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Reports from Marine Scotland or other organisations. Commonly Reports are commonly available as Word Documents or PDF files.

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A Review of the Dogger Bank Teesside A & B Offshore Wind Farm's Environmental Statement 2018-11-15
An Analysis of the Value of Wild Fisheries in Scotland Estimating the Contributions of wild Freshwater Fisheries to Scotland's Economy - March 2017 2018-11-15
Analysis of Bird and Marine Mammal Data for Billia Croo Wave Test Site, Orkney 2018-11-15
Analysis of bird and marine mammal data for Fall of Warness Tidal Test Site, Orkney 2018-11-15
Aquaculture Infrastructure Map 2019-03-20
Basic Fishing Methods – A comprehensive guide to commercial fishing methods (SeaFish 2015) 2017-07-20
Charting Progress 2018-11-29
Charting Progress 2 2018-11-29
Commissioned Report No. 773. A Diving Bird Collision Risk Assessment Framework For Tidal Turbines 2017-12-15
Creel Fishing Effort Study 2018-11-15
Draft Offshore Wind Regional Locational Guidance 2019-03-20
Draft Tidal Regional Locational Guidance 2019-03-20
Draft Wave Regional Locational Guidance 2019-03-20
ECOMMAS Topic Sheet 2018-11-15
Establishment of Marine Environmental High Risk Areas (MEHRAs) Protection of United Kingdom Waters from Pollution from Ships (2006) 2018-12-04
European Marine Energy Centre Billia Croo Wildlife Observation Data 2019-03-20
European Marine Energy Centre Fall of Warness Wildlife Observation Data 2019-03-20
European Marine Energy Centre Scale Site Wildlife Observation Programme Data 2019-03-20
Fisheries Sensitivity Maps in British Waters - Coull et al., 1998 2016-02-09
Global Marine Ecological Status Reports (no.11) 2018-10-10
High resolution mapping and new discoveries at Rockall - the OFFCON Project 2018-11-15
ICES Phytoplankton and Microbial Plankton Status Report 2009/2010 2016-03-30
ICES Report on Ocean Climate 2014 2016-04-01
ICES Zooplankton Status Report 2010/2011 2016-03-30
Identifying locations considered to be least damaged/more natural in Scotland’s seas 2018-11-15