Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH)

Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) logo
Title Type
National Nature Reserves (NNR) (SNH WMS) NMPiLayer
Scotland Change 1970 Modern (view at 1:433,434 or better zoom) (SNH WMS) NMPiLayer
Future Look 2050 Public (view at 1:433,434 or better zoom) (SNH WMS) NMPiLayer
Scotland MHWS 1970 (view at 1:433,434 or better zoom) (SNH WMS) NMPiLayer
Future Look 2100 Public (view at 1:433,434 or better zoom) (SNH WMS) NMPiLayer
Scotland MHWS Modern (view at 1:433,434 or better zoom) (SNH WMS) NMPiLayer
MarClim - SNH CR939 - Montagu's stellate barnacle, Chthamalus montagui (2014-2015) NMPiLayer
MarClim - SNH CR939 - Montagu's stellate barnacle, Chthamalus montagui (2002-2010) NMPiLayer
MarClim - SNH CR939 - Purple topshell, Gibbula umbilicalis (2014-2015) NMPiLayer
MarClim - SNH CR939 - Poli's stellate barnacle, Chthamalus stellatus (2002-2010) NMPiLayer
MarClim - SNH CR939 - Purple topshell, Gibbula umbilicalis (2002-2010) NMPiLayer
Seals - SMRU coordinated summer counts of Grey seals (Halichoerus grypus) in period 2011 to 2015 (SNH WMS) NMPiLayer
Seals - SMRU coordinated summer counts of Common/Harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) in period 2011 to 2015 (SNH WMS) NMPiLayer
SNH Commissioned Report 869: Surveys of harbour and grey seals on the west coast of Scotland (Ullapool to Scarba), in the Moray Firth and in the Firth of Tay, in August 2014 Data Source
SNH Commissioned Report 929: Surveys of harbour and grey seals on the south-east (border to Aberlady Bay) and south-west (Sound of Jura to Solway Firth) coasts of Scotland, in Shetland, in the Moray Firth and in the Firth of Tay in August 2015 Data Source
Sound of Gigha - Slavonian grebe - Distribution (SNH WMS) NMPiLayer
Northern seafan and sponge communities - Other northern sea fan and sponge communities (Priority Marine Feature) (SNH WMS) NMPiLayer
Native Oysters - Ostrea edulis beds on shallow sublittoral muddy mixed sediment (Priority Marine Feature) (SNH WMS) NMPiLayer
Native Oysters (Ostrea edulis) (Priority Marine Feature) (SNH WMS) NMPiLayer
PMF Consultation - Areas for management consideration & knowledge gaps NMPiLayer
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