Final Report to OSPAR of the Joint OSPAR/ICES Ocean Acidification Study Group (SGOA)

TitleFinal Report to OSPAR of the Joint OSPAR/ICES Ocean Acidification Study Group (SGOA)
Publication TypeReport
Year of Publication2014
Document NumberICES CM 2014/ACOM:67
Pagination1 - 139 (141)
InstitutionInternational Council for the Exploration of the Sea
Report NumberICES CM 2014/ACOM:67

The Joint OSPAR/ICES Study Group on Ocean Acidification (SGOA) was formed to address the eight specific Terms of Reference provided by OSPAR and adopted as a resolution by the ICES 2012 Annual Science Conference and Statutory Meeting. SGOA met three times at ICES Headquarters between 2012 and 2014 and was chaired by Evin McGovern (Ireland) and Mark Benfield (USA). In total 33 scientists representing 12 countries participated in at least one meeting and a number of other experts contributed intersessionally on specific topics. This consolidated report addresses these Terms of Reference, A–H.