Marine Licence- Coastal Path Construction - Fairlie, North Ayrshire - 00010300/00010913 |
Construction of new works |
Scoping Report - Flotta Ultra Deep Water Quay Development - SCOP-0042 |
Construction of new works |
Marine Licence - New Outfall Pipe - East Shore, Pittenweem, Fife - 00010835 |
Construction of new works |
Screening Report - Breakwater Construction - Lerwick Marina - SCR-0083 |
Construction of new works |
Screening - Breakwater Construction - Lerwick Marina - SCR-0083 |
Construction of new works |
2024-04-25 |
Dales Voe Ultra Deep Water Quay Development |
Construction of new works |
Scoping - Eastern Inner Dock Quay - Nigg Energy Park |
Construction of new works |
2023-12-15 |
Scoping Opinion Request - Nigg Eastern Inner Dock Quay |
Construction of new works |
Environmental Impact Assessment Report - Scapa Deep Water Quay |
Construction of new works |
Marine Licence - Road Bridge Construction - White Cart Water, Paisley (AMIDS South scheme) - 00010200 |
Construction of new works |
Marine Licence - Temporary Pollution Containment System (Retaining Wall Construction Site) - Levenmouth, River Leven, Fife - 00010296 |
Construction of new works |
Screening Opinion Request - Land Reclamation - Altanavaig Quarry, Kyelakin, Isle of Skye - SCR- 0057 |
Construction of new works |
Central North Sea Electrification ("CNSE") Project |
Construction of new works |
European Protected Species Licence - Geophysical Surveys - Longhaven and Sandford Bay - 00010349 |
Construction of new works |
European Protected Species Licence Application - Geophysical Surveys - Longhaven and Sandford Bay - 00010349 |
Construction of new works |
European Protected Species Licence – Geophysical Surveys - Longhaven and Sandford Bay - 00010349 |
Construction of new works |
2023-05-09 |
2023-06-01 |
Marine Licence Application- Outfall Construction - Dunstaffnage Bay- 00010180 |
Construction of new works |
Screening Opinion - Acairsaid Pier, Eriskay - SCR-0052 |
Construction of new works |
Marine Licence - Marina Construction - Catfirth, Nesting, Shetland - Scoping Report |
Construction of new works |
Marine Licence - Marina Construction - Catfirth, Nesting, Shetland |
Construction of new works |
2022-10-28 |
Marine Licence Application - Temporary Pier - Loch Etive - 00010082 |
Construction of new works |
Marine Licence - Temporary Pier - Loch Etive - 00010082 |
Construction of new works |
2022-10-07 |
2023-03-18 |
Marine Licence Application- Outfall- Dunmore, Falkirk- 00010105 |
Construction of new works |
Additional Information - Outer Berth Construction, Capital Dredge and Sea Deposit - Port Of Leith - 00009818 & 00009819 |
Construction of new works |
Public Notice of Additional Information - Outer Berth Construction, Capital Dredge and Sea Deposit - Port Of Leith - 00009818 & 00009819 |
Construction of new works |
Land Reclamation - Govan Wet Basin, BAE Systems Govan Shipyard, River Clyde |
Construction of new works |
Land Reclamation - Govan Wet Basin, BAE Systems Govan Shipyard, River Clyde |
Construction of new works |
Marine Licence Application – Construction of Sea Outfall – Portavadie, Loch Fyne - 00009997 |
Construction of new works |
Marine Licence – Construction of Sea Outfall – Portavadie, Loch Fyne - 00009997 |
Construction of new works |
2022-08-16 |
2022-12-23 |
Marine Licence Application - Installation of Outfall Pipeline - Spey Bay - 00009953 |
Construction of new works |
Marine Licence - Installation of Outfall Pipeline - Spey Bay - 00009953 |
Construction of new works |
2022-07-06 |
2022-12-23 |
Marine Licence Application - Outfall - East Shore, Pittenweem, Fife - 00009797 |
Construction of new works |
Marine Licence - New Outfall Pipe - East Shore, Pittenweem, Fife - 00009797 / 00010835 |
Construction of new works |
2021-12-22 |
2024-06-25 |
Marine Licence - Installation of Rock Anchors - Hatston Pier, Orkney - 00009169 |
Construction of new works |
Marine Licence Application - Rock Revetment Construction - Ardrossan - 00009944 |
Construction of new works |
Marine Licence Application - Outfall - Trinity Quay, Aberdeen - 00009747 |
