2023-03-25
Piling Strategy and Decision Notice - Moray West Offshore Windfarm, Moray Firth Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence Application – Boulder and Debris Clearance - Moray West Offshore Windfarm, Moray Firth - 00010414 Renewables - Wind
Decision notice - Section 36 variation - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm - March 2018 Renewables - Wind
Moray West Primary Radar Mitigation Scheme Renewables - Wind
Scoping Opinion - MarramWind Offshore Wind Farm - SCOP-0020 Renewables - Wind
European Protected Species licence variation - Geophysical surveys - Isle of Lewis - 00010377 Renewables - Wind
European Protected Species licence variation application - Geophysical surveys - Isle of Lewis - 00010377 Renewables - Wind
European Protected Species Licence Application – Geophysical Surveys of Export Cable Corridor – Thistle Wind Partners Limited (NE2) - 00010299 Renewables - Wind
European Protected Species Licence – Geophysical Surveys of Export Cable Corridor – Thistle Wind Partners Limited (NE2) - 00010299 Renewables - Wind
European Protected Species Licence – Geophysical Surveys of Export Cable Corridor – Thistle Wind Partners Limited (NE2) - 00010299 Renewables - Wind 2023-03-06 2023-05-04
Marine Licence Application - Geotechnical Surveys - Morven Offshore Wind Farm - 00010344 Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence - Geotechnical Surveys - Morven Offshore Wind Farm - 00010344 Renewables - Wind 2023-03-28 2023-08-17
Morven Offshore Wind Farm Renewables - Wind
Scoping Report - TotalEnergies - Culzean Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Pilot Project Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence Variation - Culzean Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Pilot Project - East of Aberdeen - 00010724 / 00010921 Renewables - Wind 2024-02-22 2024-08-23
Culzean Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Pilot Project Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence - Marine Farm - Fanagmore Bay, Loch Laxford- 00009365 Renewables - Wind
European Protected Species Licence – Geophysical and Geotechnical Surveys – Inch Cape Offshore Wind Farm Development Area - 00010280 Renewables - Wind
European Protected Species Licence Application – Geophysical and Geotechnical Surveys – Inch Cape Offshore Wind Farm Development Area - 00010280 Renewables - Wind
European Protected Species Licence – Geophysical and Geotechnical Surveys – Inch Cape Offshore Wind Farm Development Area - 00010280 Renewables - Wind 2023-03-01 2023-04-28
Marine Licence Application – UXO Clearance Activities – Moray West Offshore Windfarm, Moray Firth - 00010366 Renewables - Wind
European Protected Species Variation Licence - UXO Clearance Activities – Moray West Offshore Windfarm, Moray Firth – 00010265 Renewables - Wind
Pentland Floating Offshore Wind Farm - Section 36 Consent Variation - Submission to Ministers Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence Variation - Generating Station - Pentland Floating Offshore Wind Farm - 00010301 Renewables - Wind
Dounreay Trì Floating Wind Demonstration Project - Section 36 Consent Variation - Decision Notice Renewables - Wind
European Protected Species Licence – Geophysical Surveys – MachairWind Offshore Windfarm, Northwest of Islay – 00009843 Renewables - Wind
Basking Shark Licence – Geophysical Surveys – MachairWind Offshore Windfarm, Northwest of Islay – 00009844 Renewables - Wind
Basking Shark Licence – Geophysical Surveys – MachairWind Offshore Windfarm, Northwest of Islay – 00009844 Renewables - Wind 2022-05-20 2022-07-13
European Protected Species Licence – Geophysical Surveys – MachairWind Offshore Windfarm, Northwest of Islay – 00009843 Renewables - Wind 2022-05-20 2022-07-13
MachairWind project (Scotwind W1) Renewables - Wind
Habitats Regulations Appraisal Screening Report – Cambois Cable Connection - Berwick Bank Offshore Wind Farm, Firth of Forth Renewables - Wind
European Protected Species Licence Application – Geophysical and Benthic Surveys – Salamander Offshore Wind Farm – 00010272 Renewables - Wind
European Protected Species Licence – Geophysical and Benthic Surveys – Salamander Offshore Wind Farm – 00010272 Renewables - Wind
European Protected Species Licence – Geophysical and Benthic Surveys – Salamander Offshore Wind Farm – 00010272 Renewables - Wind 2023-02-17 2023-05-01
Ayre Offshore Wind Farm Renewables - Wind
European Protected Species licence - Geophysical surveys - Isle of Lewis - 00010277 Renewables - Wind
European Protected Species licence application - Geophysical surveys - Isle of Lewis - 00010277 Renewables - Wind
European Protected Species licence - Geophysical surveys - Isle of Lewis - 00010277/00010377 Renewables - Wind 2023-02-22 2023-05-08
Spiorad na Mara Renewables - Wind
European Protected Species Variation Licence - UXO Clearance Activities – Moray West Offshore Windfarm, Moray Firth – 00010265 Renewables - Wind
European Protected Species Licence - UXO Clearance Activities – Moray West Offshore Windfarm, Moray Firth – 00010265 / 00010363 / 00010481 Renewables - Wind 2023-07-17 2023-08-31
Marine Licence Variation – UXO Clearance Activities – Moray West Offshore Windfarm, Moray Firth - 00010033/00010264 Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence Variation – UXO Clearance Activities – Moray West Offshore Windfarm, Moray Firth - 00010264 Renewables - Wind 2023-02-07 2023-03-31
Inch Cape Offshore Windfarm (Revised Design) - Firth of Forth - Offshore Transmission Works Marine Licence Variation Application - 00010314 Renewables - Wind
European Protected Species Licence Variation Application – Unexploded Ordnance Clearance - Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Wind Farm, Firth of Forth – 00010326 Renewables - Wind
European Protected Species Licence – Unexploded Ordnance Clearance - Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Wind Farm, Firth of Forth – 00010326 Renewables - Wind
European Protected Species Licence – Unexploded Ordnance Clearance - Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Wind Farm, Firth of Forth – 00009973 / 00010326 Renewables - Wind 2023-03-24 2023-03-31
Marine Licence Variation – Unexploded Ordnance Clearance – Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Wind Farm, Firth of Forth - 00010320 Renewables - Wind
Screening Opinion - Inch Cape Offshore Windfarm (Revised Design) - Firth of Forth – Additional Landfall Works Renewables - Wind
Buchan Offshore Wind - EPS Licence - EPS-BS-00010207 – Licence Renewables - Wind
Buchan Offshore Wind - EPS Licence Application Renewables - Wind
European Protected Species Licence – Proposed Export Cable Route Geophysical, Geotechnical and Environmental Surveys – Buchan Offshore Wind - 00010207 Renewables - Wind 2022-12-05 2023-04-01
Buchan Offshore Wind Renewables - Wind
Moray West Inter Array Cable Plan Renewables - Wind 2022-10-26
Moray West Inter Array Cable Plan Renewables - Wind
Cenos Offshore Windfarm Renewables - Wind
Scoping Request - Cenos Offshore Windfarm Renewables - Wind
HRA Screening Report - Ossian Offshore Wind Farm - South-east of Aberdeenshire Coast Renewables - Wind
Scoping Report - Ossian Offshore Wind Farm - South-east of Aberdeenshire Coast Renewables - Wind
Scoping - Ossian Offshore Wind Farm Renewables - Wind 2023-03-09
Public Notice - Generating Station - Dounreay Trì Floating Wind Demonstration Project Renewables - Wind
Decision Notice - Forthwind Offshore Wind Demonstration Project - Methil, Firth of Forth - MS-00009834 Renewables - Wind
Public Notice of Decision - Forthwind Offshore Wind Demonstration Project - Methil, Firth of Forth Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence - Forthwind Offshore Wind Demonstration Project - Methil, Firth of Forth - MS-00009834 Renewables - Wind
Habitats Regulations Appraisal Screening Report - Salamander Offshore Wind Farm Renewables - Wind
Scoping Report - Salamander Offshore Wind Farm Renewables - Wind
Section 36A Declaration - Forthwind Offshore Wind Demonstration Project - Methil, Firth of Forth Renewables - Wind
Decision Notice - Forthwind Offshore Wind Demonstration Project - Methil, Firth of Forth Renewables - Wind
Appropriate Assessment - Forthwind Offshore Wind Demonstration Project - Methil, Firth of Forth Renewables - Wind
Dounreay Trì Floating Wind Demonstration Project – Consent Condition Variation Submission to Ministers Renewables - Wind
Dounreay Trì Floating Wind Demonstration Project - Consent Condition Variation Approval Letter Renewables - Wind
Dounreay Trì Floating Wind Demonstration Project - Consent Condition Variation Application Letter Renewables - Wind
Section 36 Consent and Marine Licence Variation Applications - Generating Station - Dounreay Trì Floating Wind Demonstration Project - 00010301 Renewables - Wind
Inch Cape Offshore Windfarm (Revised Design), Firth of Forth - Proposed Variation to Offshore Transmission Works Marine Licence - Screening Opinion Renewables - Wind
Safety Zones Application - Moray West Offshore Wind Farm, Moray Firth Renewables - Wind
Safety Zones - Moray West Offshore Windfarm, Moray Firth Renewables - Wind 2022-12-19
Marine Licence Application - Boulder Clearance - Alpha and Bravo - Seagreen Wind Energy Ltd - 00010281 Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence - Boulder Clearance - Alpha and Bravo - Seagreen Wind Energy Ltd - 00010281 Renewables - Wind 2023-02-24
Marine Licence Application - Construction of wave radar equipment on a turbine - European Offshore Wind Deployment Centre - 00010276 Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence - Construction of wave radar equipment on a turbine - European Offshore Wind Deployment Centre - 00010276 Renewables - Wind 2023-02-24 2023-05-25
Marine Licence – Boulder and Debris Clearance - Moray West Offshore Windfarm, Moray Firth - 00010192 Renewables - Wind
European Protected Species Licence Application - Geophysical Survey - Caledonian Offshore Wind Farm Export Cable Corridor - 00010182 Renewables - Wind
European Protected Species Licence - Geophysical Survey - Caledonian Offshore Wind Farm Export Cable Corridor - 00010182 Renewables - Wind
European Protected Species Licence - Geophysical Survey - Caledonian Offshore Wind Farm Export Cable Corridor - 00010182 Renewables - Wind 2022-11-28 2023-03-01
Marine Licence Variation - Construction and Operation of Offshore Transmission Infrastructure - Moray East - 09423 Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence Variation Application – UXO Clearance Activities – Moray West Offshore Windfarm, Moray Firth - 00010264 Renewables - Wind
Scoping Report - MarramWind Offshore Wind Farm - SCOP-0020 Renewables - Wind
Scoping - MarramWind Offshore Wind Farm - SCOP-0020 Renewables - Wind 2023-01-26
Marine Licence Application - Geotechnical surveys - MarramWind Offshore Wind farm - 00010244 Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence - Geotechnical Surveys - MarramWind Offshore Wind Farm - 00010244 Renewables - Wind 2023-01-26 2023-05-01
European Protected Species Licence - Geophysical Surveys - MarramWind Offshore Wind Farm Export Cable Corridor - 00010197 Renewables - Wind
European Protected Species Licence Application - Geophysical Surveys - MarramWind Offshore Wind Farm Export Cable Corridor - 00010197 Renewables - Wind
European Protected Species Licence - Geophysical Surveys - MarramWind Offshore Wind Farm Export Cable Corridor - 00010197 Renewables - Wind 2022-12-13 2023-03-01
MarramWind Offshore Wind Farm Renewables - Wind
Inch Cape Offshore Windfarm (Revised Design), Firth of Forth - Additional Landfall Works - Screening Request Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence - Inch Cape Offshore Windfarm (Revised Design), Firth of Forth - Additional Landfall Works - 00010672/00011083 Renewables - Wind 2023-01-26 2025-01-01
Marine Licence Variation - Offshore Substation Platform - Cable Protection Repair - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm - 00010188 Renewables - Wind
Public Notice - Green Volt Offshore Windfarm - East of Aberdeenshire Coast Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence Application - Green Volt Offshore Windfarm - Offshore Transmission Infrastructure (2 of 2) - East of Aberdeenshire Coast - 00010232 Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence Application - Green Volt Offshore Windfarm - Generating Station - East of Aberdeenshire Coast - 00010230 Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence Application - Green Volt Offshore Windfarm - Offshore Transmission Infrastructure (1 of 2) - East of Aberdeenshire Coast - 00010231 Renewables - Wind
Offshore Environmental Impact Assessment Report - Report to Inform Appropriate Assessment - Green Volt Offshore Wind Farm - East of Aberdeenshire Coast Renewables - Wind
Offshore Environmental Impact Assessment Report - Information to support EIA application - Green Volt Offshore Wind Farm - East of Aberdeenshire Coast Renewables - Wind
