Atlantic Salmon

Ranking of impassable man-made barriers to fish migration from Buddendorf et al 2019, STOTEN
Assessing the status of Scottish Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) stocks using reported catch data: a modelling approach to account for catch and release in the rod and line fishery
Behavioural Responses of Atlantic Salmon to Mains Frequency Magnetic Fields
Collation of Available Datasets on Smolt Populations in Scotland to Assess Migration Run Times
Genetic assignment of marine-caught adult salmon at Armadale to region of origin
Identfying a Panel of Single Nucleotide Genetic Markers for River Level Assignments of Salmon in Scotland
Measurement of Hearing in the Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) using Auditory Evoked Potentials, and effects of Pile Driving Playback on salmon Behaviour and Physiology
Prioritisation of monitoring and research for diadromous fish in the context of Marine/Offshore Renewables
Ranching to the rod: an evaluation of adult returns from hatchery-reared Atlantic salmon smolts released in Scottish rivers
Review of migratory routes and behaviour of Atlantic salmon, sea trout and European eel in Scotland’s coastal environment: implications for the development of marine renewables
Spatio-temporal variability in Scottish smolt emigration times and sizes
Spring salmon on the River South Esk, Scotland
Technical, Logistical, and Economic Considerations for the Development and Implementation of a Scottish Salmon Counter Network
The demography of a phenotypically mixed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) population as discerned for an eastern Scottish river
Using genetic approaches to estimate population sizes of salmon in Scotland
Using historic tag data to infer the geographic range of salmon river stocks likely to be taken by a coastal fishery