Construction of new works |
Marine Licence - Outfall - Trinity Quay, Aberdeen - 00009747 |
Construction of new works |
2022-02-10 |
Marine Licence - Land Reclamation - Kishorn Port - 00009579 |
Construction of new works |
Marine Licence - Outfall - Rova Head, Lerwick - 00009149 |
Construction of new works |
Marine Licence Application - Construction of Slipway - Sands Caravan and Camping, Gairloch - 00009678 |
Construction of new works |
Marine Licence - Construction of Slipway - Sands Caravan and Camping, Gairloch - 00009678 |
Construction of new works |
2021-11-27 |
2022-08-20 |
Multi-stage Decision Notice - Uig Harbour Redevelopment |
Construction of new works |
Marine Licence - Construction - Rothesay Outer Harbour - 00009680 |
Construction of new works |
Screening Request - Construction of Coast Protection - Barra Airport |
Construction of new works |
Marine Licence Application - Cable Installation - Eigg to Mainland - 00009611 |
Construction of new works |
Scoping Opinion - Hatston Pier and Terminal Expansion - Hatston, Orkney |
Construction of new works |
Scoping Opinion - Scapa Deep Water Quay - Scapa Flow, Orkney |
Construction of new works |
Scoping - Scapa Deep Water Quay - Scapa Flow, Orkney |
Construction of new works |
2020-07-01 |
Marine Licence - Construction of Coastal Protection - Stornoway Airport, Isle of Lewis - 00009183 |
Construction of new works |
Environmental Impact Assessment Report - Slipway Extension and Landing Jetty- Scammalin Bay, Island of Faray - 00009361/00009362 |
Construction of new works |
Marine Licence Application - Extended Slipway and Landing Jetty - Scammalin Bay, Island of Faray - 00009361 |
Construction of new works |
Marine Licence - Extended Slipway and Landing Jetty - Scammalin Bay, Island of Faray - 00009361 |
Construction of new works |
2021-06-11 |
2024-07-18 |
Faray Slipway Extension and Landing Jetty |
Construction of new works |
Marine Licence Application - Construction of Outfall Pipe - North Base Jetty, Peterhead Harbour - 00009434 |
Construction of new works |
Marine Licence - Construction of Outfall Pipe - North Base Jetty, Peterhead Harbour - 00009434 |
Construction of new works |
2021-07-13 |
Marine Licence Application - Construction of Sound Poles - Irvine Beach, Irvine - 00009389 |
Construction of new works |
Marine Licence - Construction of Sound Poles - Irvine Beach, Irvine - 00009389 |
Construction of new works |
Marine Licence - Construction of Sound Poles - Irvine Beach, Irvine - 00009389 |
Construction of new works |
2021-07-02 |
2021-07-07 |
Marine Licence Application - Installation of Rock Anchors - Hatston Pier, Orkney - 00009169 |
Construction of new works |
Marine Licence - Installation of Rock Anchors - Hatston Pier, Orkney - 00009169 |
Construction of new works |
2021-02-16 |
2022-07-22 |
Marine Licence Application - Outfall - Rova Head, Lerwick - 00009149 |
Construction of new works |
Marine Licence - Outfall - Rova Head, Lerwick - 00009149 |
Construction of new works |
2021-01-27 |
2023-06-01 |
Construction Environmental Management Plan - Construction - Nigg Energy Park East Quay - 07069/00009032 |
Construction of new works |
Decision Notice - Construction - Nigg Energy Park East Quay - 07069/00009032 |
Construction of new works |
Marine Licence Application - Fort William Marina & Shoreline Community Interest Company - Land Reclamation and Pontoon Extension - Fort William, Highland- 00009085 |
Construction of new works |
Marine Licence Variation - Construction Works - Kilfinichen Pier Development, Isle of Mull - 06790/00009067 |
Construction of new works |
Marine Licence Variation - Construction - Nigg Energy Park East Quay - 00009032 |
Construction of new works |
Marine Licence - Construction of a Sea Water Pump System - Hillswick Wildlife Sanctuary, Shetland - 07205/00008433 |
Construction of new works |
Marine Licence - Construction of New Marina - Cullivoe Pier, North Yell, Shetland - 07282/00008793 |
Construction of new works |
Screening Request - Scapa Deep Water Quay - Scapa Flow, Orkney |
Construction of new works |
Screening Opinion - Scapa Deep Water Quay - Scapa Flow, Orkney |
