Open Government Licence (OGL)

Fishing effort (days) - passive gear by rectangle - 2018-2022

Marine Scotland Information NMPi icon

Effort (days) derived from UK-registered commercial fishing activity in Scottish seas using passive gears (set nets, lines, creels/pots and traps), as recorded in last five years of published statistics. Data is redacted if less than five vessels operate within an ICES statistical rectangle (values = -1).

Data derived from logbook data provided to the UK fishing authorities as required under EU or national legislation.

Users are recommended to zoom in to see the detail of the graph axes.  For each layer, the colour of the ICES rectangle represents the data for the most recent year. Rectangles cross-hatched indicate that fishing takes but the data are disclosive (cannot be displayed for reasons of commercial confidentiality).

Fishing effort (days) - pelagic active gear by rectangle- 2018-2022

Marine Scotland Information NMPi icon

Effort (days) derived from UK-registered commercial fishing activity in Scottish seas using active pelagic gears (midwater trawls, seines, and trolling lines), as recorded in last five years of published statistics. Data is redacted if less than five vessels operate within an ICES statistical rectangle (values = -1).

Data derived from logbook data provided to the UK fishing authorities as required under EU or national legislation.

Users are recommended to zoom in to see the detail of the graph axes.  For each layer, the colour of the ICES rectangle represents the data for the most recent year. Rectangles cross-hatched indicate that fishing takes but the data are disclosive (cannot be displayed for reasons of commercial confidentiality).

Demersal fish - Landed sales value (£) by rectangle 2018-2022

Marine Scotland Information NMPi icon

First sales (£GBP) from commercial fishing activity in Scottish seas of demersal (midwater/oceanic) fish species, including UK registered fishing vessels wherever they land and non-UK vessels if landing into the UK, as recorded in last five years of published statistics. Data is redacted if less than five vessels operate within an ICES statistical rectangle (values = -1).

Data derived from salenotes provided by fish buyers and sellers to the UK fishing authorities as required under EU legislation on the Register of Buyers and Sellers.

Users are recommended to zoom in to see the detail of the graph axes.  For each layer, the colour of the ICES rectangle represents the data for the most recent year. Rectangles cross-hatched indicate that fishing takes but the data are disclosive (cannot be displayed for reasons of commercial confidentiality).

Fishing effort (days) - demersal active gear by rectangle - 2018-2022

Marine Scotland Information NMPi icon

Effort (days) derived from UK-registered commercial fishing activity in Scottish seas using active demersal gears (bottom trawls, bottom seines, and dredges), as recorded in last five years of published statistics. Data is redacted if less than five vessels operate within an ICES statistical rectangle (values = -1). The data has been split by gear rather than by species. This protects commercial confidentiality and provides a more informative dataset.

Data derived from logbook data provided to the UK fishing authorities as required under EU or national legislation.

Users are recommended to zoom in to see the detail of the graph axes.  For each layer, the colour of the ICES rectangle represents the data for the most recent year. Rectangles cross-hatched indicate that fishing takes but the data are disclosive (cannot be displayed for reasons of commercial confidentiality).


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