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Scotland's Marine Assessment 2020
Headlines and next steps
Managing the human activities that have an impact on Scotland’s seas
Climate change
Physical characteristics and ocean acidification
Clean and safe
Healthy and biologically diverse
Natural capital, ecosystem services and the Blue Economy
Pressures from activities
Regional assessments
Key outcomes from the peer review
Tourism & recreation
Activities undertaken in the marine and coastal environment such as kayaking, sailing and surfing.
Associated productive assessment:
Marine tourism
Historic environment and cultural heritage
Associated pressures:
Death or injury by collision above water
Death or injury by collision below water
Introduction of light or shading
Introduction or spread of non-indigenous species and translocations (competition)
Physical change (to another seabed type)
Reduction in availability or quality of prey
Sub-surface abrasion/penetration
Surface abrasion
Underwater noise
Visual disturbance (behaviour)