Construction of new works |
Screening - Scapa Deep Water Quay - Scapa Flow, Orkney |
Construction of new works |
2020-07-01 |
Marine Licence - Construction - Nigg Energy Park East Quay - 07069 |
Construction of new works |
European Protected Species Licence - Construction, Dredging and Sea Disposal - Nigg East Quay - MS EPS 25 2019 0 |
Construction of new works |
Appropriate Assessment - Nigg Energy Park East Quay |
Construction of new works |
Decision Notice - Uig Harbour Redevelopment |
Construction of new works |
Uig Ferry Terminal Development - European Protected Species Licence |
Construction of new works |
Marine Licence - The Highland Council - Uig Harbour Redevelopment, Construction - 06909 |
Construction of new works |
St. Ola Pier Redevelopment - European Protected Species Licence |
Construction of new works |
St. Ola Pier Redevelopment - Basking Shark Licence |
Construction of new works |
Consultation Responses - Uig Ferry Terminal Development |
Construction of new works |
Appropriate Assessment - Uig Ferry Terminal Development |
Construction of new works |
Marine Licence Application - Construction of New Marina - Cullivoe Pier, North Yell, Shetland - 07282 |
Construction of new works |
Marine Licence - Construction of New Marina - Cullivoe Pier, North Yell, Shetland - 07282/00008793 |
Construction of new works |
2019-11-22 |
2020-09-10 |
Marine Licence Variation - Installation of Rock Armour - Helensburgh Pierhead, Helensburgh - 06801 |
Construction of new works |
Marine Licence Variation - Construction of a New Slipway - Toward, Dunoon - 07048 |
Construction of new works |
Marine Licence Variation - Construction of Northern Breakwater - Dunbar East Beach - 07230 |
Construction of new works |
Marine Licence Variation - Construction Works - Kilfinichen Pier Development, Isle of Mull - 06790 |
Construction of new works |
Marine Licence - Construction of Northern Breakwater - Dunbar East Beach - 07230 |
Construction of new works |
Marine Licence Variation - Upgrades to Tarbert Ferry Terminal - East Loch, Tarbert, Isle of Harris - 06907 |
Construction of new works |
Marine Licence Application - Construction of a Sea Water Pump System - Hillswick Wildlife Sanctuary, Shetland - 07205 |
Construction of new works |
Marine Licence - Construction of a Sea Water Pump System - Hillswick Wildlife Sanctuary, Shetland - 07205/00008433 |
Construction of new works |
2019-12-13 |
2020-10-10 |
Marine Licence Variation - Construction - Nigg Bay, Aberdeen - 05965 |
Construction of new works |
Marine Licence - Construction of Northern Breakwater - Dunbar East Beach - 07230 |
Construction of new works |
2019-11-14 |
2020-04-23 |
Marine Licence - Slipway Construction - Licence - 07112 |
Construction of new works |
Marine Licence Variation - Construction of a New Outfall Pipe - Dunnet, Caithness - 06955 |
Construction of new works |
Aberdeen Harbour Expansion - Environmental Plan |
Construction of new works |
Aberdeen Harbour Expansion - Dredge Monitoring Plan for 2018 and 2019 Operations |
Construction of new works |
Aberdeen Harbour Expansion - Environmental Statement - Volume 4, Habitats Regulations Appraisal |
Construction of new works |
Aberdeen Harbour Expansion - Environmental Statement - Volume 3, Technical Appendices |
Construction of new works |
Aberdeen Harbour Expansion - Environmental Statement - Volume 2, Environmental Statement |
Construction of new works |
Notices of Decision - Ferry Terminal Development - Tarbert, Isle of Harris - 06907/06908 - |
Construction of new works |
St. Ola Pier Redevelopment, Scrabster - 07075/07076 - Public Notice |
Construction of new works |
European Protected Species Licence - Construction, Dredging and Sea Disposal - Nigg East Quay - MS EPS 25 2019 0 |
Construction of new works |
2019-08-14 |
2020-07-21 |
MS EPS 25 2019 0 - European Protected Species Licence Application |
Construction of new works |
05991 - Scottish Water - Construction, Extension to Existing Sea Outfall - Gairloch WWTP |
Construction of new works |
2016-05-26 |
2019-10-08 |
05991 - Annex One |
Construction of new works |
