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Merchant, N.D. et al., 2012. Averaging underwater noise levels for environmental assessment of shipping. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 132(4), pp.EL343 - EL349. Available at:
Maldonado, M., Ribes, M. & van Duyl, F.C., 2012. Chapter three - Nutrient Fluxes Through Sponges: Biology, Budgets, and Ecological Implications. In M. A. Becerro et al., eds. Advances in Marine Biology. Advances in Sponge Science: Physiology, Chemical and Microbial Diversity, Biotechnology. Advances in Marine Biology. Advances in Sponge Science: Physiology, Chemical and Microbial Diversity, Biotechnology. Academic Press, pp. 113 - 182. Available at:
ICES, 2012. Manual for the International Bottom Trawl Surveys, Copenhagen: International Council for the Exploration of the Sea. Available at:
Krumhansl, K. & Scheibling, R., 2012. Production and fate of kelp detritus. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 467.