Safety Zone Application – Culzean Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Pilot Project |
Renewables - Wind |
Lighting and Marking Plan – Inch Cape Offshore Windfarm (Revised Design) |
Decommissioning Programme - Inch Cape Offshore Windfarm (Revised Design) |
Renewables - Wind |
Environmental Management Plan – Inch Cape Offshore Windfarm (Revised Design) |
Renewables - Wind |
Protocol for Archaeological Discoveries – Inch Cape Offshore Windfarm (Revised Design) |
Renewables - Wind |
Cable Plan – Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Offshore Windfarms |
Renewables - Wind |
Emergency Response Co-operation Plan - Revised Plan |
Renewables - Tidal |
Moray East - Project Environmental Monitoring Programme (WF PEMP and OFTI PEMP) |
Renewables - Wind |
Moray West Primary Radar Mitigation Scheme |
Renewables - Wind |
Moray West Project Environmental Monitoring Programme |
Renewables - Wind |
Navigational Risk Assessment - Granton Harbour Redevelopment |
Construction, alteration or improvement of any works |
Construction Environmental Management Plan - Granton Harbour Redevelopment |
Construction, alteration or improvement of any works |
Moray West Export Cable Plan |
Renewables - Wind |
Offshore Transmission Asset Operations and Maintenance Programme - Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Wind Farms |
Renewables - Wind |
Offshore Wind Farm Operations and Maintenance Programme - Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Wind Farms |
Renewables - Wind |
Offshore Transmission Asset Cable Plan - Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Wind Farms |
Renewables - Wind |
Moray West Emergency Response Co-operation Plan |
Renewables - Wind |
Lighting and Marking Plan - Moray West Offshore Windfarm |
Renewables - Wind |
Operation and Maintenance Programme - Neart Na Gaoithe Offshore Wind Farm (Revised Design) |
Renewables - Wind |
Moray West Protocol for Archaeological Discoveries and Written Scheme of Investigation |
Renewables - Wind |
Moray West Environmental Monitoring Plan |
Renewables - Wind |
Moray East Offshore Wind Farm - Commercial Fisheries Mitigation Strategy |
Renewables - Wind |
Decommissioning Programme - Moray West Offshore Windfarm - 06763 |
Renewables - Wind |
Construction Environmental Management Document (CEMD) - Deep Water Port, Glumaig Bay, Stornoway |
Construction, alteration or improvement of any works |
Subsea Monitoring Report- Shetland Tidal Array (as extended) – Bluemull Sound, Shetland – 06642/00009110 |
Renewables - Tidal |
Hywind Scotland Pilot Park - Environmental Management Plan |
Renewables - Wind |
Moray East - Operation & Maintenance Programmes (OMP) |
Renewables - Wind |
Hywind Scotland Pilot Park - Revised Emergency Maintenance Plan |
Renewables - Wind |
Construction Plan and Construction Method Statement - Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Wind Farm (Revised Design) - 00008954 |
Renewables - Wind |
Design Statement (Revised Layout) – Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Wind Farms |
Renewables - Wind |
Kincardine Offshore Windfarm – Project Environmental Monitoring Plan (PEMP) |
Renewables - Wind |
Marine Non-Native Species Plan - HDVC Link Installation within and without 12 Nautical Miles - Shetland to Caithness - 07203/07357 |
Cable |
Marine Mammal Protection Plan - HDVC Link Installation within and without 12 Nautical Miles - Shetland to Caithness - 07203/07357 |
Cable |
Marine Emergency Spill Response Plan and SOPEP - HDVC Link Installation within and without 12 Nautical Miles - Shetland to Caithness - 07203/07357 |
Cable |
Marine Archaeological Finds Plan - HDVC Link Installation within and without 12 Nautical Miles - Shetland to Caithness - 07203/07357 |
Cable |
Inspection, Repair and Maintenance Plan - HDVC Link Installation within and without 12 Nautical Miles - Shetland to Caithness - 07203/07357 |
Cable |
Cable Burial and Protection Plan - HDVC Link Installation within and without 12 Nautical Miles - Shetland to Caithness - 07203/07357 |