05991 - Marine Licence |
Construction of new works |
07054 - Annex One |
Construction of new works |
07054 - Marine Licence |
Construction of new works |
06907/06908 - Appropriate Assessment |
Construction of new works |
06907/06908 – Construction Environmental Management Document (Issue 3) |
Construction of new works |
06907/06908 - Construction Environmental Management Document (Issue 3) |
Construction of new works |
07068/07069 - Public Notice |
Construction of new works |
07069 - Marine Licence Application |
Construction of new works |
Marine Licence - Construction - Nigg Energy Park East Quay - 07069/00009032/00009721 |
Construction of new works |
2019-06-20 |
2020-07-21 |
06812 - Refusal Letter |
Construction of new works |
Planning Chart - Construction of a New Slipway - Toward, Dunoon - 07048 |
Construction of new works |
Map - Construction of a New Slipway - Toward, Dunoon - 07048 |
Construction of new works |
Marine Licence Application - Construction of a New Slipway - Toward, Dunoon - 07048 |
Construction of new works |
Marine Licence - Construction of a New Slipway - Toward, Dunoon - 07048 |
Construction of new works |
2019-06-13 |
2020-04-29 |
07054 - Map |
Construction of new works |
07054 - Marine Licence Application |
Construction of new works |
07054 - Embankment Repairs - Annan, Solway Firth |
Construction of new works |
2019-06-24 |
2019-10-08 |
06987 - Annex One (Variation) |
Construction of new works |
06987 - Marine Licence Variation |
Construction of new works |
06882 - Marine Licence |
Construction of new works |
06850 - Marine Licence |
Construction of new works |
SIMEC GHR LTD - New Landing Facility - Loch Etive, Argyll & Bute |
Construction of new works |
06963 - Appendix B to report |
Construction of new works |
06963 - Appendix A to report |
Construction of new works |
06963 - Screening Report |
Construction of new works |
06821 - Environmental Appraisal Non-Technical |
Construction of new works |
06821 - Application Form |
Construction of new works |
Marine Licence - Deep Water Quay construction - Stornoway, Isle Of Lewis - 07017 |
Construction of new works |
2021-06-08 |
Deep Water Port, Glumaig Bay, Stornoway |
06882 - Charts and Drawings |
Construction of new works |
06882 - Marine Licence Application |
Construction of new works |
06997 - Final Licence |
Construction of new works |
06987 - Construction Of Outfall - Catfirth, Shetland |
Construction of new works |
2019-04-03 |
2019-09-01 |
06987 - Charts and Drawings |
Construction of new works |
06987 - Marine Licence Application |
Construction of new works |
06906 - Exemption Direction |
Construction of new works |
06825/06826 - Notice of Decision 2 |
Construction of new works |
Marine Licence - Construction of a New Outfall Pipe - Dunnet, Caithness - 06955 |
Construction of new works |
2019-01-31 |
2019-11-20 |
06955 - Ecology Walkover |
Construction of new works |
06955 - Site Layout |
Construction of new works |
06955 – Method statement Rev 07 |
Construction of new works |
06955 - HDD profile |
Construction of new works |
06955 - Enviromental Constraints |
Construction of new works |
06955 - Marine Licence Application |
Construction of new works |
06955 - Map |
Construction of new works |
Clyde Waterfront Renfrew Riverside (CWRR) |
Construction of new works |
06473 - Construction of New Bridge - Clyde Waterfront Renfrew Riverside (CWRR), Glasgow |
Construction of new works |
2017-07-04 |
2020-02-01 |
06474 - Capital Dredging - Clyde Waterfront Renfrew Riverside (CWRR), Glasgow |
Dredging |
2017-07-04 |
2020-02-01 |
06473/06474 – West of Scotland Archaeology Service Consultation Response |
Construction of new works |
06473/06474 – Scottish Water Consultation Response |
Construction of new works |
06473/06474 – SNH Consultation Response |
Construction of new works |
06473/06474 – SEPA consultation Response |
Construction of new works |
06473/06474 - SEPA Consulatation Response |
Construction of new works |
06473/06474 - RYA Consultation Response |
Construction of new works |
06473/06474 - NLB Consultation Response |
Construction of new works |
