Marine Biology: An Ecological Approach

TitleMarine Biology: An Ecological Approach
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication2001
AuthorsNybakken, JW
Number of Volumes1
Number of Pages516 pp
PublisherBenjamin Cummings
CitySan Francisco
ISBN Number0321030761 9780321030764

Emphasizes the ecological principles that govern marine life throughout all environments within the world's oceans. Its unique ecological approach adds real-world relevance by exploring how organisms interact within their individual ecosystems. The book is organized by habitat and each habitat receives detailed, in-depth coverage, giving readers the flexibility to focus on their particular areas margin-left: interest. The Fifth Edition is fully updated with the latest research data and topics, including expanded coverage margin-left: the human impact on oceans, oceanic dead zones, and coral reefs. For marine biologists and marine ecologists.