Designated haul-out sites for Grey and Common/Harbour Seals (Protection of Seals Orders) - May 2017 (OSCP)


Seal haul-out sites are designated under section 117 of Marine (Scotland) Act 2010. Seal haul-outs are locations on land where seals come ashore to rest, moult or breed and Marine Scotland has been working closely with the Sea Mammal Research Unit (SMRU) (on behalf of NERC) to identify suitable sites. Harassing a seal (intentionally or recklessly) at a haul-out site is an offence. “Haul-out site” means any place which the Scottish Ministers, after consulting the Natural Environment Research Council, by order designate as such for the purposes of this section.

This layer shows the 194 seal haul-out sites in Scotland.

The 194 seal haul-out sites and grey seal breeding colonies were selected using a methodology developed by the NERC Sea Mammal Research Unit, University of St Andrews (description of methodology can be found at


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This map layer has been supplied directly by Marine Scotland National Marine Plan interactive. You can obtain additional information about the layer on this page

Date of data: 
Thursday, March 9, 2017
Date uploaded or last updated: 
Thursday, March 9, 2017

This map layer has been supplied directly by Marine Scotland National Marine Plan interactive. You can obtain additional information about the layer on this page

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Layer name:nmp:SealHaulOuts