06473/06474 – MCA Consultation Response |
Construction of new works |
06473/06474 - HES Consultation Response |
Construction of new works |
06901 - Marine Licence |
Construction of new works |
06473/06474 - Glasgow Airport Consultation Reponse |
Construction of new works |
06952- New Pontoon- Clachan, Isle of Raasay |
Construction of new works |
06952 - Map |
Construction of new works |
06952 - Marine Licence Application |
Construction of new works |
Nigg East Quay - Scoping Opinion |
Construction of new works |
06479 - Annex One |
Construction of new works |
06479 - Marine Licence |
Construction of new works |
06912 - Final Licence |
Construction of new works |
07001 - Lochmaddy Ferry Terminal Development (Dredging and Sea Disposal)- Lochmaddy, North Uist |
Dredging |
2019-05-13 |
2020-01-01 |
07000/07001 - EIAR Volume 3 |
Construction of new works |
07000/07001 - Lochmaddy Marine Constrution Licence Application Form |
Construction of new works |
06997 - Construction of New Landing Pad - Rhuba Na Staing, Loch Etive |
Construction of new works |
2019-06-12 |
06997 - Site Plan |
Construction of new works |
06997 - Supporting Information |
Construction of new works |
06997 - Construction Method Statement |
Construction of new works |
06997 - Marine Licence Application |
Construction of new works |
06850 - New Finfish Farm - Olna North, Swarbucks Minn, Shetland |
Construction of new works |
2019-07-23 |
06852 - Drawing Cross Section |
Construction of new works |
06852 - Drawing General Arrangement 2 |
Construction of new works |
06852 - Drawing General Arrangement 1 |
Construction of new works |
06852 - Application |
Construction of new works |
06867 - Fresh Water Pens and Pipe Installation - Easter Heogland, Burra, Shetland |
Construction of new works |
2019-05-28 |
06783 - Annex One |
Construction of new works |
06783 - Licence Variation |
Construction of new works |
06847 - Annex One |
Construction of new works |
06847 - Final Licence |
Construction of new works |
06909/06910 - Public Notice |
Construction of new works |
06912 - Replacement Sewer Outfall - Limekilns, Fife |
Construction of new works |
2019-01-04 |
2019-05-24 |
06912 - Method Statement |
Construction of new works |
06912 - Map |
Construction of new works |
06912 - Application |
Construction of new works |
06664 - Licence |
Construction of new works |
Extension to Marshalling Area, St Margaret’s Hope, Orkney - 06882 - Screening Opinion |
Construction of new works |
06909/06910 - Benthic Data |
Construction of new works |
06909/06910 - Biotope Characterisation |
Construction of new works |
06909/06910 - Sediment Disposal Site Seabed Survey |
Construction of new works |
06783 - Final Licence |
Construction of new works |
Marine Licence - Uig Harbour Redevelopment - Construction - 06909/00009632/00010342/00010716 |
Construction of new works |
2021-07-19 |
2024-07-18 |
06909/06910 - EIA Report Volume 3 - Technical Appendices |
Construction of new works |
06910 - Disposal Site Characterisation |
Construction of new works |
06910 - Dredging Section View |
Construction of new works |
06910 - Dredging Area Plan |
Construction of new works |
06910 - Dredging Area Chart |
Construction of new works |
06910 - Disposal Area Location |
Construction of new works |
06909/06910 - Uig Harbour Photos |
Construction of new works |
06909/06910 - Proposed Site Plan |
Construction of new works |
06909/06910 - Harbour Area |
Construction of new works |
06909/06910 - Ground Investigation Plan |
Construction of new works |
06909/06910 - Existing Site Plan |
Construction of new works |
06909 - Surface Water Plan |
Construction of new works |
06909 - Sectional Drawings |
Construction of new works |
06909 - Marshalling Area Headwall Plan |
Construction of new works |
06909 - Foul Water Plan |
Construction of new works |
06909 - Extent of Works |
Construction of new works |
06909/06910 - EIA Report Volume 2 |
Construction of new works |
06909/06910 - EIA Report Volume 1 - Non Technical Summary |
Construction of new works |
06909/06910 - Scottish National Marine Plan Considerations |
Construction of new works |