Offshore Environmental Impact Assessment Report - Volume 2 - Technical Appendices - Green Volt Offshore Wind Farm - East of Aberdeenshire Coast Renewables - Wind
Offshore Environmental Impact Assessment Report - Volume 1 - Technical Chapters - Green Volt Offshore Wind Farm - East of Aberdeenshire Coast Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence - Green Volt Offshore Windfarm - Offshore Transmission Infrastructure (2 of 2) - East of Aberdeenshire Coast - 00010232 Renewables - Wind 2023-01-20 2024-04-19
Marine Licence - Green Volt Offshore Windfarm - Offshore Transmission Infrastructure (1 of 2) - East of Aberdeenshire Coast - 00010231 Renewables - Wind 2023-01-20 2024-04-19
Marine Licence - Green Volt Offshore Windfarm - Generating Station - East of Aberdeenshire Coast - 00010230 Renewables - Wind 2023-01-20 2024-04-19
European Protected Species Licence – Construction and Operation of Tidal Energy Convertor - Berth 1, Fall of Warness – 00010185 Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence - Seagreen Wind Energy Ltd - Capital Dredging and Sea Disposal - 00010214 Other dredging 2022-12-16 2023-03-30
Scoping Opinion - Caledonia Offshore Wind Farm - Moray Firth Renewables - Wind
European Protected Species Licence – UXO Clearance Activities – Moray West Offshore Windfarm, Moray Firth – 00010032 Renewables - Wind 2022-05-22 2022-12-23
Marine Licence - Construction and Operation of Generating Station and Transmission Works - Aberdeen Bay - 00010195 Construction, alteration or improvement of any works 2022-12-14 2022-12-23
Public Notice of Application - Berwick Bank Offshore Wind Farm - Firth of Forth Renewables - Wind
EMEC - Billia Croo - Section 36 consent - Decision Notice and Conditions Renewables - Wind
EMEC - Billia Croo - Section 36 consent - Ministerial submission Renewables - Wind
Consent Application Accompanying Documents - Berwick Bank Offshore Wind Farm - Firth of Forth Renewables - Wind
Decommissioning Programme - Moray West Offshore Windfarm, Moray Firth Renewables - Wind
Derogation Case - Berwick Bank Offshore Wind Farm - Firth of Forth Renewables - Wind
Report to Inform Appropriate Assessment - Berwick Bank Offshore Wind Farm - Firth of Forth Renewables - Wind
Environmental Impact Assessment Report - Volume 4 - Outline Management Plans - Berwick Bank Offshore Wind Farm - Firth of Forth Renewables - Wind
Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Wind Farm - Section 36 Consent Variation - Submission to Ministers Renewables - Wind
Inch Cape Offshore Windfarm (Revised Design), Firth of Forth - Proposed Variation to Offshore Transmission Works Marine Licence - Screening Request Renewables - Wind
Environmental Impact Assessment Report - Volume 3 - Technical Reports - Berwick Bank Offshore Wind Farm - Firth of Forth Renewables - Wind
Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Wind Farm - Section 36 Consent Variation - Submission to Ministers Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence Variation - Construction and operation of generating station - Seagreen Bravo Wind Farm Area, Firth of Forth - 00010137 Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence Variation - Construction and operation of generating station - Seagreen Alpha Wind Farm Area, Firth of Forth - 00010136 Renewables - Wind
Environmental Impact Assessment Report - Volume 2 - Offshore EIA Report Specialist Assessments Chapters - Berwick Bank Offshore Wind Farm - Firth of Forth Renewables - Wind
Environmental Impact Assessment Report - Volume 1 - Introductory Chapters - Berwick Bank Offshore Wind Farm - Firth of Forth Renewables - Wind
Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Wind Farm - Section 36 Consent Variation - Decision Notice Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence Application - Offshore Transmission Infrastructure (Part 2) - Firth of Forth - 00010191 Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence Application - Offshore Transmission Infrastructure (Part 1) - Firth of Forth - 00010190 Renewables - Wind
Screening - Inch Cape Offshore Windfarm (Revised Design), Firth of Forth - Variation to OFTW marine licence 2023 Renewables - Wind 2022-12-15
Marine Licence Application - Berwick Bank Offshore Wind Farm - Firth of Forth - 00010189 Renewables - Wind
Section 36 Consent Application - Berwick Bank Offshore Wind Farm - Firth of Forth Renewables - Wind
Section 36 Consent - Construction and Operation of Generating Station - Berwick Bank Offshore Wind Farm - Firth of Forth Construction, alteration or improvement of any works 2022-12-09
Marine Licence - Construction of Offshore Transmission Infrastructure (Part 2) - Berwick Bank Offshore Wind Farm - Firth of Forth - 00010191 Construction, alteration or improvement of any works 2022-12-09
Marine Licence - Construction of Offshore Transmission Infrastructure (Part 1) - Berwick Bank Offshore Wind Farm - Firth of Forth - 00010190 Construction, alteration or improvement of any works 2022-12-09
Marine Licence - Construction and Operation of Generating Station - Firth of Forth - 00010189 Renewables - Wind 2022-12-09
Moray West Project Environmental Monitoring Programme Renewables - Wind
Additional Information_2 Renewables - Wind
Additional Information_1 Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence Application – Boulder and Debris Clearance - Moray West Offshore Windfarm, Moray Firth - 00010192 Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence – Boulder and Debris Clearance - Moray West Offshore Windfarm, Moray Firth - 00010192/00010414 Renewables - Wind 2023-05-15 2023-07-21
Seabird GPS tracking on the Isle of May, Fowlsheugh and St Abb’s Head in 2021 in relation to offshore wind farms in the Forth/Tay region Renewables - Wind
Inch Cape Offshore Windfarm (Revised Design), Firth of Forth - 2022 Section 36 consent and Generating Station marine licence Variation - Variation Application Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence Variation Application - Offshore Substation Platform - Cable Protection Repair - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm - 00010188 Renewables - Wind
MFRAG - Marine Mammals - Meeting Minutes - 22/09/2022 Renewables - Wind
Moray West Development Specification and Layout Plan Renewables - Wind
Moray West Offshore Transmission Infrastructure Piling Strategy Renewables - Wind
Ossian Wind - EPS Licence - EPS-BS-00009948 – Licence Renewables - Wind
Ossian Wind – EPS Licence Application Renewables - Wind
European Protected Species Licence – Proposed Export Cable Route Geophysical Survey & Benthic Sampling – Ossian Wind, Firth of Forth - 00009948 Renewables - Wind 2022-12-12
Ossian Offshore Wind Farm Renewables - Wind
Moray West Fisheries Mitigation Management Strategy Renewables - Wind
Moray West Export Cable Plan Renewables - Wind
Moray West Construction Programme and Construction Method Statement Renewables - Wind
Moray West Export Cable Plan Renewables - Wind
Moray West Vessel Management and Navigation Safety Plan Renewables - Wind
HRA Screening Report - Offshore Wind Power Ltd - West of Orkney Windfarm Renewables - Wind
HRA Screening - Offshore Wind Power Ltd - West of Orkney Windfarm Renewables - Wind
HRA Screening Response - Offshore Wind Power Ltd - West of Orkney Windfarm Renewables - Wind
Section 36 Consent Variation - Public Notice - Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Wind Farm, Firth of Forth Renewables - Wind
Section 36 Consent Variation Application - Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Wind Farm, Firth of Forth Renewables - Wind
Section 36 Consent Variation - Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Wind Farm, Firth of Forth Renewables - Wind 2022-11-07
Offshore Transmission Asset Operations and Maintenance Programme - Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Wind Farms Renewables - Wind
Offshore Wind Farm Operations and Maintenance Programme - Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Wind Farms Renewables - Wind
Offshore Transmission Asset Cable Plan - Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Wind Farms Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence – Offshore Substation Platform – Cable Protection Repair – Moray East Offshore Wind Farm – 00010009 Renewables - Wind
Moray East Offshore Wind Farm - Wind Farm Operation and Maintenance Programme - June 2022 Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence Variation - Offshore Transmission Works - Beatrice Offshore Wind Farm, Moray Firth - 04461/00009451 Renewables - Wind
Moray West Emergency Response Co-operation Plan Renewables - Wind
Appropriate Assessment Validation - Section 36 Consent Variation - Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Wind Farms, Firth of Forth Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence Variation - Construction and operation of transmission works - Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Wind Farm Area, Firth of Forth - 00010078 Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence Variation - Construction and operation of generating station - Seagreen Bravo Wind Farm Area, Firth of Forth - 00010076 Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence Variation - Construction and operation of generating station - Seagreen Alpha Wind Farm Area, Firth of Forth - 00010075 Renewables - Wind
Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Wind Farm - Section 36 Consent Variation - Decision Notice Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence Application – UXO Clearance Activities - Moray West Offshore Windfarm, Moray Firth - 00010033 Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence – UXO Clearance Activities – Moray West Offshore Windfarm, Moray Firth - 00010033/00010264/00010360 Renewables - Wind 2023-05-30 2023-05-31
HRA Screening Report - Caledonia Offshore Wind Farm - Moray Firth Renewables - Wind
HRA Screening - Caledonia Offshore Wind Farm - Moray Firth Renewables - Wind 2022-10-03
Lighting and Marking Plan - Moray West Offshore Windfarm Renewables - Wind
Development Specification and Layout Plan - Moray West Offshore Windfarm Renewables - Wind
Scoping Report - Caledonia Offshore Wind Farm - Moray Firth Renewables - Wind
Scoping - Caledonia Offshore Wind Farm - Moray Firth Renewables - Wind 2022-09-30
Marine Licence Application - Offshore Substation Cable Protection Repair - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm - 00010009 Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence - Offshore Substation Platform - Cable Protection Repair - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm - 00010009/00010188/00010285 Renewables - Wind 2022-11-30 2023-02-03
European Protected Species Licence Variation - Geophysical Surveys - Caledonia Offshore Wind Farm - 00010025 Renewables - Wind
Inch Cape Offshore Windfarm (Revised Design), Firth of Forth – Proposed Variation – Screening Opinion Renewables - Wind
Section 36 Consent Variation Determination - Consultation Responses - Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Wind Farm, Firth of Forth Renewables - Wind
European Protected Species Licence Variation Application - Geophysical Surveys - Caledonia Offshore Wind Farm - 00010025 Renewables - Wind
Salamander Offshore Wind Farm Renewables - Wind
Public Notice - Pentland Floating Offshore Wind Farm - Dounreay, Caithness Renewables - Wind
Habitats Regulation Appraisal - Pentland Floating Offshore Wind Farm - Dounreay, Caithness Renewables - Wind
Environmental Impact Assessment Report - Pentland Floating Offshore Wind Farm - Dounreay, Caithness Renewables - Wind
Section 36 Consent Application - Pentland Floating Offshore Wind Farm - Dounreay, Caithness Renewables - Wind
Section 36 Consent - Pentland Floating Offshore Wind Farm - Dounreay, Caithness Renewables - Wind 2022-08-09
Marine Licence Application - Offshore Transmission Infrastructure - Dounreay, Caithness - 00009992 Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence - Offshore Transmission Infrastructure - Dounreay, Caithness - 00009992/00010577 Renewables - Wind 2022-08-09 2024-04-05
Marine Licence Application - Pentland Floating Offshore Wind Farm - Dounreay, Caithness - 00009991 Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence - Pentland Floating Offshore Wind Farm - Dounreay, Caithness – 00009991/00010578 Renewables - Wind 2022-08-09 2024-04-05
Marine Licence Application – Unexploded Ordnance Clearance – Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Wind Farm, Firth of Forth - 00009972 Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence Application – Seabed Preparation – Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Windfarm (Revised Design), Firth of Forth – 00009978 Renewables - Wind
Pre-Application Consultation – Green Volt Offshore Wind Farm – East of Aberdeenshire Coast Renewables - Wind 2022-08-03
