Best practice guidelines for conservation translocations in Scotland

TitleBest practice guidelines for conservation translocations in Scotland
Publication TypeReport
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsNational Species Reintroduction Forum
Document NumberVersion 1.1
InstitutionScottish Natural Heritage
ISBN Number978-1-78391-201-8

Conservation translocations involve the deliberate movement and release of plants, animals or fungi into the wild for conservation purposes. Conservation translocations, such as reintroductions, can provide a conservation benefit by increasing the number of individuals or places in which a species occurs. They can also offset biodiversity declines caused by habitat loss, climate change, or other human impacts on the environment. Many conservation translocations are low-risk. However, some have the potential for negative impacts on the environment and other land-uses. The Scottish Code for Conservation Translocations and Best Practice Guidelines for Conservation Translocations in Scotland give guidance on when conservation translocations may be appropriate and the types of situation in which they may cause problems to wildlife, people, and the environment.