06909/06910 - Uig Harbour Jurisdiction |
Construction of new works |
06909/06910 - Ground Investigation Report |
Construction of new works |
06909/06910 - Scoping Report |
Construction of new works |
06909/06910 - Scoping Opinion |
Construction of new works |
06909/06910 - Pre Application Consultation Report |
Construction of new works |
06909/06910 - Noise Registry |
Construction of new works |
06909 - Marine Licence Application (Construction) |
Construction of new works |
Nigg Energy Park East Quay |
Construction of new works |
Scoping Report |
Construction of new works |
Construction of Sea Defences – Dunbar East Beach |
Construction of new works |
Dunbar East Beach - Outline Area Map |
Construction of new works |
Dunbar East Beach - Method Statement |
Construction of new works |
Dunbar East Beach - Environmental Note |
Construction of new works |
Dunbar East Beach - Drawings |
Construction of new works |
Dunbar East Beach - Coastal Processes Assessment |
Construction of new works |
Dunbar East Beach - Marine Licence Application |
Construction of new works |
06882 – Extension to Marshalling Area – St Margaret’s Hope, Orkney |
Construction of new works |
2018-01-07 |
2019-08-08 |
Extension to Marshalling Area, St Margaret’s Hope, Orkney - 06882 - Screening Opinion Request |
Construction of new works |
06882 – Drawings and Plans |
Construction of new works |
06882 – Marine Licence Application |
Construction of new works |
06858 - Scottish Canals - Pier Wall Erosion Protection Works - Ardrishaig Pier, Argyll & Bute |
Construction of new works |
2018-12-11 |
2019-03-25 |
06858 - Method Statement |
Construction of new works |
06858 - Marine Licence Application |
Construction of new works |
06858 - Location Plan |
Construction of new works |
06858 - GIS Map |
Construction of new works |
06858 – Drawing |
Construction of new works |
06858 - Photographs |
Construction of new works |
Marine Licence - Upgrades to Tarbert Ferry Terminal - East Loch, Tarbert, Isle of Harris - 06907/00009557 |
Construction of new works |
2020-01-27 |
2021-10-31 |
Uig Ferry Terminal Development, Uig, Isle of Skye |
Construction of new works |
06907/06908 - Public Notice - Gaelic |
Construction of new works |
06907/06908 - Public Notice |
Construction of new works |
06907/06908 - Pre-Application Consultation Form |
Construction of new works |
06907/06908 - Pre-Application Consultation Report |
Construction of new works |
06907/06908 - Transport Assessment |
Construction of new works |
06907/06908 - Scoping Opinion |
Construction of new works |
06907/06908 - EIAR Volume 4 |
Construction of new works |
06907/06908 - Scoping Report |
Construction of new works |
Tarbert Ferry Terminal Upgrade, East Loch, Tarbert, Isle of Harris - 06907/06908 - Screening Opinion Request |
Construction of new works |
Tarbert Ferry Terminal Upgrade, East Loch, Tarbert, Isle of Harris - 06907/06908 - Screening Opinion |
Construction of new works |
06907/06908 - EIAR Volume 3 |
Construction of new works |
06907/06908 - EIAR Volume 2 |
Construction of new works |
06907/06908 - EIAR Volume 1 |
Construction of new works |
06908 - Capital Dredging & Sea Disposal Licence Application |
Construction of new works |
06907/06908 - VibroCore Pre-Disposal Sampling Results Form |
Construction of new works |
06907/06908 - Borehole Pre-Disposal Sampling Results Form |
Construction of new works |
06907 - Construction Licence Application |
Construction of new works |
06907/06908 - Construction Environmental Management Document |
Construction of new works |
06907/06908 - Best Practicable Environmental Option Report |
Construction of new works |
Ferry Terminal Development –Tarbert, Isle of Harris |
Construction of new works |
06796 - Licence |
Construction of new works |
Kilfinichen Pier Development, Isle of Mull - Notice of Decision |
Construction of new works |
Kilfinichen Pier Development, Isle of Mull - Decision Notice |
Construction of new works |
Kilfinichen Pier Development, Isle of Mull - Marine Licence |
Construction of new works |
Kilfinichen Pier Development, Isle of Mull - Consultation Responses |
