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Vaquer-Sunyer, R. & Duarte, C.M., 2008. Thresholds of hypoxia for marine biodiversity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 105, pp.15452–15457. Available at:
Waggitt, J. et al., 2019. Distribution maps of cetacean and seabird populations in the North‐East Atlantic. Journal of Applied Ecology, 57, pp.253 - 269.
Weijer, W. et al., 2020. CMIP6 models predict significant 21st century decline of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation. Geophysical Research LettersGeophysical Research LettersGeophys. Res. Lett., 47(12), p.e2019GL086075. Available at:
Weir, C.R. et al., 2001. Cetaceans of the Atlantic Frontier, north and west of Scotland. The Marine Environment of the North East Atlantic Margin, 21(8), pp.1047 - 1071. Available at:
Wijsman, J.W.M. et al., 2019. Global production of marine bivalves. Trends and challenges. In A. C. Smaal et al., eds. Goods and Services of Marine Bivalves. Goods and Services of Marine Bivalves. Cham: Springer International Publishing, pp. 7 - 26. Available at:
Wilhelm, T.'Aulani et al., 2014. Large marine protected areas – advantages and challenges of going big. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 24(S2), pp.24 - 30. Available at: