environmental impact

A Stochastic Collision Risk Model for Seabirds in Flight
Determination, and environmental assessment of hydrocarbons in water samples following a release of oil from the Clair platform
European Marine Energy Centre Billia Croo Wildlife Observation Data
European Marine Energy Centre Fall of Warness Wildlife Observation Data
European Marine Energy Centre Scale Site Wildlife Observation Programme Data
Grey Seal Diet Composition and Prey Consumption
Impact of Trawling on the Benthos Around Oil and Gas Pipelines
Investigations into the interactions between harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) and vessels in the inner Moray Firth
Measurement of Contaminants and their Effects in Environmental Samples - Proposal for the Revision of the Sampling Programme
Modelling of Noise Effects of Operational Offshore Wind Turbines including noise transmission through various foundation types
Modelling the Effects of Marine Energy Extraction on Non-Cohesive Sediment Transport and Morphological Change in the Pentland Firth and Orkney Waters
Risk Assessment of Permanent Auditory Injury in Marine Mammals: Differences Arising from the Application of the Southall and NOAA Criteria
Scoping Study For Offshore Wave Energy Development In Scottish Waters
Scoping study for tidal stream energy development in Scottish waters
Scottish Government Demonstration Strategy: Trialling Methods for Tracking the Fine Scale Underwater Movements of Marine Mammals in Areas of Marine Renewable Energy Development
Short-Term Behavioural Responses of Wintering Waterbirds to Marine Activity: Quantifying the Sensitivity of Waterbird Species during the Non-Breeding Season to Marine Activities in Orkney and the Western Isles
Strategic assessment of collision risk of Scottish offshore wind farms to migrating birds
Strategic Surveys of Seabirds off the West Coast of Lewis to Determine Use of Seaspace in Areas of Potential Marine Renewable Energy Developments
Taint, Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon (PAHs) and N-Alkane Analysis of Farmed Mussels and Salmon Samples Following the Transocean Winner Rig Incident
The Avoidance Rates of Collision Between Birds and Offshore Turbines
Updating Fisheries Sensitivity Maps in British Waters