Construction of new works |
06801 – Licence |
Construction of new works |
06796 - Coastal Flood Protection Scheme - Caol, Fort William |
Construction of new works |
2018-12-04 |
2019-01-30 |
06796 – GIS Map |
Construction of new works |
06796 – Technical Drawing |
Construction of new works |
06796 – PAC Report |
Construction of new works |
06796 – Method Statement |
Construction of new works |
06796 – Coordinate Spreadsheet |
Construction of new works |
06796 – Application |
Construction of new works |
Installation of Rock Armour - 06747 - Marine Licence |
Construction of new works |
Marine Licence - Installation of Rock Armour - Helensburgh Pierhead, Helensburgh - 06801 |
Construction of new works |
2018-08-30 |
2020-04-29 |
Installation of Rock Armour, Helensburgh Pierhead - 06801 - Screening Report |
Construction of new works |
Installation of Rock Armour, Helensburgh Pierhead - 06801 - Screening Opinion |
Construction of new works |
Installation of Rock Armour - 06801 - Pre-Application Report |
Construction of new works |
Installation of Rock Armour - 06801 - Drawings |
Construction of new works |
Installation of Rock Armour - 06801 - Coordinates |
Construction of new works |
Installation of Rock Armour - 06801 - Marine Licence Application |
Construction of new works |
Glasgow Airport Investment Area (GAIA) - 06475 - Construction marine licence application |
Construction of new works |
Glasgow Airport Investment Area (GAIA) - 06475/18/0 - Marine licence |
Construction of new works |
06475 - Construction - Glasgow |
Construction of new works |
2017-07-04 |
2019-03-01 |
Glasgow Airport Investment Area (GAIA) |
Construction of new works |
Marine Licence - Installation of New Slipway - Victoria Harbour, Dunbar - 06783 |
Construction of new works |
2018-08-13 |
2019-04-05 |
Installation of New Slipway - 06783 - Location & Section Plan |
Construction of new works |
Installation of New Slipway - 06783 - Method Statement |
Construction of new works |
Installation of New Slipway - 06783 - Photos |
Construction of new works |
Installation of New Slipway - 06783 - GIS Map |
Construction of new works |
Installation of New Slipway - 06783 - Marine Licence Application |
Construction of new works |
Construction of New Slipway - 06664 - Works Schedule |
Construction of new works |
Construction of New Slipway - 06664 - Works Information |
Construction of new works |
Construction of New Slipway - 06664 - OS Map |
Construction of new works |
Construction of New Slipway - 06664 - Drawings |
Construction of new works |
Construction of Landing Craft Berthing Ramp - 06795 - Marine Licence |
Construction of new works |
06664 - Construction of New Slipway - Banff Harbour |
Construction of new works |
2019-06-20 |
Construction of New Slipway - 06664 - GIS Map |
Construction of new works |
Construction of New Slipway - 06664 - Marine Licence Application |
Construction of new works |
Kilfinichen Pier Development, Isle of Mull - Public Notice |
Construction of new works |
06794 - Construction of Outfall - Marine Licence Application |
Construction of new works |
06794 - Construction of Outfall - Method Statement |
Construction of new works |
06794 - Construction of Outfall - GIS Chart |
Construction of new works |
06794 - Construction of Outfall - Photographs |
Construction of new works |
06794 - Contruction of Outfall - Drawings |
Construction of new works |
06794 - Construction of Outfall - Invergordon, Cromarty Firth |
Construction of new works |
2018-08-29 |
2018-12-10 |
Marine Licence - Construction Works - Kilfinichen Pier Development, Isle of Mull - 06790/00009067 |
Construction of new works |
2018-08-21 |
2020-12-31 |
Kilfinichen Pier Development, Isle of Mull - Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR) |
Construction of new works |
Kilfinichen Pier Development, Isle of Mull - Scoping Opinion Request |
Construction of new works |
Kilfinichen Pier Development, Isle of Mull - Scoping Opinion |
Construction of new works |
Kilfinichen Pier Development, Isle of Mull - Pre-application Consultation (PAC) Report |
Construction of new works |
