Loch Ryan - Fish and shellfish - November 2013


The purpose of this dataset is to provide mapping of the distribution of migratory salmon & sea trout (specific streams where these species are found) and oyster spat (the area oyster larvae settle and grow into adults) in Loch Ryan. Hand drawn maps were provided by the Solway Firth Partnership and then digitised by Marine Scotland using GIS. The datasets have been created in vector polygons and are available in shapefile format.

Licensing and Use

Data Provider: 

Download and Web service information

Base WMS Address:
Layer name:
Marine Scotland Information NMPi icon

This map layer has been supplied directly by Marine Scotland National Marine Plan interactive. You can obtain additional information about the layer on this page

Date of data: 
Monday, November 11, 2013
Date uploaded or last updated: 
Thursday, August 7, 2014

This map layer has been supplied directly by Marine Scotland National Marine Plan interactive. You can obtain additional information about the layer on this page

Web Service Information: 
Base WMS Address: http://msmap1.atkinsgeospatial.com/geoserver/ows/nmp?
Layer name:nmp:LochRyanFish