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Marine Litter Within the European Marine Strategy Framework Directive. In Marine Productivity: Perturbations and Resilience of Socio-ecosystems. Marine Productivity: Perturbations and Resilience of Socio-ecosystems. 02/2015. Springer International Publishing. Available at:
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, 2017. Methodology Used for the Detection and Identification of Microplastics — A Critical Appraisal. In Marine Anthropogenic Litter. Marine Anthropogenic Litter. Cham: Springer International Publishing, pp. 201 - 227. Available at:
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, 2018. Plastic ingestion by the northern fulmar (Fulmarus glacialis) in Iceland. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 64(6), pp.1252 - 1254. Available at:
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, 2017. The science, policy and practice of nature-based solutions: An interdisciplinary perspective. Science of The Total Environment, 579, pp.1215 - 1227. Available at:
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, 2001. A simple technical measure to reduce bycatch and discard of skates and sharks in mixed-species bottom-trawl fisheries. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 72(6), pp.1861 - 1868. Available at:
, 2015. Small plastic debris changes water movement and heat transfer through beach sediments. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 62(8), pp.1708 - 1713. Available at:
, 2011. Small-scale distribution of juvenile gadoids in shallow inshore waters; what role does maerl play?. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 61(3), pp.422-429. Available at:
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