Pre-Application Consultation – Green Volt Offshore Wind Farm – East of Aberdeenshire Coast Renewables - Wind
Operation and Maintenance Programme - Neart Na Gaoithe Offshore Wind Farm (Revised Design) Renewables - Wind
Moray West Protocol for Archaeological Discoveries and Written Scheme of Investigation Renewables - Wind
European Protected Species Licence - Geophysical Surveys - Caledonia Offshore Wind Farm - 00009861 Renewables - Wind
European Protected Species Licence Application - Geophysical Surveys - Caledonia Offshore Wind Farm - 00009861 Renewables - Wind
European Protected Species Licence - Geophysical Surveys - Caledonia Offshore Wind Farm - 00009861/00010025 Renewables - Wind 2022-05-16 2022-09-17
Caledonia Offshore Wind Farm Renewables - Wind
Inch Cape Offshore Windfarm (Revised Design), Firth of Forth – Proposed Variation – Screening Request and Report Renewables - Wind
Section 36 consent and Generating Station marine licence variation – Inch Cape Offshore Windfarm (Revised Design), Firth of Forth – Variation of turbine spacing and design parameters Renewables - Wind 2022-07-04
Marine Licence - Borehole Backfilling – Berwick Bank Offshore Wind Farm - Firth of Forth - 00009941 Deposit of any substance or object 2022-06-30 2022-08-01
Marine Licence Variation – Construction and Operation of Wave Energy Convertor – Scapa Flow Test Site - 00009926 Renewables - Wind
European Protected Species Licence Variation - Geophysical Surveys – Moray West Windfarm and cable corridor – 00009879 Renewables - Wind
European Protected Species Licence Application - Geophysical Surveys – Moray West Windfarm and cable corridor – 00009879 Renewables - Wind
Scoping Opinion - West of Orkney Windfarm Renewables - Wind
Scoping Opinion Request - West of Orkney Wind Farm - West of Hoy, Orkney Renewables - Wind 2022-03-02
Marine Licence Variation – Construction of Export Cable – Seagreen 1A Export Cable Corridor, Firth of Forth – 00009923 Renewables - Wind
Screening Response - Nature Conservation Appraisal Report – Pentland Offshore Wind Farm, Dounreay, Caithness Renewables - Wind
Screening – Nature Conservation Appraisal Report – Pentland Offshore Wind Farm, Dounreay, Caithness Renewables - Wind 2022-02-22
Public Notice - Forthwind Offshore Demonstration Project - Methil, Firth of Forth Renewables - Wind
Screening Opinion - HT1 Hydrogen Electrolyser Project - European Offshore Wind Deployment Centre, Aberdeen Bay Renewables - Wind
Forthwind Demonstration Project Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence - Forthwind Offshore Wind Demonstration Project - Methil, Firth of Forth - 00009834 Renewables - Wind 2022-04-29 2023-03-15
Marine Licence Application - Forthwind Offshore Wind Demonstration Project, Methil, Fife - 00009834 Renewables - Wind
Screening Request - Section 36 Consent Variation - Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Wind Farm, Firth of Forth Renewables - Wind
Screening Opinion - Section 36 Consent Variation - Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Wind Farm, Firth of Forth Renewables - Wind
MFRAG - Ornithology - Meeting Minutes - 09/01/2022 Renewables - Wind
Section 36 Consent Variation Application - Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Wind Farm, Firth of Forth Renewables - Wind
Section 36 Consent Variation - Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Wind Farm, Firth of Forth Renewables - Wind 2022-05-10
Scoping Opinion "Addendum" - Pentland Floating Offshore Wind Farm Renewables - Wind
Environmental Impact Assessment Report - Forthwind Offshore Wind Demonstration Project - Methil, Fife Renewables - Wind
Section 36 Consent Application - Forthwind Offshore Wind Demonstration Project, Methil, Fife Renewables - Wind
Section 36 Consent - Forthwind Offshore Wind Demonstration Project - Methil, Firth of Forth Renewables - Wind 2022-04-29
Moray West Environmental Monitoring Plan Renewables - Wind
Moray East Offshore Wind Farm - Commercial Fisheries Mitigation Strategy Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence Variation Application - Construction and Operation of Transmission Works - Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Windfarm (Revised Design), Firth of Forth - 06678/0008954/00009466 Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence – Installation of Rain Radar Instrument – European Offshore Wind Deployment Centre, Aberdeen Bay – 00009641 Renewables - Wind
Screening Opinion - Section 36 Consent and Marine Licence Variation - Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Offshore Wind Farm – Firth of Forth Renewables - Wind
Screening Request - Section 36 Consent and Marine Licence Variation - Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Offshore Wind Farm – Firth of Forth Renewables - Wind
Screening – Section 36 Consent and Marine Licence Variation - Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Offshore Wind Farm – Firth of Forth Renewables - Wind 2022-01-17
Scoping Opinion – Green Volt Offshore Wind Farm – East of Aberdeenshire Coast Renewables - Wind
Pre-Application Consultation - Pentland Floating Offshore Wind Farm - Dounreay, Caithness - May 2022 Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence Moray West Offshore Generating Station - Variation April 2022 - MS-00009774 Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence Moray West Offshore Transmission - Variation April 2022 - MS-00009813 Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence – Boulder Clearance and Debris Removal – Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Wind Farm Site - 00009569 Renewables - Wind
Scoping - Offshore Wind Power Ltd - West of Orkney Wind Farm Renewables - Wind 2022-03-02
West of Orkney Windfarm Renewables - Wind
Scoping Request - Offshore Wind Power Limited - West of Orkney Renewables - Wind
Moray West Offshore Wind Farm - Section 36 Variation - Decision Notice Renewables - Wind
Screening Opinion - Dounreay Tri Floating Wind Demonstration Project - Dounreay, Caithness Renewables - Wind
Decision Notice - Section 36 Consent Variation - Moray West Offshore Wind Farm Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence (Variation) - MS-00008731 Renewables - Wind
Section 36 Variation - Submission to Minister - Moray West Offshore Wind Farm Renewables - Wind
NatureScot advice on the strategic approach to marine mammal monitoring in the Moray Firth- 16/09/2021 Renewables - Wind
MFRAG - Marine Mammals Subgroup - Meeting Minutes - 25/08/2021 Renewables - Wind
FTRAG - Ornithology Subgroup - Meeting Minutes - 16/11/2021 Renewables - Wind
MFRAG - Marine Mammals Subgroup - Meeting Minutes - 01/10/2021 Renewables - Wind
MFRAG - Marine Mammals Subgroup - Meeting Minutes - 29/10/2021 Renewables - Wind
Decommissioning Programme - Moray West Offshore Windfarm - 06763 Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence Variation - MaCColl Offshore Wind Farm - 09424 Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence (Variation) Telford Offshore Wind Farm - 09426 Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence (Variation) - Stevenson Offshore Wind Farm - 09425 Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence Application - Installation of Rain Radar Instrument - European Offshore Wind Deployment Centre, Aberdeen Bay - 00009641 Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence - Installation of Rain Radar Instrument - European Offshore Wind Deployment Centre, Aberdeen Bay - 00009641 Renewables - Wind 2021-12-13 2022-04-20
Screening Request - Section 36 and Marine Licence Variation - Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Offshore Wind Farms, Firth of Forth Renewables - Wind
Screening Request - Section 36 and Marine Licence Variation - Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Offshore Wind Farms, Firth of Forth Renewables - Wind 2022-01-17
Notice of a Proposal to Modify Safety Zone Notices - Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Offshore Wind Farm Area Renewables - Wind
Moray West Section 36 Variation - Consultation responses Renewables - Wind
Screening - Dounreay Tri Floating Wind Demonstration Project - Dounreay, Caithness Renewables - Wind 2021-12-10
Screening Request - Dounreay Tri Floating Wind Demonstration Project - Dounreay, Caithness Renewables - Wind
Scoping Request "Addendum" - Pentland Floating Offshore Wind Farm Renewables - Wind
Scoping Opinion - Forthwind Offshore Wind Demonstration Project - Methil, Firth of Forth Renewables - Wind
European Protected Species Licence Application - Geophysical, Environmental, and Geotechnical Surveys - Aberdeen Bay - 00009622 Renewables - Wind
European Protected Species Licence - Geophysical, Environmental, and Geotechnical Surveys - Aberdeen Bay - 00009622 Renewables - Wind 2021-11-17 2022-02-01
Decision Notice – Construction of Export Cable – Seagreen 1A Export Cable Corridor, Firth of Forth - 00009291 Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence – Construction of Export Cable – Seagreen 1A Export Cable Corridor, Firth of Forth - 00009291 Renewables - Wind
MFRAG - Marine Mammals - Construction Marine Mammal Monitoring Programme Fieldwork Report 2021 - 01/12/2021 Renewables - Wind
MFRAG - Marine Mammals Subgroup - Meeting Minutes - 25/08/2021 Renewables - Wind
Scoping Request - Green Volt Floating Offshore Wind Farm - East of Aberdeenshire Coast Renewables - Wind
Section 36 Consent - Green Volt Offshore Windfarm - East of Aberdeenshire Coast Renewables - Wind 2023-01-20 2024-04-19
Green Volt Offshore Windfarm Renewables - Wind
Safety Zone Notice (Offshore Substation Platforms) - Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Offshore Wind Farm Area, Firth of Forth Renewables - Wind
Safety Zone Notice (Wind Turbine Generators) - Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Offshore Wind Farm Area, Firth of Forth Renewables - Wind
Screening - HT1 Hydrogen Electrolyser Project - European Offshore Wind Deployment Centre, Aberdeen Bay Renewables - Wind 2021-11-06
Screening Request - HT1 Hydrogen Electrolyser Project - European Offshore Wind Deployment Centre, Aberdeen Bay Renewables - Wind
European Protected Species Licence – Construction Phase Piling - Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Wind Farm Site - 00009336 Construction, alteration or improvement of any works 2021-05-21
European Protected Species Licence – Construction Phase Piling - Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Wind Farm Site - 00009336 Construction, alteration or improvement of any works 2021-05-21
MFRAG - Main Group - Beatrice Offshore Wind Farm - Year 1 Post-Construction Ornithological Monitoring Report - 2019 Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence Application – Boulder Clearance – Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Wind Farm Site – 00009497 Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence – Boulder Clearance – Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Wind Farm Site – 00009497 Renewables - Wind 2021-11-08
Commercial Fisheries Monitoring Reports - Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Wind Farm (Revised Design) Renewables - Wind
MFRAG – Main Group – Beatrice Offshore Windfarm – Post-Construction Turbine Foundation Marine Ecology Survey Report (Year One) Renewables - Wind
Moray East - Offshore Transmission Infrastructure - Variation - 08919 Renewables - Wind
Hywind Scotland Pilot Park - Environmental Management Plan Renewables - Wind
Moray East - Operation & Maintenance Programmes (OMP) Renewables - Wind
Scoping Opinion - Pentland Floating Offshore Wind Farm Renewables - Wind
European Protected Species Licence - Post-construction geophysical surveys - Beatrice Offshore Wind Farm, Moray Firth - 00009454 Renewables - Wind
European Protected Species Licence - Geophysical Surveys - Moray West Windfarm and Cable Corridor - 00009491 Renewables - Wind
European Protected Species Licence - Variation - Geophysical Surveys - Moray West Windfarm and Cable Corridor - 00009491/00009879 Renewables - Wind 2022-05-02 2022-06-29
Hywind Scotland Pilot Park - Revised Emergency Maintenance Plan Renewables - Wind
Construction Plan and Construction Method Statement - Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Wind Farm (Revised Design) - 00008954 Renewables - Wind
MFRAG - Marine Mammals Subgroup - Meeting Minutes - 26/05/2021 Renewables - Wind
Pre-Application Consultation - Pentland Floating Offshore Wind Farm - Dounreay, Caithness Renewables - Wind 2021-08-17
Pre-Application Consultation - Pentland Floating Offshore Wind Farm - Dounreay, Caithness Renewables - Wind
Scoping Request- Forthwind Offshore Wind Demonstration Project - Methil, Firth of Forth Renewables - Wind
Scoping - Forthwind Offshore Wind Demonstration Project - Methil, Firth of Forth Renewables - Wind 2021-08-04
European Protected Species Variation Licence - Inch Cape Offshore Windfarm - 00009300/00009543 Renewables - Wind
