Oil and Gas - Coal Mining Licence Areas (Coal Authority WMS)


It is the statutory responsibility of The Coal Authority to licence and monitor the extraction of coal by private operators. These Licence areas relate to any granted licence for the working of coal since the creation of The Coal Authority in October 1994. This layer shows licenced areas of underground and open cast coal sites and underground coal gasification (UGC). UGC is an industrial process, which converts coal into product gas.

Licensing and Use

Data Provider: 

Download and Web service information

Base WMS Address:
Layer name:
Marine Scotland Information NMPi icon

This map layer is a Web Map Service provided by a third party. Data is automatically updated and made available by the data owners, but can be viewed in the NMPi portal. For detailed information about layers supplied by third parties, we recommend contacting the data owner directly

This map layer is a Web Map Service provided by a third party. Data is automatically updated and made available by the data owners, but can be viewed in the NMPi portal. For detailed information about layers supplied by third parties, we recommend contacting the data owner directly

Web Service Information: 
Base WMS Address: https://map.bgs.ac.uk/arcgis/services/CoalAuthority/coalauthority_inspire/MapServer/WMSServer?
Layer name:Licence.Areas