Kilfinichen Pier Development, Isle of Mull - Navigational Risk Assessment |
Construction of new works |
Kilfinichen Pier Development, Isle of Mull - Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR) - Non-Technical Summary |
Construction of new works |
Kilfinichen Pier Development, Isle of Mull - Marine Licence Application |
Construction of new works |
Kilfinichen Pier Development, Isle of Mull |
Construction of new works |
Lochaline Ferry Terminal Berth Redevelopment, Morvern - Screening Opinion Request |
Construction of new works |
St. Ola Pier Redevelopment, Scrabster - Scoping opinion |
Construction of new works |
06795 - Construction of Landing Craft Berthing Ramp - Loch Striven, Argyll |
Construction of new works |
2018-09-04 |
2018-11-12 |
Construction of Landing Craft Berthing Ramp - 06795 - Otter Survey |
Construction of new works |
Construction of Landing Craft Berthing Ramp - 06795 - Map |
Construction of new works |
Construction of Landing Craft Berthing Ramp - 06795 - GIS Map |
Construction of new works |
Construction of Landing Craft Berthing Ramp - 06795 - Drawings |
Construction of new works |
Construction of Landing Craft Berthing Ramp - 06795 - Construction Environmental Management Plan |
Construction of new works |
Construction of Landing Craft Berthing Ramp - 06795 - Marine Licence Application |
Construction of new works |
06708 -Port of Cromarty Firth - Phase 4 - Construction Licence |
Construction of new works |
Moray West Offshore Windfarm |
Renewables - Wind |
Aberdeen Harbour Expansion - Environmental Statement - Volume 1, Non-technical summary |
Construction of new works |
Aberdeen Harbour Expansion - Environmental Statement |
Construction of new works |
Aberdeen Harbour Expansion Project - Scoping Report |
Construction of new works |
MS EPS 06/2018/0 - European Protected Species licence - Nigg Bay, Aberdeen |
Construction of new works |
2018-03-25 |
2018-04-27 |
MS EPS 27/2017/0 - European Protected Species licence - Nigg Bay, Aberdeen |
Construction of new works |
2018-09-04 |
Aberdeen Harbour Expansion - Further environmental information |
Construction of new works |
Aberdeen Harbour Expansion - Construction Environmental Management Document (CEMD) |
Construction of new works |
Aberdeen Harbour Expansion - Pre-application consultation report |
Construction of new works |
Aberdeen Harbour Expansion - 05965 - Marine licence application (previous) |
Construction of new works |
Aberdeen Harbour Expansion - 05965 - Drawings |
Construction of new works |
Aberdeen Harbour Expansion - 05965 - Co-ordinates |
Construction of new works |
Aberdeen Harbour Expansion - 05965 - Noise Registry |
Construction of new works |
Aberdeen Harbour Expansion - 05965 - Marine licence application |
Construction of new works |
St. Ola Pier Redevelopment, Scrabster |
Construction of new works |
St. Ola Pier Redevelopment, Scrabster - Scoping opinion request |
Construction of new works |
St. Ola Pier Redevelopment, Scrabster - Screening opinion |
Construction of new works |
St. Ola Pier Redevelopment, Scrabster - Screening Opinion Request |
Construction of new works |
Ardersier Port Development |
Construction of new works |
Scoping Opinion - Ardersier Port Development |
Construction of new works |
Scoping Opinion Request - Ardersier Port Development |
Construction of new works |
Aberdeen Harbour Expansion - Pre-application consultation report |
Construction of new works |
Aberdeen Harbour Expansion - 05965 - Marine licence application |
Construction of new works |
Aberdeen Harbour Expansion - Environmental Impact Assessment report |
Construction of new works |
Aberdeen Harbour Expansion - Appropriate Assessment |
Construction of new works |
Aberdeen Harbour Expansion - Environmental Impact Assessment consent decision |
Construction of new works |
Marine Licence - Construction and Deposit of Explosives - Nigg Bay, Aberdeen - 05965 |
Construction of new works |
2016-05-17 |
2020-02-27 |
Aberdeen Harbour Expansion |
Construction of new works |
Aberdeen Harbour Expansion - 05965/16/0 - Marine licence |
Construction of new works |