European Protected Species Licence - Inch Cape Offshore Windfarm - 00009300/00009543 Renewables - Wind 2021-04-23 2021-10-23
European Protected Species Licence Application – Unexploded Ordnance Clearance - Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Wind Farm Site – 00009273 Renewables - Wind
MFRAG - Main Group - Beatrice Offshore Windfarm - Post-construction Cod Spawning Survey - Technical Report (05/07/2021) Renewables - Wind
MFRAG - Main Group - Beatrice Offshore Windfarm - Post-construction Sandeel Survey - Technical Report (05/07/2021) Renewables - Wind
MS-0008954 - Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Wind Farm (Revised Design) - Marine Licence Variation Application Renewables - Wind
European Protected Species Licence – Unexploded Ordnance Clearance - Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Wind Farm Site - 00009273 Renewables - Wind
European Protected Species Licence – Unexploded Ordnance Clearance - Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Wind Farm Site - 00009273/00009503 Renewables - Wind 2021-03-30 2021-07-30
Marine Licence – Boulder Clearance and Debris Removal – Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Wind Farm Site - 00009392 Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence – Boulder Clearance and Debris Removal – Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Wind Farm Site - 00009392/00009485 Renewables - Wind 2021-03-30 2021-07-30
Marine Licence - Unexploded Ordnance Clearance - Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Wind Farm Site - 00009272 Renewables - Wind
European Protected Species Licence - Geophysical Surveys - Moray West Windfarm and Cable Corridor - 00009086 Renewables - Wind
European Protected Species Licence - Geophysical Surveys - Moray West Windfarm and Cable Corridor - 00009086 Renewables - Wind 2020-12-03 2021-07-30
00009408 - Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Construction - European Protected Species Licence Variation Renewables - Wind
Submission to Ministers July 2021 - Construction and Operation of Offshore Windfarm and Transmission Works - Inch Cape Offshore Windfarm (Revised Design), Firth of Forth Renewables - Wind
Decision Notice July 2021 - Construction and Operation of Offshore Windfarm and Transmission Works - Inch Cape Offshore Windfarm (Revised Design), Firth of Forth Renewables - Wind
Section 36 Consent Variation - Moray West Offshore Windfarm, Moray Firth - Application Renewables - Wind
MFRAG - Main Group - Beatrice Offshore Windfarm - Post-Construction Benthic Survey Methodology - 28/06/2021 Renewables - Wind
FTRAG - Annual Fieldwork Progress Report - June 2021 Renewables - Wind
MFRAG - Main Group - Beatrice Offshore Windfarm - Marine Growth Removal and Monitoring - 06/05/2021 Renewables - Wind
Primary Radar Mitigation Scheme – Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Wind Farms Renewables - Wind
Primary Radar Mitigation Scheme – Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Wind Farms Renewables - Wind
Design Statement (Revised Layout) – Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Wind Farms Renewables - Wind
MFRAG - Main Group - Meeting Minutes - 14/04/2021 Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence Variation - Dounreay Trì Floating Wind Demonstration Project – 00009329 Renewables - Wind
Kincardine Offshore Windfarm – Project Environmental Monitoring Plan (PEMP) Renewables - Wind
MFRAG - Main Group - Moray West - Pre-Construction Digital Aerial Survey Method Statement - 26/03/2021 Renewables - Wind
UXO Underwater Noise Monitoring Report - Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Windfarm (Revised Design), Firth of Forth Renewables - Wind
UXO Clearance Post Detonation Report - Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Windfarm (Revised Design), Firth of Forth Renewables - Wind
MFRAG - Ornithology - Post-Construction Ornithological Monitoring Report 2019 - 28/04/2021 Renewables - Wind
FTRAG - Passive Acoustic Monitoring - Methodology Overview - April 2021 Renewables - Wind
HRA Screening Report Response – Berwick Bank Offshore Wind Farm Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence Variation – Seabed Preparation – Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Windfarm (Revised Design), Firth of Forth - 00009267 Renewables - Wind
Habitats Regulations Appraisal - Screening Report Response - Berwick Bank Offshore Wind Farm - Firth of Forth Renewables - Wind
Public Notice of Application – Construction of Export Cable – Seagreen 1A Export Cable Corridor, Firth of Forth - 00009291 Renewables - Wind
Moray East Offshore Wind Farm - Piling Strategy Implementation Report Renewables - Wind
MFRAG - Marine Mammals - Construction Marine Mammal Monitoring Programme Fieldwork Report 2020 - 19/04/2021 Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence – Construction of Export Cable – Seagreen 1A Export Cable Corridor, Firth of Forth - 00009291/00009923/00010019/00010466 Renewables - Wind 2021-03-05 2023-11-29
Marine Licence Application – Construction of Export Cable – Seagreen 1A Export Cable Corridor, Firth of Forth - 00009291 Renewables - Wind
MFRAG - Ornithology - Meeting Minutes - 09/02/2021 Renewables - Wind
Safety Zone - Construction and Major Maintenance (Wind Turbine Generators) - Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Offshore Wind Farm Area, Firth of Forth Renewables - Wind 2021-03-19
Safety Zone Application - Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Offshore Wind Farm Area Renewables - Wind
Safety Zone Approval Letter - Kincardine Offshore Windfarm Renewables - Wind
EPS Licence - Geophysical Surveys - Aberdeen Bay - EPS-00009123 Renewables - Wind
EPS Licence - Geophysical Surveys - Aberdeen Bay - EPS-00009123 Renewables - Wind
EPS Licence Application - Geophysical Surveys - Aberdeen Bay - EPS-00009123 Renewables - Wind
EPS Licence - Geophysical Surveys - Aberdeen Bay - EPS-00009123 Renewables - Wind 2020-11-19 2021-04-10
Vessel Management Plan – Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Wind Farms Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence Variation – Seabed Preparation - Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Wind Farm (Revised Design) – 00008344 Renewables - Wind
Piling Strategy – Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Wind Farm (Revised Design) Renewables - Wind
Scoping Opinion – Berwick Bank Offshore Wind Farm - Firth of Forth Renewables - Wind
Section 36 Consent Variation - Moray West Offshore Windfarm, Moray Firth - Screening Opinion Renewables - Wind
Section 36 Consent Variation - Moray West Offshore Windfarm, Moray Firth Renewables - Wind 2020-11-12 2022-03-07
Safety Zone Application – Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Wind Farm Area Renewables - Wind
Safety Zone – Construction and Major Maintenance (Offshore Substation Platforms) – Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Offshore Wind Farm Area, Firth of Forth Renewables - Wind 2021-02-24
Screening Opinion – Seagreen 1A Export Cable Corridor Renewables - Wind
Pre-Application Consultation Report - Pontoons - Eyemouth Harbour, Borders - 00009078 Renewables - Wind
Section 36 Consent Variation 2021 - Inch Cape Offshore Windfarm (Revised Design), Firth of Forth Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence Variation - Backfill of Seabed Depressions - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm - 07086/00009022 Renewables - Wind
European Offshore Wind Deployment Centre - Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Offshore Environmental Management Plan (OEMP) Renewables - Wind
Section 36 Consent Variation 2021 - Construction and Operation of Offshore Windfarm and Transmission Works - Inch Cape Offshore Windfarm (Revised Design), Firth of Forth Renewables - Wind 2021-01-09
European Protected Species Licence Application - Kincardine Offshore Windfarm - MS EPS 27 2020 0/00009069 Renewables - Wind
European Protected Species Licence - Kincardine Offshore Windfarm - MS EPS 27 2020 0/00009069 Renewables - Wind 2020-12-21
Marine Licence - Potential Cable Repairs - Robin Rigg Windfarm Area, Solway Firth - 05442/00009035/00010919 Renewables - Wind 2020-07-01 2021-01-13
Marine Licence Variation - Potential Cable Repairs - Robin Rigg Windfarm Area, Solway Firth - 05442/00009035 Renewables - Wind
Pre-Application Consultation – Construction of export cable – Firth of Forth Renewables - Wind
Marine licence – Construction of export cable – Firth of Forth Renewables - Wind 2021-01-07
Safety Zone - Ministerial Submission - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm, Outer Moray Firth Renewables - Wind
Safety Zone Notice - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm, Outer Moray Firth Renewables - Wind
Scoping Request - Pentland Floating Offshore Wind Farm Renewables - Wind
Pentland Floating Offshore Wind Farm Renewables - Wind
MFRAG - Ornithology - Meeting Minutes - 03/11/2020 Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence Variation - Construction and Operation of Offshore Transmission Infrastructure - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm - 08919 Renewables - Wind
Seagreen 1A Export Cable Corridor Renewables - Wind
Project Environmental Management Programme related to Beatrice Offshore Wind Farm Renewables - Wind
Offshore Transmission Asset Cable Plan - Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Wind Farms Renewables - Wind
Fisheries Management and Mitigation Strategy - Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Wind Farms Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence Variation Application - Backfill of Seabed Depressions - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm - 00009022 Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence -Telford Offshore Wind Farm (Variation) - 09051 Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence Variation - Construction and Operation of Generating Station - MacColl Offshore Wind Farm, Moray Firth - 00008972 Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence Variation - Construction and Operation of Generating Station - Stevenson Offshore Wind Farm, Moray Firth - 04627/00008985 Renewables - Wind
Variation Consultation Responses - Seabed Preparation - Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Windfarm (Revised Design), Firth of Forth - 07102V Renewables - Wind
Habitats Regulations Appraisal Screening Report – Berwick Bank Offshore Wind Farm - Firth of Forth Renewables - Wind
Screening Opinion - Blade Width Increase and Generating Capacity Alteration Renewables - Wind
Screening Consultation Responses - Blade Width Increase and Generating Capacity Alteration - Moray West Offshore Windfarm Renewables - Wind
Notice Served of a Proposal for a Safety Zone - Moray East Offshore Windfarm, Outer Moray Firth Renewables - Wind
European Protected Species Licence - Post-construction geophysical surveys - Beatrice Offshore Wind Farm, Moray Firth - 00007286/00009454 Renewables - Wind 2020-03-06 2020-07-07
Consultation Responses - Construction and operation of wind farm, Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Wind Farm Area, Firth of Forth Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence - Met Mast Decommissioning - Moray Firth - 07363/00008841 Renewables - Wind
Screening - Variation to offshore transmission works marine licence - Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Wind Farm (Revised Design) - 06678 Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence Variation Application - Rock Grading and Volume Change - Moray East Wind Farm - 00008919 Renewables - Wind
Screening Request - Blade Width Increase and Generating Capacity Alteration - Moray West Offshore Windfarm Renewables - Wind
MFRAG - Marine Mammals - Meeting Minutes - 08/11/2019 Renewables - Wind
Scoping Report - Berwick Bank Offshore Wind Farm - Firth of Forth Renewables - Wind
Berwick Bank Offshore Wind Farm Renewables - Wind
Construction Programme - Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Wind Farms Renewables - Wind
MFRAG - Main Group - Meeting Minutes - 11/06/2020 Renewables - Wind
MFRAG - Ornithology - Meeting Minutes - 09/07/2020 Renewables - Wind
Traffic and Transportation Plan - Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Wind Farms Renewables - Wind
Offshore Wind Farm Development Specification and Layout Plan Renewables - Wind
Offshore Transmission Asset Development Specification and Layout Plan - Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Wind Farms Renewables - Wind
Navigational Safety Plan - Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Wind Farms Renewables - Wind
Marine Archaeology Reporting Protocol - Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Wind Farm (Revised Design) Renewables - Wind
Safety Zone Notice - Decision Letter - Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Wind Farm (Revised Design) Renewables - Wind
Safety Zone - Ministerial Submission - Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Wind Farm (Revised Design) Renewables - Wind
