Scottish Government (Marine Scotland)

Marine Scotland Logo
Title Type
Nephrops static 2009-2013 amalgamated VMS intensity layer NMPiLayer
Aquaculture - Disease Management Areas - February 2019 NMPiLayer
Inshore Fishing - ScotMap - Scallop Towed Dredges - Monetary Value (£) NMPiLayer
Pelagic - Herring 2009-2013 amalgamated VMS intensity layer NMPiLayer
Scottish Assessment areas - Scottish Sea Areas (clean and safe seas monitoring) NMPiLayer
Limits and Boundaries - Shipping Forecast Areas NMPiLayer
Sea features and fishing ground names NMPiLayer
NMP Map 3 (2015) - Marine Cultural Heritage Statutory Designations - Historic Marine Protected Areas, Protected places Vessels designated by name and as controlled sites, Listed Buildings and Scheduled Monuments NMPiLayer
NMP Map 1 (2015) - Nautical Limits Around Scotland - 6 Nautical Miles, 12 Nautical Miles, Scottish Adjacent Waters Boundary, Exclusive Economic Zone limits, Continental Shelf Limits NMPiLayer
NMP Map 2 (2015) - Proposed Boundaries for Scottish Marine Regions NMPiLayer
NMP Map 7 (2015) - Salmon and Sea Trout Fisheries - Net and Coble fisheries and Fixed Engine fisheries reporting catches in 2013 (hidden when zoomed in past 1:800,000) NMPiLayer
NMP Map 4 (2015) - Marine SPAs, SACs and MPAs within Scottish Waters NMPiLayer
NMP Map 6 (2015) - Guidance on the location of marine fish farms NMPiLayer
NMP Map 13 (2015) - Military Practice Areas around Scotland NMPiLayer
Countries of Europe (Mask Layer) NMPiLayer
NMP Map 8 (2015) - Hydrocarbon Pipelines NMPiLayer
NMP Map 7 (2015) - Salmon and Sea Trout Fisheries - Fishery Statistical Regions (hidden when zoomed in past 1:400,000) NMPiLayer
NMP Map 9 (2015) - Plan Options for Offshore Wind and Marine Renewable Energy - Parliamentary Version NMPiLayer
NMP Map 6 (2015) - Guidance on the location of marine fish farms - Parliamentary Version NMPiLayer
NMP Map 9 (2015) - Plan Options for Offshore Wind and Marine Renewable Energy and Planned developments in Scotland NMPiLayer
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