GeMS - Scottish Priority Marine Features (PMF)

TitleGeMS - Scottish Priority Marine Features (PMF)
Publication TypeReport
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsScottish Natural Heritage
InstitutionScottish Natural Heritage

NatureScot and Joint Nature Conservation Committee have collated data from various sources (referenced by the individual records COPYRIGHT field) contributing to the Geodatabase of Marine features adjacent to Scotland (GeMS). This collation of species and habitat records provides information on the known recorded distribution of Scottish Priority Marine Features (PMFs) and is used as the core evidence base to support the Scottish Marine Protected Area (MPA) network designation process.

This dataset is a redacted version of the latest GEMS V9 ( i25), providing all non-sensitive information on PMF distribution and MPA search features. Records included are consented for re-use under terms associated with either an Open Government Licence ( or various Creative Commons licences (; see CONSENT field for details relating to individual records. Details of copyright ownership to assist relevant acknowledgement are in the COPYRIGHT field.