Safety Zone Application - Kincardine Offshore Windfarm Renewables - Wind
Safety Zone Application - Kincardine Offshore Windfarm Renewables - Wind 2020-04-29
Decommissioning Programme - Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Wind Farm (Revised Design) Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence Variation - Backfill of Seabed Depressions - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm - 07086 Renewables - Wind
Offshore Wind Farm Piling Strategy - Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Wind Farms Renewables - Wind
Offshore Transmission Asset Piling Strategy - Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Wind Farms Renewables - Wind
Offshore Transmission Asset Construction Method Statement - Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Wind Farms Renewables - Wind
Variation Consultation Responses - Backfill of Seabed Depressions - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm - 07086 Renewables - Wind
Cable Plan - Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Wind Farm (Revised Design) Renewables - Wind
Submission to Minister - Construction and Operation of Offshore Windfarm and Transmission Works - Inch Cape Offshore Windfarm (Revised Design), Firth of Forth Renewables - Wind
Decision Notice - Construction and Operation of Offshore Windfarm and Transmission Works - Inch Cape Offshore Windfarm (Revised Design), Firth of Forth Renewables - Wind
Air Traffic Control Radar Mitigation Scheme - Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Wind Farm (Revised Design) Renewables - Wind
Project Environmental Monitoring Programme - Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Wind Farm (Revised Design) Renewables - Wind
Fisheries Management and Mitigation Strategy - Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Wind Farm (Revised Design) Renewables - Wind
Navigational and Safety Vessel Management Plan - Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Wind Farm (Revised Design) Renewables - Wind
European Protected Species Licence - Wind Farm and Offshore Transmission Infrastructure Construction - Firth of Forth - MS EPS 12 2020 Renewables - Wind
European Protected Species Licence Variation - Unexploded Ordnance Clearance - Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Windfarm (Revised Design), Firth of Forth - MS EPS 27 2019 Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence Variation - Unexploded Ordnance Clearance - Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Windfarm (Revised Design), Firth of Forth - 07103 Renewables - Wind
European Protected Species Licence - Geophysical Surveys - Beatrice Offshore Wind Farm and Transmission Works Area - MS EPS 09 2020 0 Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence - Met Mast Decommissioning - Moray Firth - 07363/00008841 Renewables - Wind 2020-06-30 2020-10-01
Marine Licence Application - Met Mast Decommissioning - Moray Firth - 07363 Renewables - Wind
Offshore Wind Farm Construction Method Statement – Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Wind Farms Renewables - Wind
Lighting and Marking Plan - Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Wind Farms Renewables - Wind
Lighting and Marking Plan - Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Wind Farms Renewables - Wind
Publication of proposal for a Safety Zone in terms that are materially different from those applied for - Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Wind Farm (Revised Design) Renewables - Wind
Piling Strategy - Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Wind Farm (Revised Design) Renewables - Wind
European Protected Species Licence - Seabed Preparation - Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Windfarm (Revised Design) - MS EPS 22 2019 1 Renewables - Wind 2019-08-29 2020-05-15
European Protected Species Licence - Seabed Preparation - Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Windfarm (Revised Design) - MS EPS 22 2019 0 Renewables - Wind 2019-08-29 2019-12-20
European Protected Species Licence Variation - Seabed Preparation - Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Windfarm (Revised Design) - MS EPS 22 2019 1 Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence Variation - Seabed Preparation - Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Windfarm (Revised Design) - Firth of Forth - 07102 Renewables - Wind
Emergency Response Co-operation Plan - Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Wind Farm (Revised Design) Renewables - Wind
Environmental Management Plan - Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Wind Farm (Revised Design) Renewables - Wind
Construction Traffic Management Plan - Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Wind Farm (Revised Design) Renewables - Wind
Construction Programme and Construction Method Statement - Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Wind Farm (Revised Design) Renewables - Wind
Variation Consultation Responses - Deployment of Floating LiDAR - Moray West Offshore Windfarm, Moray Firth - 06705 Renewables - Wind
Consultation Responses - Construction and Operation of Offshore Windfarm and Transmission Works - Inch Cape Offshore Windfarm (Revised Design), Firth of Forth Renewables - Wind
Kincardine Offshore Windfarm - Vessel Management Plan Renewables - Wind
Kincardine Offshore Windfarm - Cable Plan Renewables - Wind
European Protected Species Licence - Unexploded Ordnance Clearance - Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Windfarm (Revised Design), Firth of Forth - MS EPS 27 2019 Renewables - Wind
European Protected Species Licence - Unexploded Ordnance Clearance - Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Windfarm (Revised Design), Firth of Forth - MS EPS 27 2019 Renewables - Wind 2019-09-11 2020-06-16
Marine Licence - Unexploded Ordnance Clearance - Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Windfarm (Revised Design), Firth of Forth - 07103 Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence - Telford Offshore Wind Farm (Varied) 2020 - 04629 Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence - MacColl Offshore Wind Farm (Varied) 2020 - 04628 Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence - Stevenson Offshore Wind Farm (Varied) 2020 - 04627 Renewables - Wind
European Protected Species Licence - Wind Farm and Offshore Transmission Infrastructure Construction - Firth of Forth - MS EPS 12 2020 Renewables - Wind 2020-04-07 2020-07-01
European Protected Species Licence Application - Wind Farm and Offshore Transmission Infrastructure Construction - Firth of Forth - MS EPS 12 2020 0 / 00010380 Renewables - Wind
Safety Zone Application (2020) - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm, Outer Moray Firth Renewables - Wind
Safety Zones - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm, Outer Moray Firth Renewables - Wind 2020-04-16 2020-12-03
Marine Licence - Backfill of Seabed Depressions (Variation) - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm - 07086 Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence Variation Consultation Responses - Moray East Offshore Windfarm Renewables - Wind
Construction Method Statement - Kincardine Offshore Wind Farm Renewables - Wind
Construction Programme - Kincardine Offshore Wind Farm Renewables - Wind
Emergency Response Cooperation Plan - Kincardine Offshore Wind Farm Renewables - Wind
Marine Archaeological Reporting Plan - Kincardine Offshore Wind Farm Renewables - Wind
Development Specification and Layout Plan - Kincardine Offshore Wind Farm Renewables - Wind
Fisheries Management and Mitigation Strategy - Kincardine Offshore Wind Farm Renewables - Wind
Development Specification and Layout Plan - Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Wind Farm (Revised Design) Renewables - Wind
Development Specification and Layout Plan - Kincardine Offshore Wind Farm Renewables - Wind
Environmental Management Plan - Kincardine Offshore Wind Farm Renewables - Wind
Lighting and Marking Plan - Kincardine Offshore Wind Farm Renewables - Wind
Operational and Maintenance Programme - Kincardine Offshore Wind Farm Renewables - Wind
Design Statement (Previous Layout)- Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Wind Farms Renewables - Wind
Project Environmental Monitoring Programme - Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Wind Farms Renewables - Wind
Marine Archaeology Reporting Protocol and Written Scheme of Investigation - Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Wind Farms Renewables - Wind
Environmental Management Plan and Marine Pollution Contingency Plan - Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Wind Farms Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence Variation Application - Construction and Operation of the Telford Offshore Wind Farm - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm, Outer Moray Firth - 04629 Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence Variation Application - Construction and Operation of the MacColl Offshore Wind Farm - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm, Outer Moray Firth - 04628 Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence Variation Application - Construction and Operation of the Stevenson Offshore Wind Farm - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm, Outer Moray Firth - 04627 Renewables - Wind
Section 36 Consent Variation Application - Construction and Operation of Offshore Windfarm and Transmission Works - Inch Cape Offshore Windfarm (Revised Design), Firth of Forth Renewables - Wind
Public Notice - Construction and Operation of Offshore Windfarm and Transmission Works - Inch Cape Offshore Windfarm (Revised Design), Firth of Forth Renewables - Wind
Assignation - Seagreen Bravo Offshore Wind Farm, Firth of Forth Renewables - Wind
Environmental Statement - Volume 3 - Technical Appendices - Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Offshore Wind Farms Renewables - Wind
Environmental Statement - Volume 2 - Figures Part 2 - Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Offshore Wind Farms Renewables - Wind
Environmental Statement - Volume 1 - Main Text - Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Offshore Wind Farms Renewables - Wind
Environmental Statement - Non-Technical Summary - Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Offshore Wind Farms Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence Application - Construction and operation of generating station - Seagreen Alpha Wind Farm Area, Firth of Forth - 04676 Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence Application - Construction and operation of generating station - Seagreen Bravo Wind Farm Area, Firth of Forth - 04677 Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence Application - Construction and operation of transmission works - Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Wind Farm Area, Firth of Forth - 04678 Renewables - Wind
Consultation Responses - Seabed Preparation - Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Windfarm - 07102 Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence - Seabed Preparation - Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Windfarm - 07102 Renewables - Wind
European Protected Species Licence - Seabed Preparation - Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Windfarm (Revised Design) - MS EPS 22 2019 0 Renewables - Wind
Safety Zone Application - Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Wind Farm (Revised Design) Renewables - Wind
Section 36 Consent - Construction and operation of windfarm - Kincardine Offshore Windfarm Area, East Aberdeenshire Renewables - Wind 2016-03-23
Lighting and Marking Plan - Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Wind Farm (Revised Design) Renewables - Wind
Section 36 Consent Variation - Construction and Operation of Offshore Windfarm and Transmission Works - Inch Cape Offshore Windfarm (Revised Design), Firth of Forth Renewables - Wind 2020-01-30
Decision Notice - Section 36 Consent Extension of the European Offshore Wind Deployment Centre - Aberdeen Bay Renewables - Wind
Submission to Ministers - Section 36 Consent Extension of the European Offshore Wind Deployment Centre - Aberdeen Bay Renewables - Wind
Appropriate Assessment Validation - Section 36 Consent Extension of the European Offshore Wind Deployment Centre - Aberdeen Bay Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence - Construction and Operation of the European Offshore Wind Deployment Centre - Aberdeen Bay - 00010195 Renewables - Wind
Consultation response - Construction and operation of generating station – Levenmouth Demonstration Turbine Area, Firth of Forth Renewables - Wind
Application documents - Construction and operation of generating station – Levenmouth Demonstration Turbine Area, Firth of Forth Renewables - Wind
