This layer shows the limits of the Welsh Zone as defined in The Welsh Zone (Boundaries and Transfer of Functions) Order 2010.
This is a modified version from the UKHO Law of the Sea department data, available via The data is derived from UK 12nm limit, combined with:
- The Scottish Adjacent Waters Boundary Order 1999 (
- The Adjacent Waters Boundaries (Northern Ireland) Order 2002(
- The Territorial Sea Act 1987 (Isle of Man) Order 1991 (
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This map layer has been supplied directly by Marine Scotland National Marine Plan interactive. You can obtain additional information about the layer on this page
Date of data: Tuesday, October 14, 2014 |
Date uploaded or last updated: Tuesday, October 14, 2014 |
This map layer has been supplied directly by Marine Scotland National Marine Plan interactive. You can obtain additional information about the layer on this page
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Layer name:nmp:Wales_Limits
Layer name:nmp:Wales_Limits