Mapping <i>Serpula vermicularis</i> (Polychaeta: Serpulidae) aggregations in Loch Teacuis, western Scotland, a new record

TitleMapping Serpula vermicularis (Polychaeta: Serpulidae) aggregations in Loch Teacuis, western Scotland, a new record
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2009
AuthorsDodd, J, Baxter, L, Hughes, DJ
JournalMarine Biology ResearchMarine Biology Research
Pagination200 - 205
Date Published2009/03/01
ISBN Number1745-1000

Abstract Aggregations of the tube worm Serpula vermicularis were discovered in July 2006 in the upper basin of Loch Teacuis, Morvern, Western Scotland. Serpula vermicularis aggregations have been previously described only from five other locations in Europe. Occurrence of the habitat in Loch Teacuis was mapped by scuba diving. Small aggregations of mean (±SD) height 26±9 cm (n=59) and mean diameter 19±10 cm (n=59) were found growing on rocks and amongst kelp holdfasts around the margins of the loch at a depth of 1?5 m. A brief sublittoral survey of Loch Teacuis carried out in 1996 did not find any S. vermicularis aggregations despite the fact that one of the transects dived was very close to where aggregations were found during this study. It is possible that the transect passed through an area where no serpulid aggregations were present, but more likely that the serpulid aggregations in Loch Teacuis have only been developing since 1996.

Short TitleMarine Biology Research