Addendum - Construction and operation of generating station – Levenmouth Demonstration Turbine Area, Firth of Forth Renewables - Wind
Habitats Regulations Appraisal – construction and operation of a generating station – Kincardine Offshore Windfarm area, East Aberdeen Renewables - Wind
Section 36 consent variation application letter – construction and operation of a generating station – Kincardine Offshore Windfarm area, East Aberdeen Renewables - Wind
Habitats Regulations Appraisal – Kincardine Offshore Windfarm, East Aberdeen – 05914 Renewables - Wind
FEPA Multiple Marine Licence - to construct and operate a generating station – Robin Rigg Windfarm Area, Solway Firth Renewables - Wind
FEPA Monopile Marine licence - to construct and operate a generating station – Robin Rigg Windfarm Area, Solway Firth Renewables - Wind
Environmental Statement - to construct and operate a generating station – Robin Rigg Windfarm Area, Solway Firth Renewables - Wind
Scoping Report - (Offshore Transmission Infrastructure, cables and substations) -Moray East Offshore Wind Farm Renewables - Wind
Public Notice - Application to Construct and Operate an Offshore Generating Station - MacColl, Telford and Stevenson Offshore Wind Farms, Moray East Offshore Wind Farm Renewables - Wind
Additional Information (Ornithology), MacColl, Telford and Stevenson Offshore Wind Farms, Moray East Offshore WInd Farm, Outer Moray Firth Renewables - Wind
Consultation Responses (2012) - MacColl, Telford and Stevenson Offshore Wind Farms, Moray East Offshore Wind Farm Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence - Offshore Transmission Infrastructure - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm, Outer Moray Firth - 05340/08919/09423/00010268 Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence - Construction and Operation of Offshore Transmission Infrastructure - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm - 04630 Renewables - Wind
Section 36 Consent Application - Construction & Operation of Generating Station and Transmission Works - Beatrice Offshore Wind Farm, Moray Firth Renewables - Wind
Planning Statement - Construction & Operation of Generating Station and Transmission Works - Beatrice Offshore Wind Farm, Moray Firth Renewables - Wind
Public Notice - Construction & Operation of Generating Station and Transmission Works - Beatrice Offshore Wind Farm, Moray Firth Renewables - Wind
Environmental Statement - MacColl, Telford and Stevenson Offshore Wind Farms, Moray East Offshore Wind Farms, Outer Moray Firth Renewables - Wind
Environmental Statement Addendum Consultation Responses - Construction & Operation of Generating Station and Transmission Works - Beatrice Offshore Wind Farm, Moray Firth Renewables - Wind
Environmental Statement Consultation Responses - Construction & Operation of Generating Station and Transmission Works - Beatrice Offshore Wind Farm, Moray Firth Renewables - Wind
Environmental Statement Addendum - Construction & Operation of Generating Station and Transmission Works - Beatrice Offshore Wind Farm, Moray Firth Renewables - Wind
Pre-Application Consultation Report - Construction & Operation of Generating Station and Transmission Works - Beatrice Offshore Wind Farm, Moray Firth Renewables - Wind
FEPA Licence – To construct and operate a generating station – Robin Rigg Windfarm Area, Solway Firth – 1890 Renewables - Wind 2019-12-18
Environmental Statement - Construction & Operation of Generating Station and Transmission Works - Beatrice Offshore Wind Farm, Moray Firth Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence – Removal of Turbines – Robin Rigg Windfarm area, Solway Firth – 05622 Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence – Removal of Turbines – Robin Rigg Windfarm area, Solway Firth – 05622 Renewables - Wind 2019-12-18
Marine Licence - Potential Cable Repairs - Robin Rigg Windfarm Area, Solway Firth - 05442 Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence Application - Potential Cable Repairs - Robin Rigg Windfarm Area, Solway Firth - 05442 Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence Application - Construction and Operation of Offshore Generating Station - Telford Offshore Wind Farm - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence Application - Construction and Operation of offshore generating station, Stevenson Offshore Wind Farm, Moray East Offshore Wind Farm - 04627 Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence Application - Construction and Operation of Offshore Transmission Infrastructure, Moray East Offshore Wind Farm - 05340 Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence Application Form - Construction and operation of generating station - MacColl Offshore Wind Farm, Moray East Offshore Wind Farm - 04628 Renewables - Wind
Section 36 Application Letter - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm Renewables - Wind
Television and Radio Reception Mitigation Plan - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm Renewables - Wind
Supplementary Environmental Information Statement - Construction & Operation of Generating Station and Transmission Works - European Offshore Wind Deployment Centre, Aberdeen Bay Renewables - Wind
Environmental Statement - Construction & Operation of Generating Station and Transmission Works - European Offshore Wind Deployment Centre, Aberdeen Bay Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence Application - Deposit, Backfill of Seabed Depressions - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm - 07086 Renewables - Wind
European Protected Species Licence - Geophysical Suverys - European Offshore Wind Deployment Centre, Aberdeen Bay Renewables - Wind 2019-05-29 2019-07-22
Scoping Opinion – Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Offshore Wind Farms Renewables - Wind
Public Notice of Erratum – Seagreen Alpha and Seagreen Bravo Offshore Wind Farms Renewables - Wind
Public Notice of Addendum – Seagreen Alpha and Seagreen Bravo Offshore Wind Farms Renewables - Wind
Public Notice of Application – Seagreen Alpha and Seagreen Bravo Offshore Wind Farms Renewables - Wind
Marine Protected Area Assessment - Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Offshore Wind Farms Renewables - Wind
Appropriate Assessment – Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Offshore Wind Farms Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence – Construction and operation of generating station – Seagreen Bravo Wind Farm Area, Firth of Forth – 04677 Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence – Construction and operation of generating station – Seagreen Alpha Wind Farm Area, Firth of Forth – 04676 Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence – Construction and operation of transmission works – Seagreen Alpha Wind Farm Area, Firth of Forth – 04678 Renewables - Wind
Submission to Ministers – Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Offshore Wind Farms, Firth of Forth Renewables - Wind
Decision Notice – Construction and operation of generating station, Seagreen Alpha and Seagreen Bravo Offshore Wind Farms, Firth of Forth – 04677 Renewables - Wind
Decision Notice – Construction and operation of generating station, Seagreen Alpha Offshore Wind Farm, Firth of Forth Renewables - Wind
Decision Notice – Construction and operation of transmission works, Seagreen Alpha and Seagreen Bravo Offshore Wind Farms, Firth of Forth – 04678 Renewables - Wind
Section 36 Consent – Construction and operation of wind farm, Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Wind Farm Area, Firth of Forth Renewables - Wind 2012-10-15
Extension Commencement of the Works - Construction and Operation of wind farm- Seagreen Alpha and Seagreen Bravo Wind Farm Area, Firth of Forth Renewables - Wind
Submission to Ministers - Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Offshore Wind Farms Renewables - Wind
Submission to Ministers - Section 36 (Variation) Application - MacColl, Stevenson and Telford Offshore Wind Farms, Moray East Offshore Wind Farm Renewables - Wind
Section 36 Consent (Variation) Application, Maccoll, Stevenson and Telford Offshore Wind Farms, Moray East Offshore Wind Farm Renewables - Wind
Section 36 Consent (Variation) - MacColl, Stevenson and Telford Offshore Wind Farms, Moray East Offshore Wind Farm, Outer Moray Firth Renewables - Wind 2017-12-18
Piling Strategy 2016 - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence Application - Offshore Transmission Infrastructure - Moray East Offshore Windfarm - 05340 Renewables - Wind
Pre Application Consultation Report - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm - Moray East, Outer Moray Firth Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence - Construction and Operation of Offshore Transmission Infrastructure - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm - 05340 Renewables - Wind
Consent Decision - Environmental Impact Assessment - Modified Offshore Transmission Infrastructure - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm - 05340 Renewables - Wind
Appropriate Assessment - Modified Offshore Infrastructure - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm - 05340 Renewables - Wind
Consultation responses - Construction and Operation of Substation Platforms - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm - 06347 Renewables - Wind
Consultation responses - Construction and Operation of Substation Platforms - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm - 06347 Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence - Offshore Substation Platforms - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm - 06347 Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence - Offshore Substation Platforms - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm - 06347 Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence - Construction and Operation of Substation Platforms - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm, Outer Moray Firth Renewables - Wind 2017-05-01 2017-09-14
Marine Licence Application - Offshore Substation Platforms - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm - 06347 Renewables - Wind
Scoping Report - Construction and Operation of Offshore Transmission Infrastructure - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm Renewables - Wind
Scoping Opinion - Modified Offshore Transmission Infrastructure - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm Renewables - Wind
Scoping Report - Construction and Operation of Generating Station - Moray East Offshore WInd Farm Renewables - Wind
Scoping Opinion- Construction and Operation of Generating Station - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm Renewables - Wind
Scoping Opinion 2019 - Forthwind LTD Offshore Wind Demonstration Project Renewables - Wind
Submission to Ministers - Construction and Operation of Offshore Wind Farm - Telford Offshore Wind Farm, Moray East Offshore Wind Farm, Moray Firth Renewables - Wind
Project Map - Construction and Operation of Telford Offshore Wind Farm - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm, Outer Moray Firth Renewables - Wind
Decision Notice - Construction and Operation of Telford Offshore Wind Farm, Moray East Offshore Wind Farm, Outer Moray Firth Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence - Construction and Operation of the Telford Offshore Wind Farm - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm, Outer Moray Firth - 04629 Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence - Construction and Operation of Generating Station - Stevenson Offshore Wind Farm, Moray Firth - 04627 Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence - Construction and Operation of Generating Station - Stevenson Offshore Wind Farm, Moray Firth - 04627 Renewables - Wind
Submission to Ministers- Construction and Operation of Stevenson Offshore Wind Farm, Moray East Offshore Wind Farm - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm, Outer Moray Firth Renewables - Wind
Project Map - Stevenson Offshore Wind Farm, Moray East Offshore Wind Farm Renewables - Wind
Project Map - Construction and Operation of Stevenson Offshore Wind Farm - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm, Outer Moray Firth Renewables - Wind
Decision Notice - Construction and Operation of Stevenson Offshore Wind Farm, Moray East Offshore Wind Farm, Outer Moray Firth Renewables - Wind
Submission to Ministers - Construction and Operation of MacColl Offshore Wind Farm, Moray East Offshore Wind Farm,Outer Moray Firth Renewables - Wind
Project Map - Construction and Operation of MacColl Offshore Wind Farm, Moray East Offshore Wind Farm, Outer Moray Firth Renewables - Wind
Project Map - MacColl Offshore Wind Farm - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm Renewables - Wind
Decision Notice - Construction and Operation of MacColl Offshore Wind Farm - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm, Outer Moray Firth Renewables - Wind
