Monitoring reports

The table below lists all marine licence applications, projects and documentation submitted to Marine Scotland Information and associated with the Monitoring reports term.
MSLOT application type Date of application (if applicable) Licence commencement date (as granted) (if applicable)
Environmental Monitoring Survey Reports 2024 - Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Outer Moray Firth Renewables - Wind
Operation and Maintenance Survey Summary Report 2024 - Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Outer Moray Firth Renewables - Wind
Scour and Cable Monitoring Reports Renewables - Wind
MFRAG - Ornithology - Beatrice Offshore Windfarm - Post-construction Ornithological Monitoring Report (Year 2) Renewables - Wind
Environmental Monitoring Reports – Shetland Tidal Array (as extended) – Bluemull Sound, Shetland – 00009110 Renewables - Tidal
Marine Licence - Unexploded Ordnance Clearance Reports - Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Wind Area, Firth of Forth - 00009272/00009502 Use of explosive substance or article
Project Environmental Monitoring Plan (PEMP) – Shetland Tidal Array (as extended) – Bluemull Sound, Shetland – 00009110 Renewables - Tidal
MFRAG - Marine Mammals - Construction Marine Mammal Monitoring Programme Fieldwork Report 2021 - 01/12/2021 Renewables - Wind
MFRAG - Main Group - Beatrice Offshore Wind Farm - Year 1 Post-Construction Ornithological Monitoring Report - 2019 Renewables - Wind
Commercial Fisheries Monitoring Reports - Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Wind Farm (Revised Design) Renewables - Wind
MFRAG – Main Group – Beatrice Offshore Windfarm – Post-Construction Turbine Foundation Marine Ecology Survey Report (Year One) Renewables - Wind
MFRAG - Main Group - Beatrice Offshore Windfarm - Post-construction Cod Spawning Survey - Technical Report (05/07/2021) Renewables - Wind
MFRAG - Main Group - Beatrice Offshore Windfarm - Post-construction Sandeel Survey - Technical Report (05/07/2021) Renewables - Wind
MFRAG - Main Group - Beatrice Offshore Windfarm - Post-Construction Benthic Survey Methodology - 28/06/2021 Renewables - Wind
FTRAG - Annual Fieldwork Progress Report - June 2021 Renewables - Wind
UXO Underwater Noise Monitoring Report - Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Windfarm (Revised Design), Firth of Forth Renewables - Wind
UXO Clearance Post Detonation Report - Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Windfarm (Revised Design), Firth of Forth Renewables - Wind
MFRAG - Ornithology - Post-Construction Ornithological Monitoring Report 2019 - 28/04/2021 Renewables - Wind
FTRAG - Passive Acoustic Monitoring - Methodology Overview - April 2021 Renewables - Wind
MFRAG - Marine Mammals - Construction Marine Mammal Monitoring Programme Fieldwork Report 2020 - 19/04/2021 Renewables - Wind
MFRAG - Marine Mammals - Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Addendum to the Construction Marine Mammals Monitoring Programme
MFRAG - Marine Mammals - Beatrice Offshore Wind Farm & Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Protocol for mitigating the risk of instantaneous death or injury to marine mammals during piling at the Beatrice and Moray East Wind Farms - Meeting 15/12/2015
MFRAG - Marine Mammals - University of Aberdeen & RPS Energy - Protocol for mitigating the risk of instantaneous death or injury to marine mammals during piling at the Beatrice and Moray East Wind Farms - Meeting 15/12/2015
MFRAG - Marine Mammals - University of Aberdeen - Strategic Regional Pre-Construction Marine Mammal Monitoring Programme Interim Report 2015 - Meeting 15/12/2015
MFRAG - Marine Mammals - Beatrice Offshore Wind Farm and Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Construction Marine Mammal Monitoring Programme - Meeting 15/12/2015
FTRAG - Ornithology - Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Wind Farm - Pre‐Construction Ornithology Monitoring Proposal - Meeting 23/03/2016
MFRAG - Marine Mammals - University of Aberdeen - Strategic Regional Pre-Construction Marine Mammal Monitoring Programme Annual Report 2017 - Meeting 20/06/2017
MFRAG - Marine Mammals - University of Aberdeen - Strategic Regional Pre-Construction Marine Mammal Monitoring Programme Annual Report 2015 - Meeting 17/11/2016
MFRAG - Marine Mammals - Beatrice Offshore Windfarm - Addendum to the Construction Marine Mammals Monitoring Programme - Meeting 17/11/2016
MFRAG - Ornithology - Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Power Analysis for Pre-construction Aerial Surveys - Meeting 01/05/2018
MFRAG - Ornithology - Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Pre construction Power Analysis for Digital Aerial Surveys of Puffin - Meeting 21/02/2019
MFRAG - Ornithology - Beatrice Offshore Windfarm - Pre-construction Aerial Survey Report - Meeting 21/02/2018
MFRAG - Main Group - Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Telemetry Study of Post-Smolt Emigration Behaviour - Meeting 11/05/2015
MFRAG - Main Group - Beatrice Offshore Windfarm - Pre-construction Baseline Sandeel Survey - Meeting 11/05/2015
MFRAG - Main Group - Beatrice Offshore Windfarm - Pre-construction Benthic Sampling and Drop Down Video Survey - Meeting 11/05/2015
MFRAG - Main Group - Beatrice Offshore Windfarm - Pre-construction Baseline Sandeel Survey - Meeting 11/05/2015
MFRAG - Main Group - Beatrice Offshore Windfarm - Atlantic Salmon Salmo Salar smolt movements survey - Meeting 19/09/2017
MFRAG - Ornithology - Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Pre-construction Aerial Survey Report 2018 Renewables - Wind
Construction, Operation and Deposit of a Tidal Energy Device - 06818 - Environmental Monitoring Programme Renewables - Tidal
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