Cable |
Communication Plan - HDVC Link Installation within and without 12 Nautical Miles - Shetland to Caithness - 07203/07357 |
Cable |
Construction Environmental Management Plan - HDVC Link Installation within and without 12 Nautical Miles - Shetland to Caithness - 07203/07357 |
Cable |
Construction Method Statement - HDVC Link Installation within and without 12 Nautical Miles - Shetland to Caithness - 07203/07357 |
Cable |
Fisheries Liaison Mitigation Action Plan - HDVC Link Installation within and without 12 Nautical Miles - Shetland to Caithness - 07203/07357 |
Cable |
Vessel Management Plan – Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Wind Farms |
Renewables - Wind |
Vessel Management Plan - MeyGen Tidal Energy Project - Inner Sound, Pentland Firth |
Renewables - Tidal |
Navigational Safety Plan - MeyGen Tidal Energy Project - Inner Sound, Pentland Firth |
Renewables - Tidal |
Offshore Transmission Asset Cable Plan - Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Wind Farms |
Renewables - Wind |
Fisheries Management and Mitigation Strategy - Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Wind Farms |
Renewables - Wind |
Operation and Maintenance Programme - MeyGen Tidal Energy Project - Inner Sound, Pentland Firth |
Renewables - Tidal |
Traffic and Transportation Plan - Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Wind Farms |
Renewables - Wind |
Offshore Wind Farm Development Specification and Layout Plan |
Renewables - Wind |
Offshore Transmission Asset Development Specification and Layout Plan - Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Wind Farms |
Renewables - Wind |
Navigational Safety Plan - Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Wind Farms |
Renewables - Wind |
Marine Archaeology Reporting Protocol - Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Wind Farm (Revised Design) |
Renewables - Wind |
Decommissioning Programme - Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Wind Farm (Revised Design) |
Renewables - Wind |
Environmental Management Plan - MeyGen Tidal Energy Project - Inner Sound, Pentland Firth |
Renewables - Tidal |
Vessel Management Plan - MeyGen Tidal Energy Project - Inner Sound, Pentland Firth |
Renewables - Tidal |
Construction Method Statement - MeyGen Tidal Energy Project - Inner Sound, Pentland Firth |
Renewables - Tidal |
Navigational Safety Plan - MeyGen Tidal Energy Project - Inner Sound, Pentland Firth |
Renewables - Tidal |
Project Environmental Monitoring Programme - Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Wind Farm (Revised Design) |
Renewables - Wind |
Lighting and Marking Plan - Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Wind Farms |
Renewables - Wind |
Lighting and Marking Plan - Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Wind Farms |
Renewables - Wind |
Construction Method Statement - Shetland Tidal Array (as extended) – Bluemull Sound, Shetland – 06642 |
Renewables - Tidal |
Emergency Response Co-operation Plan - Shetland Tidal Array (as extended) – Bluemull Sound, Shetland - 00009110 |
Renewables - Tidal |
Cable Plan - Shetland Tidal Array (as extended) – Bluemull Sound, Shetland – 06642 |
Renewables - Tidal |
Environmental Management and Emergency Response Plan - Replacement of Revetment - Aberdeen Harbour - 07022 |
Construction, alteration or improvement of any works |
Construction Phase Plan - Replacement of Revetment - Aberdeen Harbour - 07022 |
Construction, alteration or improvement of any works |
Development Specification and Layout Plan - Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Wind Farm (Revised Design) |
Renewables - Wind |
Design Statement (Previous Layout)- Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Wind Farms |
Renewables - Wind |
Project Environmental Monitoring Programme - Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Wind Farms |
Renewables - Wind |
Marine Archaeology Reporting Protocol and Written Scheme of Investigation - Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Wind Farms |
Renewables - Wind |
Environmental Management Plan and Marine Pollution Contingency Plan - Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Wind Farms |
Renewables - Wind |
Lighting and Marking Plan - Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Wind Farm (Revised Design) |
Renewables - Wind |
Television and Radio Reception Mitigation Plan - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm |
Renewables - Wind |
Project Environmental Monitoring Programme - MeyGen Tidal Energy Project - Inner Sound, Pentland Firth |
Renewables - Tidal |
Piling Strategy 2016 - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm |
Renewables - Wind |
Operation & Maintenance Programme - Construction and Operation of Generating Station and Transmission Works - European Offshore Wind Deployment Centre, Aberdeen Bay - 04309 |
Renewables - Wind |
Cable Plan - Deposits Tidal Array – Bluemull Sound, Shetland – 04859 |
Renewables - Tidal |
Aberdeen Harbour Expansion - Environmental Plan |
Construction of new works |
Aberdeen Harbour Expansion - Dredge Monitoring Plan for 2018 and 2019 Operations |
Construction of new works |
Primary Radar Mitigation Scheme - Moray East Offshore Windfarm |
Renewables - Wind |
MFRAG - Main Group - Beatrice Offshore Windfarm - Project Environmental Management Programme - Meeting 19/09/2017 |
EMEC - Marine Mammal Recording Protocol |
Renewables - Wave |
Billia Croo - Navigation Risk Assessment |
Renewables - Wave |
Levenmouth Demonstration Turbine - Emergency Response Cooperation Plan (ERCoP) |
Kincardine Offshore Floating Windfarm- Marine Mammal Observer Approval letter |
Renewables - Wind |
Moray East Offshore Windfarm – Piling Strategy (PS) - 2019 |
Renewables - Wind |
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Offshore Transmission Infrastructure Cable Plan |
Renewables - Wind |
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Cable Plan |
Renewables - Wind |
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Emergency Response Cooperation Plan (ERCoP) |
Renewables - Wind |
Traffic and Transportation Plan (TTP) - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm |
Renewables - Wind |
Nova Innovation Tidal Turbine Array - Cable Plan (CaP) |
Renewables - Wind |
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Addendum to the Marine Mammals Monitoring Plan |
Renewables - Wind |
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Design Statement |
Renewables - Wind |
AHEP - CEMD - South Breakwater and Shore Blasting Revision 4.1 |
Use of explosive substance or article |
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Environmental Management Plan (EMP) |
Renewables - Wind |
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Project Environmental Monitoring Programme (PEMP) |
Renewables - Wind |
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Marine Pollution Contingency Plan (MPCP) |
Renewables - Wind |
Construction Programme and Construction Method Statement (CoP & CMS) - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm |
Renewables - Wind |
Moray East Offshore Windfarm - Development Specification and Layout Plan (DSLP) |
Renewables - Wind |
AHEP - CEMD - Underwater Noise & Passive Acoustic Monitoring Procedure (PAM) Revision 7 |
Use of explosive substance or article |
AHEP - CEMD - Drilling & Blasting Methodology - Environmental Controls - Marine Mammals Revision 7 |
Use of explosive substance or article |
Beatrice Offshore Windfarm - Piling Strategy Implementation Report |
Renewables - Wind |
Beatrice Offshore Wind Farm - Operations and Maintenance Programme (Offshore Transmission Assets) |
Renewables - Wind |
Beatrice Offshore Wind Farm - Operations and Maintenance Programme (Wind Farm Assets) |
Renewables - Wind |
Beatrice Offshore Wind Farm - Development and Specification Layout Plan |
Renewables - Wind |
Beatrice Offshore Wind Farm - Marine Archaeology Plan (MAP) |
Renewables - Wind |
Aberdeen Harbour Expansion - Construction Environmental Management Document (CEMD) |
Construction of new works |