Environmental Impact Assessment Consent Decision- Construction and Operation of Moray East Offshore Wind Farm Renewables - Wind
Appropriate Assessment - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm Renewables - Wind
Appropriate Assessment - Construction and Operation of Offshore Generating Station - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence- Construction and Operation of Generating Station - MacColl Offshore Wind Farm, Moray Firth - 04628 Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence - Deployment of three wave measurement buoys - Beatrice Offshore Wind Farm, Moray Firth Renewables - Wind
Statutory Sanction - Deployment of three wave measurement buoys - Beatrice Offshore Wind Farm, Moray Firth Renewables - Wind
Location Maps - Deployment of three wave measurement buoys - Beatrice Offshore Wind Farm, Moray Firth Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence Application - Deployment of three wave measurement buoys - Beatrice Offshore Wind Farm, Moray Firth Renewables - Wind
Consultation Responses - Deployment of three wave measurement buoys - Beatrice Offshore Wind Farm, Moray Firth Renewables - Wind
Public Notice - Deployment of three wave measurement buoys - Beatrice Offshore Wind Farm, Moray Firth - 06481 Renewables - Wind
Environmental Statement Appendix 21.2 Visualisations - Neart na Gaoithe Renewables - Wind
Operation & Maintenance Programme - Construction and Operation of Generating Station and Transmission Works - European Offshore Wind Deployment Centre, Aberdeen Bay - 04309 Renewables - Wind
Environmental Statement - Neart na Gaoithe Renewables - Wind
Combined Responses - Neart na Gaoithe Renewables - Wind
Additional Information - Neart na Gaoithe Renewables - Wind
Appropriate Assessment - Neart na Gaoithe Renewables - Wind
Scoping - Neart na Gaoithe Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence – Transmission Works – Neart na Gaoithe, Firth of Forth – 04581 Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence Application – Transmission Works – Neart na Gaoithe, Firth of Forth – 04581 Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence – Construction and Operation of Offshore Wind farm – Neart na Gaoithe, Firth of Forth – 04579 Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence Application – Construction and Operation of Offshore Wind farm – Neart na Gaoithe, Firth of Forth – 04579 Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence – Transmission Works – Neart na Gaoithe, Firth of Forth – 04581 Renewables - Wind 2019-11-20
Marine Licence – Construction and Operation of Offshore Wind farm – Neart na Gaoithe, Firth of Forth – 04579 Renewables - Wind 2019-11-20
Decision Notice Variation - Construction and Operation of Offshore Wind farm - Neart na Gaoithe, Firth of Forth Renewables - Wind
Consultation Responses Variation - Construction and Operation of Offshore Wind farm - Neart na Gaoithe, Firth of Forth Renewables - Wind
Supporting Environmental Information Variation - Construction and Operation of Offshore Wind farm - Neart na Gaoithe, Firth of Forth Renewables - Wind
Submission to Ministers Variation - Construction and Operation of Offshore Wind farm - Neart na Gaoithe, Firth of Forth Renewables - Wind
Variation Application - Construction and Operation of Offshore Wind farm - Neart na Gaoithe, Firth of Forth Renewables - Wind
Appropriate Assessment - Construction and Operation of Offshore Wind farm - Neart na Gaoithe, Firth of Forth Renewables - Wind
Section 36 Variation - Construction and Operation of Offshore Wind farm - Neart na Gaoithe, Firth of Forth Renewables - Wind 2016-03-21
Extension Commencement of the Works - Construction and Operation of Offshore Wind farm - Neart na Gaoithe, Firth of Forth Renewables - Wind
Decision Notice - Construction and Operation of Offshore Wind farm - Neart na Gaoithe, Firth of Forth Renewables - Wind
EIA Consent Decision - Construction and Operation of Offshore Wind farm – Neart na Gaoithe, Firth of Forth Renewables - Wind
Submission to Ministers - Construction and Operation of Offshore Wind farm – Neart na Gaoithe, Firth of Forth Renewables - Wind
Letter of Application - Construction and Operation of Offshore Wind farm - Neart na Gaoithe, Firth of Forth Renewables - Wind
Section 36 - Construction and Operation of Offshore Wind farm - Neart na Gaoithe, Firth of Forth Renewables - Wind 2012-07-13
Operation and Maintenance Programme Compliance Letter - Construction and Operation of Offshore Windfarm and Transmission Works - Beatrice Offshore Windfarm, Moray Firth Renewables - Wind
European Protected Species Licence - Construction and Operation of the Beatrice Offshore Windfarm and Transmission Works - Beatrice Offshore Wind Farm, Moray Firth Renewables - Wind 2016-12-31
Marine Licence - Unexploded Ordnance (UXO) clearance activities - Beatrice Offshore Wind farm, Moray Firth - 06145 Renewables - Wind 2016-09-19
European Protected Species Licence - Unexploded Ordnance Clearance - Beatrice Offshore Wind Farm, Moray Firth Renewables - Wind 2016-09-19
Marine Licence - Repair of Meteorological Mast - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm - Moray Firth - 05957 Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence - Construction and Operation of the Telford Offshore Wind Farm - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm, Outer Moray Firth - 04629/09051/09426 Renewables - Wind 2012-08-01 2020-11-26
Section 36 Consent - Construction and Operation of MacColl, Stevenson and Telford Offshore Wind Farms, Moray East Offshore Wind Farm Renewables - Wind 2012-08-01
Date of Completion of the Works Non-compliance Report - Beatrice Offshore Wind Farm Renewables - Wind
Date of Completion of the Works & Final Commissioning of the Works Non-compliance Report - Beatrice Offshore Wind Farm Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence- Deployment of floating LiDAR - Moray West Offshore Windfarm - Moray Firth - 06705 Renewables - Wind
Ecological Clerk of Works - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm Renewables - Wind
Primary Radar Mitigation Scheme - Moray East Offshore Windfarm Renewables - Wind
Herring Larvae Survey Reports - Moray East Offshore Windfarm Renewables - Wind
Commencement of Development Notification - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence - Repair of Meteorological Mast - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm - Moray Firth - 05957 Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence Application - Repair of Meteorological Mast - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm, Moray Firth - 05957 Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence - Construction and Operation of Meteorological Mast - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm, Moray Firth - 04061 Renewables - Wind 2014-09-01
Marine Licence - Construction and Operation of Meteorological Mast - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm, Moray Firth, 04061 Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence - Alternative Landfall Cable Installation Method - Spey Bay, Moray Firth - 06302 Renewables - Wind 2016-12-15 2017-04-11
Marine Licence - Unexploded Ordnance Clearance - Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Windfarm (Revised Design), Firth of Forth - 07103 Renewables - Wind 2019-09-11 2020-06-16
Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Windfarm- 07103 - UXO Clearance Marine licence application Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence – Seabed Preparation – Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Windfarm (Revised Design), Firth of Forth - 07102/00008344/00009267/00009978/00010622/00010757 Renewables - Wind 2023-11-14 2024-06-22
Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Windfarm - 07102 - Seabed Preparation Marine licence application Renewables - Wind
Moray East Offshore Windfarm – 06347 – Marine Licence Renewables - Wind
Moray East Offshore Windfarm – 05340 – Marine Licence Renewables - Wind
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - 07086 - Deposit, Backfill of Seabed Depression - Environmental Information Renewables - Wind
Moray East Offshore Windfarm – Deposit, Backfill of Seabed Depressions Marine Licence Application Renewables - Wind
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - 07086 - Deposit, Backfill of Seabed Depressions - Marine Licence Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence - Backfill of Seabed Depressions - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm - 07086/00009022 Renewables - Wind 2019-07-01 2021-01-21
MS EPS 03 2019 - European Protected Species - Moray West Offshore Windfarm, Moray Firth Renewables - Wind 2019-01-31
MS EPS 03 2019 - European Protected Species - Moray West Offshore Windfarm, Moray Firth Renewables - Wind 2019-01-31
European Protected Species - Geophysical survey - Moray West Offshore Windfarm, Moray Firth Renewables - Wind 2019-01-31
MS EPS 30 2018 0 - European Protected Species Marine Licence - Moray West Offshore Windfarm, Moray Firth Renewables - Wind
MS EPS 30 2018 0 - European Protected Species - Moray West Offshore Windfarm, Moray Firth Renewables - Wind 2019-08-18
Section 36 Consent - Construction and Operation of Offshore Windfarm and Transmission Works - Dounreay Trì Floating Wind Demonstration Project, Caithness, North coast of Scotland Renewables - Wind 2016-10-17
Marine Licence - Sediment Sampling- Moray West Offshore Wind Farm, Moray Firth - 06926 Renewables - Wind 2019-02-22 2019-06-21
Dounreay Trì Floating Wind Demonstration Project - Section 36 Consent Application Renewables - Wind
Dounreay Trì Floating Wind Demonstration Project - Public Notice Renewables - Wind
Dounreay Trì Floating Wind Demonstration Project - Transmission Works - 06174 - Marine Licence Application Renewables - Wind
Dounreay Trì Floating Wind Demonstration Project - Generating Station - 06178 - Marine Licence Application Renewables - Wind
Dounreay Trì Floating Wind Demonstration Project - Additional Information Renewables - Wind
Dounreay Trì Floating Wind Demonstration Project - Public Representation Renewables - Wind
Dounreay Trì Floating Wind Demonstration Project - PAC Report Renewables - Wind
Environmental Statement - Dounreay Trì Floating Wind Demonstration Project Renewables - Wind
Dounreay Trì Floating Wind Demonstration Project - Consultation Responses Renewables - Wind
Dounreay Trì Floating Wind Demonstration Project - Consultation Responses Renewables - Wind
Dounreay Trì Floating Wind Demonstration Project - EIA Consent Decision Renewables - Wind
Dounreay Trì Floating Wind Demonstration Project - Development Location Renewables - Wind
Dounreay Trì Floating Wind Demonstration Project - Decision Notice Renewables - Wind
Dounreay Trì Floating Wind Demonstration Project - Appropriate Assessment Renewables - Wind
Dounreay Trì Floating Wind Demonstration Project - Submission to Ministers Renewables - Wind
Dounreay Trì Floating Wind Demonstration Project - Section 36A Declaration Renewables - Wind
Dounreay Trì Floating Wind Demonstration Project - Scoping Opinion Renewables - Wind
Dounreay Trì Floating Wind Demonstration Project - Scoping Report Renewables - Wind
Deployment of Floating LiDAR – 06705 - Marine Licence Variation Application Renewables - Wind
PFOWF, formally known as the Dounreay Trì Floating Wind Demonstration Project Renewables - Wind
Robin Rigg Offshore Windfarm - 06846/19/2 - Marine Licence Variation Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence Application - Sediment Sampling - Moray West Offshore Wind Farm, Moray Firth - 06926 Renewables - Wind
Environmental Clark of Works (“ECoW”) approval letter Renewables - Wind
Moray West Offshore Windfarm - 06926 - Sediment Sampling Marine Licence Renewables - Wind
Kincardine Offshore Windfarm - ECoW Approval letter Renewables - Wind
Inch Cape Offshore Windfarm - MS EPS 16/2018/3 - European Protected Species Licence Renewables - Wind
SNH Updated Scoping Advice – Colony Counts 30 Nov 2017 Renewables - Wind
06178/00009324/00010301 - Construction and Operation of Generating Station - Dounreay Trì Floating Wind Demonstration Project - Caithness, North Coast of Scotland Renewables - Wind 2019-03-14 2021-06-08
06174/00009329 - Construction and Operation of Transmission Works - Dounreay Trì Floating Wind Demonstration Project - Caithness, North coast of Scotland Renewables - Wind 2019-03-14 2021-06-08
Seagreen Alpha and Bravo - Ornithology Additional Information - Consultation Responses Renewables - Wind
European Protected Species Licence - Operation & Maintenance Works - Aberdeen Bay Renewables - Wind 2019-05-29 2019-07-22
European Protected Species Licence – Geophysical Surveys - European Offshore Wind Deployment Centre – MS EPS 17/2019/1 Renewables - Wind
Dounreay Trì Floating Wind Demonstration Project – 06174 – Marine Licence Renewables - Wind
