WFD Area Advisory Groups (SEPA WMS)


Eleven multi-stakeholder area advisory groups were created across Scotland to contribute to the development and delivery of the first river basin plans.This is a Web Map Service (WMS) layer which shows Water Framework Directive (WFD) Sub Basin Districts for Scotland.

Licensing and Use

Download and Web service information

Base WMS Address:
Layer name:
Marine Scotland Information NMPi icon

This map layer is a Web Map Service provided by a third party. Data is automatically updated and made available by the data owners, but can be viewed in the NMPi portal. For detailed information about layers supplied by third parties, we recommend contacting the data owner directly


This map layer is a Web Map Service provided by a third party. Data is automatically updated and made available by the data owners, but can be viewed in the NMPi portal. For detailed information about layers supplied by third parties, we recommend contacting the data owner directly

Web Service Information: 
Base WMS Address:
Layer name:0