A Multi-National Project Management Framework Audit of a European Union Marine Spatial Planning Project



Scottish Marine and Freshwater Science Vol 9 No 2
Marine spatial planning (MSP) is an emerging field of management aimed at promoting the sustainable use of the marine environment. In order to further the progression of MSP, a European Union funded Project is exploring the opportunities for multi-use across Europe’s sea basins. Given the complex multi-national partner approach, and the relatively immature status of MSP, the utilization of an effective project management regime is vital in order to achieve the vision set out by The Project. This paper details the development of a Multi-National Project Management Framework Audit (MPMFA) matrix informed by the Project Management Body of Knowledge. The MPMFA is applied to The Project’s ongoing project management practices in order to identify knowledge and process gaps and recommend a suite of tools and techniques. The results demonstrate that The Project has underdeveloped cost, schedule, and change management plans in relation to project execution and monitoring phases.
This is new version of a previous published report - changes are as follows -

  • Table 4 was a duplicate of Table 3, this has been updated to show the correct information for Table 4

  • Figure and table headings have been revised to accurately account for the correct material

  • Table 11 was not originally numbered - correct numeration has been added

Created on 13/07/2018
Last updated on 20/03/2019
Page last modified: 
Wednesday, March 20, 2019 - 14:16