Dounreay Trì Floating Wind Demonstration Project – 06178 – Marine Licence Renewables - Wind
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - 06347/19/0 - Offshore Substation Platforms Marine Licence (varied) Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence Variation - Modified Offshore Transmission Infrastructure - Moray East - 05340/19/0 Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence - Offshore Substation Platforms - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm – 06347/00010269 Renewables - Wind 2017-08-01
Marine Licence - Construction and Operation of Offshore Transmission Infrastructure - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm, Outer Moray Firth - 05340/00008919 Renewables - Wind 2014-04-04 2020-12-16
Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Windfarm (Revised Design) - MS EPS 11 2019 - Licence Renewables - Wind
Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Windfarm (Revised Design) - MS EPS 21 2019 0 - Application Renewables - Wind
MS EPS 21/2019/0 - European Protected Species Licence - Geotechnical Surveys - Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Windfarm (Revised Design) Renewables - Wind 2019-07-03
Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Windfarm (Revised Design) - MS EPS 11 2019 0 - Application Renewables - Wind
MS EPS 11/2019/1 - European Protected Species Licence - Nearshore Geophysical Surveys - Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Windfarm (Revised Design) Renewables - Wind 2019-05-09 2019-09-30
Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Windfarm (Revised Design) - MS EPS 16 2019 0 - Application Renewables - Wind
Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Windfarm (Revised Design) - MS EPS 16 2019 1 - Licence Renewables - Wind
MS EPS 16/2019/1 - European Protected Species Licence - UXO Inspection Survey - Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Windfarm (Revised Design) Renewables - Wind 2019-05-30 2019-10-16
Marine Licence - Alternative Landfall Cable Installation Method - Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Wind Farm Area, Firth of Forth – 07050/00009445/00009749/00010440/00010567 Construction, alteration or improvement of any works 2023-09-29 2022-09-30
Marine Licence - Construction and operation of transmission works - Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Wind Farm Area, Firth of Forth - 04678 /00010078/00010467 Renewables - Wind 2023-06-15 2023-11-29
Marine Licence - Construction and operation of generating station - Seagreen Bravo Wind Farm Area, Firth of Forth - 04677/00010076/00010137/00010505 Renewables - Wind 2023-07-14 2023-12-16
Marine Licence - Construction and operation of generating station - Seagreen Alpha Wind Farm Area, Firth of Forth - 04676/00010075/00010136/00010504 Renewables - Wind 2023-07-14 2023-12-16
04678/19/0 - Marine Licence Renewables - Wind
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - MFRAG minute of meeting of 08/05/19 Renewables - Wind
Levenmouth Demonstration Turbine - s.36 variation - Appropriate Assessment Renewables - Wind
Inch Cape Offshore Windfarm - EIA Consent Decision Renewables - Wind
Inch Cape Offshore Windfarm - MS EPS 16/2018/2 - European Protected Species Licence Renewables - Wind
Beatrice Offshore Wind Farm - Non-Compliance Notice - Citra Clean Concentrate Renewables - Wind
Kincardine Offshore Floating Windfarm- European Protected Species Licence Renewables - Wind
Kincardine Offshore Floating Windfarm- Marine Mammal Observer Approval letter Renewables - Wind
Inch Cape Offshore Windfarm (Revised Design) - Decision - Public Notice Renewables - Wind
Moray East Offshore Windfarm – Offshore Transmission Infrastructure Piling Strategy (OfTI PS) Renewables - Wind
Inch Cape Offshore Windfarm (Revised Design) – 06781 – Decision Notice Renewables - Wind
Inch Cape Offshore Windfarm (Revised Design) – 06781 – Marine Licence Renewables - Wind
Inch Cape Offshore Windfarm (Revised Design) – 06782 – Decision Notice Renewables - Wind
Inch Cape Offshore Windfarm (Revised Design) – 06782 – Marine Licence Renewables - Wind
Moray West Offshore Wind farm - Submission to Ministers Renewables - Wind
Inch Cape Offshore Windfarm (Revised Design) - Submission to Ministers Renewables - Wind
Inch Cape Offshore Windfarm (Revised Design) – Appropriate Assessment 2019 Renewables - Wind
Inch Cape Offshore Windfarm (Revised Design) - Decision Notice Renewables - Wind
Inch Cape Offshore Windfarm (Revised Design) - Section 36A Declaration Renewables - Wind
Moray West Offshore Windfarm - Marine Protected Area ("MPA") Assessement Renewables - Wind
Moray West Offshore Wind Farm - Wind farm and Transmission Works Appropriate Assessement Renewables - Wind
Moray West Offshore Wind Farm - 06764 - Marine Licence Renewables - Wind
Moray West Offshore Wind Farm - 06764 -Decision Notice Renewables - Wind
Moray West Offshore Wind Farm - 06763 -Marine Licence Renewables - Wind
Moray West Offshore Wind Farm - 06763 -Decision Notice Renewables - Wind
Moray West Offshore Windfarm - s.36 Consent Decision Notice and Conditions Renewables - Wind
Section 36 Consent - Construction and Operation of Offshore Windfarm - Moray West Offshore Windfarm, Moray Firth Renewables - Wind 2018-07-05 2019-06-14
Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Windfarm (Revised Design) - Section 36 Consent Variation - Appropriate Assessment Validation Renewables - Wind
Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Windfarm (Revised Design) - Section 36 Consent Variation - Decision Notice Renewables - Wind
Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Windfarm (Revised Design) - Section 36 Consent Variation - Submission to Ministers Renewables - Wind
Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Windfarm (Revised Design) - MS EPS 04 2019 - Licence Renewables - Wind
Forthwind Offshore Development Phase 1 - 05632/19/0 - Marine Licence Renewables - Wind
05632 - Construction and Operation of Generating Station - Forthwind Offshore Development Phase 1 Renewables - Wind 2015-07-06 2019-05-30
Forthwind Offshore Development Phase 1 - Section 36 Variation - Submission to Ministers Renewables - Wind
Forthwind Offshore Development Phase 1 - Section 36 Variation - Decision Notice Renewables - Wind
European Offshore Wind Deployment Centre – Section 36 Consent Variation – Consultation responses Renewables - Wind
Seagreen Alpha and Bravo - Ornithology Additional Information Renewables - Wind
Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Windfarm (Revised Design) - Section 36 Consent Variation - Consultation Responses Renewables - Wind
Alternative Landfall Cable Installation Method - Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Offshore Wind Farms, Firth of Forth - 07050 - Screening Opinion Renewables - Wind
Alternative Landfall Cable Installation Method - Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Offshore Wind Farms, Firth of Forth - 07050 - Screening Opinion Request Renewables - Wind
Vessel Management Plan and Navigation Safety Plan (VMP & NSP) - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm Renewables - Wind
Moray East Offshore Windfarm – Piling Strategy (PS) - 2019 Renewables - Wind
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Safety Zone – Decision Letter - May 2019 Renewables - Wind
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Safety Zone - Ministerial Submission Renewables - Wind
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Offshore Transmission Infrastructure Cable Plan (OfTI CaP) Renewables - Wind
Moray East Offshore Windfarm – Cable Plan (CaP) Renewables - Wind
Forthwind Offshore Development - Scoping Report Renewables - Wind
Forthwind Offshore Development - Scoping Opinion Request Renewables - Wind
Forthwind Offshore Development Phase 1 - Section 36 Variation - Consultation Responses Renewables - Wind
MS EPS 04/2019/0 - EPS - Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Windfarm Renewables - Wind 2019-05-02
MS EPS 04/2019/0 - EPS Licence Renewables - Wind
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Offshore Transmission Infrastructure Cable Plan Renewables - Wind
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Cable Plan Renewables - Wind
Forthwind Offshore Development Phase 1 – Section 36 Variation – Consultation Responses Renewables - Wind
Section 36 Consent Variation - Section 36 Consent extension of the European Offshore Wind Deployment Center - Aberdeen Bay Renewables - Wind 2019-04-11
European Offshore Wind Deployment Centre - s. 36 Consent Variation - Application Renewables - Wind
European Offshore Wind Deployment Centre - s. 36 Consent Variation - Public Notice Renewables - Wind
Samsung Section 36 Variation Application Renewables - Wind 2014-10-03 2016-03-23
Fife Energy Park Offshore Demonstration Wind Turbine Renewables - Wind 2012-07-26 2013-05-03
Section 36 Consent Variation - Kincardine Offshore Windfarm Renewables - Wind 2017-11-28
Marine Licence - Construction and operation of generating station - Kincardine Offshore Windfarm - 05914 Renewables - Wind 2016-04-07 2017-03-07
Moray West Offshore Windfarm - Information to Inform HRA - Great Black-backed Gull - consultation responses Renewables - Wind
Section 36 Consent - Construction and Operation of Offshore Windfarm and Transmission Works - Beatrice Offshore Windfarm, Moray Firth Renewables - Wind 2012-04-23 2014-08-15
Marine Licence - Deployment of Waverider Buoys - Beatrice Offshore Wind Farm Renewables - Wind 2017-07-26
04461/00009451 - Offshore Transmission Works - Beatrice Offshore Wind Farm, Moray Firth Renewables - Wind 2012-04-23 2022-10-07
04462/00010472 - Offshore Generating Station - Beatrice Offshore Wind Farm, Moray Firth Renewables - Wind 2012-04-23 2014-08-15
Inch Cape Offshore Windfarm - Commencement of the Development Extension - Request Letter (2017) Renewables - Wind
Inch Cape Offshore Windfarm - Commencement of the Development Extension - Ministerial Submission (2018) Renewables - Wind
Inch Cape Offshore Windfarm - Commencement of the Development Extension - Decision Letter (2018) Renewables - Wind
Inch Cape Offshore Windfarm - Section 36 Condition 2 Extension - Consultation Responses Renewables - Wind
Inch Cape Offshore Windfarm - Scoping Report Renewables - Wind
Inch Cape Offshore Windfarm - Scoping Opinion Renewables - Wind
Inch Cape Offshore Windfarm - Section 36A Declaration (2014) Renewables - Wind
Inch Cape Offshore Windfarm - Section 36 Consent (2014) Renewables - Wind
Inch Cape Offshore Windfarm - Public Notice for Application (2013) Renewables - Wind
Inch Cape Offshore Windfarm - Map of Development (2014) Renewables - Wind
Inch Cape Offshore Windfarm - EIA Consent Decision (2014) Renewables - Wind
Inch Cape Offshore Windfarm - ECoW Documentation (2016) Renewables - Wind
Inch Cape Offshore Windfarm - ECoW Condition Discharge Letter (2016) Renewables - Wind
Inch Cape Offshore Windfarm - ECoW Approval (2016) Renewables - Wind
Inch Cape Offshore Windfarm - Appropriate Assessment 2014 Renewables - Wind
Inch Cape Offshore Windfarm - Submission to Ministers (2014) Renewables - Wind
Trenching at Landfall - Seagreen Alpha and Seagreen Bravo Offshore Windfarm, Firth of Forth Renewables - Wind 2019-04-10
Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Offshore Windfarm – Screening Opinion Request Renewables - Wind
Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Offshore Windfarm – Consenting Approach Document Renewables - Wind
Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Offshore Windfarm – 06190 - Marine Licence Renewables - Wind
MS EPS 04/2019 - European Protected Species Licence - Geophysical Surveys - Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Windfarm (Revised Design) Renewables - Wind 2019-02-13 2019-12-20
Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Windfarm (Revised Design) - MS EPS 04 2019 0 - Application Renewables - Wind
Marine Licence - Floating LiDAR System – Seagreen Alpha and Seagreen Bravo Offshore Wind Farm, Firth of Forth - 06190 Renewables - Wind 2019-01-31 2019-03-31
Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Offshore Windfarm – 06190 - Marine Licence Application Renewables - Wind
Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Offshore Windfarm – 06190 - Map Renewables - Wind
Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Offshore Windfarm – 06190 -Buoy and Mooring details Renewables - Wind
Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Offshore Windfarm – 06190 - Cover Letter Renewables - Wind
Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Offshore Windfarm – 06190 - Consultation Responses Renewables - Wind
06980 – Floating LiDAR System – Seagreen Offshore Windfarm (Phase 2), Firth of Forth Renewables - Wind
Seagreen Offshore Windfarm (Phase 2) – 06980- Buoy and Mooring Details Renewables - Wind
Seagreen Offshore Windfarm (Phase 2) – 06980 - Map Renewables - Wind