Physical variables from the Scottish Shelf Model 2038-2062 future climatology – 4 monthly averages on a shelf wide regular grid



Seasonal mean physical variables from the FVCOM Scottish Shelf Model (SSM) interpolated to 1.5 x 1.5 km and 7 x 7 km regular grids. The data are averaged over 3x four month periods (MAMJ, JASO, NDJF), and are provided from model runs with and without large scale tidal energy extraction (10x tidal stream arrays, EcoWatt2050) included.

Variables: sea bottom temperature (BT), potential energy anomaly (PEA), and largest 95 percentile of instantaneous depth-averaged current speed (p95).

These data are from a 1 year climatological model run of the SSM (version 2.02) representing 2038-2062.

Naming convention:
MAMJ: March, April, May, June
JASO: July, August, September, October
NDJF: November, December, January, February

These data were developed under the EcoWatt2050 EPSRC projects (grant numbers EP/J010170/1 & EP/K012851/1 respectively) using the Scottish Shelf Model ( For more information about EcoWatt2050 please see

Created on 28/06/2019
Last updated on 28/06/2019
currents, physical oceanography, Scottish shelf model, Water column temperature and salinity

Page last modified: 
Friday, June 28, 2019 - 16:42