Seaweed Consultation (2016) - Proposed Future Resource Harvesting Locations (zoom restricted)


This layer was created to support Marine Scotland's Wild Harvesting of Seaweed and Seagrass SEA Environmental Report. The layer includes spatial information on potential future areas where seaweed and seagrass could be harvested.

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Base WMS Address:
Layer name:
Marine Scotland Information NMPi icon

This map layer has been supplied directly by Marine Scotland National Marine Plan interactive. You can obtain additional information about the layer on this page

Date of data: 
Tuesday, November 22, 2016
Date uploaded or last updated: 
Tuesday, November 22, 2016

This map layer has been supplied directly by Marine Scotland National Marine Plan interactive. You can obtain additional information about the layer on this page

Web Service Information: 
Base WMS Address:
Layer name:nmp:seaweed_proposed_future_resource_harvesting_locations